Sharetribe features

Everything a marketplace needs, from launching to scaling


User sign-up with email verification

Users sign up with email and determine their passwords. Each user needs to verify their email address. The platform automatically sends reminders to users who haven’t verified theirs.

User sign-up through Google and Facebook

Users can sign up with Google or Facebook and log back in at any time using the same social media account.

User types

With user types, you can differentiate between providers and customers. Create unique onboarding flows for different types of users and ask for specific information based on user type.

Custom user fields

Determine the information you want to collect from your users during signup with custom user fields. Add dropdown selections, multiple-choice checkboxes, and free text fields. Custom user fields are mandatory to fill and visible in user profiles.

Public profiles for users

Every user has a profile that includes information about them, ratings from other users to create trust, and more.

Storefronts for suppliers

Supplier profiles double as public storefronts that display their listings, reviews, and more.


List rentals, services, or products

Users can post rental, service, or product listings on the platform through a streamlined listing creation form.

Add listing images

Add listing images to show what’s on offer. Choose the image aspect ratio that best aligns with what your marketplace offers. There's no hard limit to how many images you can add per listing.

Listing categories

Help customers find what they're looking for with listing categories. You can create up to three levels of categories and add category-specific listing fields to build dynamic listing creation and search experiences.

Default listing fields

All listings have a title, description, price, location, delivery options, availability, and stock, depending on the transaction type. You can turn off location and delivery options to support different kinds of listings.

Custom listing fields

Determine the information you want to collect from your suppliers with custom listing fields. Add dropdown selections, checkboxes, number fields, and free text fields.

Availability and bookings

Availability management

Suppliers set and manage the availability of their listing on a weekly schedule.

Hourly, daily, or nightly bookings

Bookings can have availability by the day, night, or hour.

Availability exceptions

Suppliers can easily control their schedule by adding day and hour-specific availability exceptions.

Inventory management

Multiple and one-item inventory

Enable inventory for product listings. One-item stock is great for second-hand and unique items. Multiple-item inventory works for new products.

Inventory editing

Suppliers define how many items they have when creating a listing. The supplier can manually modify the inventory later.

Automatic stock reduction

Inventory reduces automatically when products are sold. When someone buys the last item, the listing closes until the supplier adds new inventory.

Infinite stock

Set stock to infinite to support selling digital goods and services. With infinite stock, providers never need to add or manage listing stock.

Shipping and delivery

Shipping and pickup as delivery options

Suppliers can choose shipping, pick-up or both as delivery options for their products.

Shipping fees

Suppliers can determine shipping feesfor their products. They can also determine an additional fee if someone buys more than one item to account for shipping costs.

Collect shipping fees during the purchase

The shipping fee is added to the listing price at checkout and itemized on their own line.

Search by keyword, location, and moving the map

Make your primary search function location-based or keyword-based. Our versatile search experience works for both local and global marketplaces.

View results on a map or a grid

Choose your search page layout from a map-and-listings view for location-based marketplaces and listings in a grid list for other marketplace types.

Filter by availability

Customers can filter listings by the date and time they’re looking to make a booking for.

Filter by category

Customers can filter by category and subcategory. You can also create category-specific filters that only appear when a customer chooses a specific category.

Filter by price, keyword, and custom filters

Customers can filter listings by price or keyword and use filters to update search results instantly.

Sort results by price, date, and keyword relevancy

Customer can order results based on filters like price and keyword relevancy.



Enable bookings by the day, night, or hour. The supplier determines their availability while creating a listing, and the customer books from a listing calendar.


Enable product selling with single or multiple-item inventory. Inventory updates automatically when products are sold. Listings close when inventory runs out.

Free messaging

Enable transactions without online payments for use cases like gifting, bartering, recruitment, and matching.

Multiple transaction flows in one marketplace

Allow multiple different transaction flows in your marketplace through different listing types. Configure up to 20 listing types without coding.

Online payments

Process online payments in 26 countries

Through Stripe, Sharetribe automatically supports payments in 26 countries.

Automated Know-Your-Customer process for suppliers

Collect all the necessary information from your suppliers to send them their earnings from transactions.

Automatic payments

Once a transaction is over, the payment is sent to the supplier automatically. You do not need to send money manually.

Collect a commission

Charge a commission from customers, providers, or both. Split payments between the supplier and your marketplace. Define a customer and supplier commission percentage in Console. Stripe automatically charges it on all transactions.

Delay payouts

Stripe securely holds a customer's payment until a transaction is over. The payment is sent to the supplier after a successful transaction has concluded.

Store credit card details

Customers can store credit card details for future purchases to streamline the buying process.

Messaging and email notifications

User messaging

Allow customers and suppliers to message each other to ask questions and agree on details.

User inbox

Each user has an inbox where they receive booking requests, notifications of accepted bookings, new messages from other users, and more.

Automatic email notifications

Sharetribe has an automated email notifications system for when things happen on your marketplace. No user will miss a new message or request.


Two-sided reviews

Build trust through two-sided reviews. Collect reviews from customers and suppliers automatically at the end of every paid transaction.

Five-star ratings

Collect one-to-five star ratings after each paid transaction. Star-ratings are an easy and fast way to evaluate different offerings. 

Text reviews

Collect a free text review after every paid transaction. Text reviews share more detail about the experience.

Double-blind review process

Reviews are published only after both parties have left them or the review period is over. Double-blind reviews prevent feedback extortion.

Display reviews in profiles and listings

The reviews a user has received appear on their listings and profiles. Build trust with visible testimonials.

Layout and branding

Two different search page layouts

Choose between two search page layouts. A map-and-listings search layout updates in real-time when you move the map or filter the results. A grid layout updates automatically when you filter results.

Two different listing page layouts

Choose between two listing page layouts. A cover photo layout features a large image of a listing at the top of the page. A carousel layout has an image carousel to feature a product from multiple angles.

Customize listing image thumbnails

Choose a listing thumbnail aspect ratio from square, portrait or landscape to fit your marketplace's offering.

Change marketplace colors

Choose your marketplace brand color and primary action button color. These define the colors of buttons, icons, and certain texts like listing thumbnail titles. 

Upload logo and brand images

Make your marketplace unique with your logo and other brand images: favicon, app icon, sign-up page image, and social media image.

Content management

Build a beautiful landing page

Communicate your value proposition with a beautiful landing page. Add custom sections with text, images, and video. Feature categories, providers, and locations.

Add any number of content pages

Create any number of content pages like an FAQ, a team page, or alternative landing pages. Duplicate existing content pages to create pages with a similar structure.

Create a simple blog

Create a simple blog for content marketing. Build your expert status and feature your suppliers in your blog.

Edit marketplace texts

Edit the user interface texts like buttons, error texts, and help texts to match your concept, language, and style. Translate your marketplace into another language.

Edit email notification content

Edit the automatic email notification content to fit your tone and style. Translate your email notifications into another language.

Edit the website footer

Add your slogan, copyright disclaimer, and social media links to your footer. Determine custom links to important pages on your marketplace.

Add links to the top bar

Modify your top bar with custom links. Add links directly to the top bar or to a collapsible dropdown menu. Change the target URL of your marketplace logo.

User fields

Customize listing data

Create custom user fields. Choose a free text or number field or a field with options where users can choose one or multiple items.

Listing categories, fields and filters

Add listing categories

Create main categories and up to two levels of subcategories. Add category-specific listing fields and enable them as filters on the search page.

Customize listing data

Create custom listing fields. Choose a free text field or a field with options where users can choose one or multiple items. Decide if listing fields are mandatory or optional to fill.

Add custom search filters

Create a smooth search and filtering experience for customers. Choose which fields can be used as filters and which filters are primary.

No-code integrations with Zapier

SMS notifications to users

Send your users a text message when something important happens in your marketplace.

Notify yourself about marketplace events

Send yourself a text message, an email, or other notification when something important happens in your marketplace.

Send data to marketing automation

Send data from your marketplace to your CRM or marketing tool. Use the data to personalize experiences.

Connect to thousands of other apps

Zapier helps you automate workflows. It’s a tool that you can use to connect your Sharetribe marketplace and 5000+ other apps and services. 

Third-party no-code integrations (not built by Sharetribe)

Analytics with Lemonado

Connect your marketplace data with Lemonado’s dashboard builder. Sync and analyze your marketplace data in minutes. Build custom dashboards and share them with suppliers.

Social media sharing with ShopSync

Automate sharing new listings on multiple social media channels to drive sales. 

Manage users

View and search users by name, email, and filters

View users in Console. Search by name, email, or ID. Filter by information like whether a user has posted listings, verified their email address, or are banned.

Edit user data

Edit user bios, names, emails, and custom user data in Console.

Ban or delete bad actors

Ban and delete users who engage in inappropriate behavior on your marketplace.

Contact users by email

Reach out to your users by email through Console.

Log in as a user

Log in and take action on behalf of your users. Troubleshoot issues, help users list and transact on the platform, or offer a white-glove experience.

Export user data as CSV

Export your user data at any time in a CSV file. Import the to other tools for further analysis.

Manage listings

View and filter listings

View listings in Console. Filter by whether listings are published, pending, closed, or drafts.

Approve listings before publishing

Preview and approve listings before they are published. Fix typos and contact providers to improve listings.

Edit listing data

Edit listing names, descriptions, and custom field information.

Close or remove listings

Manage your supply. Close listings so that only you and the supplier can see them, or delete listings entirely.

Export user data as CSV

Export your listing data at any time in a CSV file. Import data to other tools for further analysis.

Manage transactions

View and filter transactions

View transactions in Console. Filter by the last transition and see all transactions in that state, like accept, complete, review, and expire.

Issue payouts, cancellations, and refunds

Manually process payouts when the automatic flow is disrupted. Cancel bookings and purchases. Issue refunds in dispute cases. 

Read conversations between users

Monitor conversations and make sure your users respect your marketplace's terms and conditions. 

Export transaction data as CSV

Export your transaction data at any time in a CSV file. Upload the file to other tools for further analysis.

Manage reviews

Edit review content

Edit reviews after they’ve been published. Fix typos, remove identifying information, or edit them based on user requests.

Export review data as CSV

Export your review data at any time in a CSV file. Import data to other tools for further analysis.


Optimized page structure and URLs

The page structure is optimized for SEO, and you can determine the title tags of each page. URLs are optimized for SEO.

Edit meta tags

Edit the meta tags of your content pages for SEO. Add social media titles, descriptions, and images. 


Get an automatically generated sitemap of your marketplace from Console.

Integration with Google Search Console

Add a Google site verification tag and monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site's presence in Google Search results.

Marketing automation

Send data to marketing automation tools with Zapier

Connect your marketplace to a marketing tool with Zapier. Send data from your marketplace to your CRM.

Analytics and reporting

Integrations with Google Analytics and Plausible

Sharetribe has built-in integrations with the analytics tools Google Analytics and Plausible. Choose the one that fits your needs.

Export data as CSV

Export user, listing, transaction, and review data as CSV files and upload them to the analaytics tool of your choice for further analysis.

Custom dashboards with Lemonado (third-party integration)

Connect your marketplace data with Lemonado’s dashboard builder. Sync data between your dashboards and platform. Build dashboards, combine sets of data, compute new values, and more, all without coding. Share dashboards with suppliers.

Headless marketplace solution

Everything accessible via an API

With Sharetribe's headless approach, you control the user interface code, while Sharetribe gives you a flexible backend. You access all your data via an API.

Build a UI in web and mobile

Build a website, mobile app, or both and connect them to our powerful backend. With Sharetribe's headless solution, you can build a frontend application for any device.

Sharetribe Web Template

Use our open-source marketplace web template as a starting point to cut down development time and costs.

Third-party mobile app template

Speed up mobile app development with a mobile marketplace app template by Sharetribe Expert Journeyhorizon. This third-party template is compatible with both iOs and Android.

Customizable data schema

Store any data to your users, listings, and transactions

Store customizable data schema in any common data type like string, number, or Boolean. Every user, listing, and transaction has its own data store. 

Create hierarchical data structures

Add data in subfields – and subfields of subfields – in a JSON format to listings, users, and transactions.

Decide who sees data

Public data is displayed to everyone in listings and user profiles. Protected data is revealed during a transaction between a supplier and a customer. Private data is only displayed to the user whose data it is. Metadata is public information that only the marketplace operator can edit. 

Add search filters and sorting options for your custom data

Tailor the search experience to match your unique data structure. Let your search engine know if the data type is a list, a number, or something else. Decide which parts of your data are discoverable in keyword search. Create your own sorting algorithm. 

Transaction engine

Model any type of transaction process as a flowchart

Create a flowchart of your optimal transaction process with Sharetribe's transaction engine. Use a simple markup language to describe your transaction flow to Sharetribe’s software and Sharetribe gives you an API for your process. You only need to modify your user interface to match it.

Add actions: payments, bookings, reviews, notifications, data collection

Build your ideal transaction flow out of different actions. Decide when payments, reviews, notifications, and data collection (and more) happen and what are next steps.

Customizable pricing

Build versatile pricing with add-ons, discounts, and coupons. Create compex commission structures and seasonal or dynamic pricing. Add support for taxes.

Custom integrations

Integration API

Get full API access to your data and build unique workflows through custom integrations. Take automatic action in your marketplace when something happens elsewhere. Build your own admin tools. Run mass operations.


Automatically react to events in your marketplace. Take action on a different site when something happens. React to new data and process resource-intensive tasks without slowing down the user experience. 

Single Sign-On

Add any social login or third-party authentication method. Let users log in with a mobile number instead of email. Or use the credentials of any third-party app, even one you built yourself.

Setup and maintenance

Launch without installing anything

Set up your marketplace without worrying about servers, plugin configurations, or other infrastructure considerations.

Let us handle the heavy lifting

Even if you customize your marketplace with code, we maintain your database, search index, file storage, and other backend infrastructure.

Software maintenance the way it should be

Don't worry about server monitoring, backend software updates, or data backups. Our hosted cloud infrastructure covers all that for you.

Performance and scalability

Maximum performance

Sharetribe’s fast, optimized APIs make sure that your data is loaded quickly, and your users have a smooth and pleasant experience.

No hard limits

Even when your marketplace grows to millions of users, we’re here to make sure that your marketplace performs exceptionally, as it did in the beginning.

Security and compliance

Security best practices

We follow industry best practices to protect the security and privacy of your marketplace. We constantly work to improve the security of our product to keep your platform safe.


We ensure that your marketplace tech is always fully compliant with GDPR and other regulatory requirements.

Protection from DDoS attacks

We take action to prevent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. We've dealt with them before and prevailed.

Help with spam and fraud issues

Spam and fraud are frequent issues on online marketplace. We have a lot of experience dealing with them, and we'll help you out.

Start your 14-day free trial

Create a marketplace today!

  • Launch quickly, without coding
  • Extend infinitely
  • Scale to any size
Start free trial

No credit card required