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Set up Stripe for a custom developed marketplace

To enable payments and receive commissions in your marketplace, you need a free Stripe account. This guide will help you in adding Stripe API keys to Console and the Sharetribe Web Template.

Table of Contents

Setting up Stripe for your custom developed marketplace

First, follow these instructions to set up your Stripe account.

When setting up your marketplace for a custom developed app, you will need to add the Stripe secret key in your Console, and your publishable key in your custom app.

Get your Stripe keys

First, retrieve your Stripe API keys. Click "Developers" → "API Keys" in the top bar menu.

For your Test and Dev environments, you need to use Test keys, and for your Live environment, you need to use Live keys.

  • When the Test mode toggle is switched on, you are viewing your Test keys. The Test keys start with pk_test (publishable key) and sk_test (secret key).
  • When the Test mode toggle is switched off, you are viewing your Live keys. The Live keys start with pk_live (publishable key) and sk_live (secret key).

Test API keys in Stripe Dashboard

Add your secret key to your Console

Next, you need to add your secret key in your Console.

  • Log in to Console and go to Build > Integrations > Payments.
  • In the section "Stripe configuration", add your secret key to the "Stripe secret key" field and save your changes.

Add Stripe secret key

Add your publishable key to your application

In your client application, you need to use Stripe publishable key when you are making API calls to Stripe. If you are using the Sharetribe Web Template, the default calls to Stripe API are already there, but you need to add the Stripe publishable key to your .env file. You can do this by running yarn run config or editing the file directly in a text editor.

Read more about configurations in the Sharetribe Web Template in Template environment variables.

Adding new country to supported Stripe countries

By default, the template already supports most of the countries that are available when using Stripe custom accounts. If you are not sure if your country is already supported, please contact to Stripe support before proceeding.

  1. Add a new country to configStripe.js file (use other country configurations as an example). See Stripe documentation for minimum verification requirements and bank account format.

  2. Add new marketplace text keys to the marketplace text file you are using (e.g. translations/en.json). Add at least PayoutDetailsForm.countryNames.COUNTRYCODE and PayoutDetailsForm.companyTaxIdLabel.COUNTRYCODE keys but there might be also other keys needed.

  3. If you add new fields or you want to edit the existing ones, see forms/PayoutDetailsForm and the subcomponents in the folder. E.g. to enable personal ID number field you need to add the new country in forms/PayoutDetailsForm/PayoutDetailsPersonalDetails.js file where showing the ID number field is handled.

The Sharetribe Web Template does not support Brazil (BR), India (IN) and Hungary (HU), even though all three countries are mentioned as available Stripe countries in Stripe's documentation. If you want to support one of these three regions, you will need to do a fair amount of customization on top of the default Sharetribe setup.

  • The Sharetribe transaction engine uses manual payouts, which are not supported for Brazil and India.
  • India has restrictions on cross-border payments.
  • Stripe treats the Hungarian currency HUF as a zero-decimal currency for payouts. This means that even though the Sharetribe engine can create charges in two-decimal amounts (e.g. HUF 20.38), payouts can only be created in integer amounts evenly divisible by 100 (e.g. HUF 20.00). Additionally, if Stripe needs to do currency conversions from another currency to HUF, the resulting amount may have decimals which can cause the payout to fail.