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Last updated

Legacy templates

This article describes the Flex Templates for web that are deprecated on the release of the new Sharetribe Web Template.

Table of Contents
View the legacy documentation

Deprecated templates

The Sharetribe Web Template replaces three separate templates that were previously used for daily bookings (ftw-daily), product purchases (ftw-product), and hourly bookings (ftw-hourly). The new template combines the functionality of these three templates, allowing you to configure it for either product bookings or hourly and daily bookings by making simple changes to the configuration files.

If you are just beginning to develop a marketplace, we recommend that you start with the Sharetribe Web Template. If you have already built your marketplace on one of the legacy templates, you can still continue use it with Sharetribe APIs and our support will continue to help you with development related issues. In addition, you will be able to access the documentation for the legacy templates until 12/2024.

Read more about the new Sharetribe Web Template in the introduction article and refer to the legacy documentation here.

Migrate to the Sharetribe Web Template

If you have already built a fully functional marketplace on top of one of the deprecated templates, there is likely no need to migrate to the new template. All templates, including the deprecated ftw-daily, ftw-hourly and ftw-product and the new Sharetribe Web Template, are meant to act as starting points for development. We will never introduce breaking changes to our APIs, and all deprecated templates will remain functional. Therefore, you should only consider migrating to the new template if you have just started developing your marketplace or if your existing marketplace has little to no custom features.

To view the changes introduced in the new template, you can review the pull request for the update. This will give you a detailed look at the specific changes and updates that have been made.