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Enable PaymentIntents

Overview of how Stripe PaymentIntents work in Sharetribe Web Template, and how you can update legacy templates and custom apps to support Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

Table of Contents

This guide walks you through the process of taking PaymentIntents into use in your custom client application. These steps are already implemented in Sharetribe Web Template.

This article covers how PaymentIntents can be used with card payments. On general level, the steps are the same for other payment methods. See the concepts article on payment methods and payment intents for more information. Stripe's PaymentIntent is a new way to handle Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) by using frictionless 3D Secure 2 authentication.

Before starting to read this article, you probably want to get familiar with Strong Customer Authentication and how PaymentIntent flow works by reading related concepts articles.

1. Process change

Stripe's Payment Intents API is a new way to build dynamic payment flows. Its automatic confirmation flow helps a lot since all the authentication actions for a customer are included in a single call: stripe.confirmCardPayment. When called, Stripe's SDK checks if there's a need for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and creates a popup to card issuer's website.

However, to be able to call confirmCardPayment, there needs to be a new state to the transaction process. Because of this, we have split the previous transition (Initial - request -> Preauthorized) into two:

PaymentIntents flow needs a process change

So, after transitions (request-payment or request-payment-after-inquiry), API returns stripePaymentIntentClientSecret among the protected data of the current transaction. This client-secret is used for the call to stripe.confirmCardPayment. Then there is another transition made against Marketplace API, so that it can confirm the PaymentIntent and preauthorize the order. Transaction process continues normally after that - i.e. Provider has to accept or reject the order.

Concrete steps here are changing the transaction process, then updating bookingProcessAlias in config.js and making necessary changes to src/util/transaction.js file. Remember, when transaction process is changed, you need to go through all the files that import transitions or utility functions from util/transaction. In practice, we made changes to InboxPage, TransactionPage, TransactionPanel, ActivityFeed, BookingBreakdown, BookingDatesForm, and CheckoutPage. The list might be different if you have customized your components or process.

The default transaction process supports SCA, but if you have an older process version without PaymentIntents, you can see our new example processes here:


All the example processes support SCA. If you need help with the concrete steps to customize your process to support SCA, contact Sharetribe support from the support widget in Console and we'll guide you through the changes.

2. Add new thunk calls to stripe.duck.js

When using PaymentIntent flow, we don't need stripe.createToken anymore, but we need to add two new thunk calls: stripe.confirmCardPayment and stripe.retrievePaymentIntent.

stripe.confirmCardPayment is needed to provide SCA as mentioned earlier. However, since customers are making several AJAX calls on CheckoutPage, it is possible that there is a network error or something else happening between those calls. Even the whole page, might be reloaded at some point. We need to retrieve up-to-date PaymentIntent from Stripe API and check its status to be able to continue the payment process. This can be done with stripe.retrievePaymentIntent.

3. CheckoutPage: add new API calls and call them in sequence

The biggest change happens in CheckoutPage. When a user submits StripePaymentForm and handleSubmit is called from CheckoutPage, new data needs to be prepared (billing details: name, email, and billing address) and then 4 thunk-calls/Promises need to be made in sequence:

Step 1. onInitiateOrder

  • This tells Marketplace API to create booking and PaymentIntent
    • Booking is created, so availability management blocks dates for conflicting bookings
    • API returns stripePaymentIntentClientSecret inside transaction's protectedData
  • This combines both transitions:
    • sdk.transitions.initate aka request-payment
    • sdk.transitions.transition aka continue inquiry with request-payment-after-inquiry
  • Automatic expiration happens in 15 minutes, if process is not transitioned to 'transition/confirm-payment' before that.
  • Created transaction is saved to session storage or existing inquiry tx is updated. (There is more about this step later.)

Step 2. onConfirmCardPayment

  • This is a call stripe.confirmCardPayment
  • If the customer must perform additional steps to complete the payment, such as authentication, Stripe.js walks them through that process.

Step 3. onConfirmPayment

  • This tells Marketplace API that customer has completed the payment requirements. API will validate and mark the payment confirmed in Sharetribe.

Step 4. onSendMessage

  • If the customer has added an initial message to the provider, the app sends that message after the payment is confirmed.

Stripe.js: PaymentIntents authentication modal

4. CheckoutPage: save updated transaction

We use session storage to buffer checkout page against page reloads and errors - customer needs to be able to continue payment after accidental page refresh and network errors. This is a UX issue, but more importantly, it builds trust. Because of this need, we save booking dates and other data there. Previously inquiredTransaction was saved there too, but that concept is now expanded a bit: any transaction can now be saved to session storage under the key "transaction".

So, if there is an existing transaction in inquiry state and customer books the listing, TransactionPage sends that transaction to CheckoutPage. As a first step CheckoutPage saves received data to the session store. This is pretty much the same functionality as with previous card-token payment process - only the key is changed from inquiryTransaction to transaction. However, after transition request-payment (or request-payment-after-inquiry) the updated transaction is saved again. (the relevant new data in transaction is stripePaymentIntentClientSecret.)

In addition, the handling of order breakdown with speculatedTransaction needs to be changed, because saved transaction already contains booking in some cases and a new call to sdk.transactions.initiateSpeculative would just return a conflict error telling about an already existing booking.

5. StripePaymentForm: adding billing details and showing errors

Most of the visual changes happen in StripePaymentForm. Billing details are added to the form and most of the errors of different thunk calls are shown inside it.

The default mode for Sharetribe Web Template is to show billing address fields. Even though it is recommended by Stripe, you might want to remove those fields due to UX reasons. That can be made just by not adding StripePaymentAddress sub-component.

6. Test with live credit cards

Since 3D Secure authentication flow is different between different credit card issuers, you should test at least some credit cards how they work in a live environment.

This can be done by creating another live environment instance of your client app that uses

  • your live Client Id for Sharetribe and
  • live Stripe keys (both publishable and secret).

Then create a new Git branch that takes PaymentIntents flow into use and adds Basic Authentication configuration into environment variables. After that, you could deploy your payment-intent branch into your live environment. Then you can just book some existing listing and maybe reject it to get refund to your live card account.