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Change transaction process setup in FTW

This guide describes how to customize Flex Template for Web (FTW) to use another transaction process.

Table of Contents

The default transaction process in FTW-daily is a nightly booking process called flex-default-process/release-1 and FTW-daily is created to support states and transitions defined in that process.

How the transaction process works behind the Marketplace API depends on how your process is customised in our backend. To customise the transaction process in the backend, you should use Flex CLI. See the Getting started with Flex CLI tutorial to get familiar with the tool.

If you have changed the transaction process in your marketplace, you should check if your client app needs to be updated to match this different transaction process. You can read more about how these processes work from a background info article about the transaction process.

The following guide will help you to customise the process flow in FTW to match the process in our backend.

Note: By default, FTW-daily is using day-based availability. If you are using time-based availability in your marketplace, you can start with FTW-hourly, the template supporting time-based availability out of the box.

1. Change the transaction process alias

In src/config.js, there are two configurations that need an update: bookingProcessAlias and bookingUnitType.

bookingProcessAlias should point to the correct alias. You should check from Console which process and process version your client app should support. All available transaction process aliases can be found from Build section in Console.

bookingUnitType specifies what kind of bookable units the web app is dealing with. Currently, there are 3 possible values for the unit type: line-item/night, line-item/day, and line-item/units.

Note 1: If you change bookingUnitType from config.js, you should change it also for pricing of privileged transtions at client app's server: server/api-util/lineItems.js

Note 2: You should revise other configuration options too.

2. Check if the transaction.js file needs to be updated

In src/util/transaction.js file, there are lots of helper functions that are used to determine which state the transaction is. This file should be updated to match the new transaction process.

2.1. Update transitions and states

If the new transaction process has different transitions and states, you should add (or remove) those. Transition names need to map exactly with transitions used in Marketplace API, since transitions are part of queried transaction entities.

2.2. Update state graph to match the new transaction process

State graph description makes it easier to understand how the transaction process works - but even more importantly, it makes it easier to create utility functions which tell you if a transaction has reached a specific state. The description format follows Xstate, which is a Finite State Machine (FSM) library. However, the library is not used since transitions in the actual state machine are handled by Marketplace API.

const stateDescription = {
  // id is defined only to support Xstate format.
  // However if you have multiple transaction processes defined,
  // it is best to keep them in sync with transaction process aliases.
  id: 'flex-default-process/release-1',

   // This 'initial' state is a starting point for new transaction
  initial: STATE_INITIAL,

  // States
  states: {
      on: {
      on: {

      on: {

      on: {
    // etc.

When adding a new state, it needs to be added to the states property of stateDescription. Transitions from one state to another are defined in the on property of a state. So, you need to add outbound transitions there and inbound transitions to the on property of the previous state(s).

2.3. Update graph helper functions to match the new process

If you have different states in your state graph description, you might need to adjust the helper functions accordingly.

For example, if you have a state STATE_CANCELED_BY_CUSTOMER, you might need a new helper function to figure out if a transaction has reached that state.

export const txIsCanceledByCustomer = tx =>

Note: Only transitions are included to transaction entity since all the actions that happen during the process are tied to transitions not states. Read more about the transaction process.

3. Update all the components that import util/transaction.js

The biggest task is to ensure that all the views know how to handle this new transaction process. You should check all the components that import transaction.js file. The easiest way is to find in all the files for a string: from '../../util/transaction'. However, you should anyway pay attention to these components:

  • InboxPage
  • TransactionPanel
  • ActivityFeed
  • CheckoutPage

Those components are tied closely to the different states a transaction might be in. Remember to test the whole transaction process thoroughly.