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JavaScript curl
  • Integration API reference
  • Authentication
  • Rate limits
  • Marketplace
  • Users
  • Stripe Account
  • Listings
  • Availability exceptions
  • Images
  • Transactions
  • Bookings
  • Stock
  • Stock adjustments
  • Stock reservations
  • Reviews
  • Messages
  • Events
  • Integration API reference

    The Integration API allows trusted secure applications to access the entire marketplace data: all users, listings, transactions, messages, etc. Such trusted applications are for example applications that run in your own backend systems or applications meant to be executed by authorized marketplace operators.


    Example request:

    $ curl -X GET '' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

    Every call to the Integration API must be made with a valid access token included in the API request. The access token must be provided via Authorization HTTP header in each API request in the form of:

    Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

    API clients can obtain access tokens directly via the Authentication API or use the Sharetribe Integration SDK, which provides convenience methods of handling authentication and tokens. Using the SDK is recommended over direct API access.

    Sharetribe Integration SDK

    const flexIntegrationSdk = require('sharetribe-integration-sdk');
    const integrationSdk = flexIntegrationSdk.createInstance({
      clientId: '<Your Client ID here>',
      clientSecret: '<Your client secret here>'

    Sharetribe Integration SDK is available at the moment for JavaScript and provides the easiest way to authenticate and use the Integration API.

    Revoking the refresh token

    integrationSdk.revoke().then(res => {
      console.log("Refresh token revoked.")

    The Integration SDK is ready for use as soon as it is instantiated, as illustrated in the example on the right. It automatically maintains internally a refresh token, which serves as a session secret. In some cases, you may wish to explicitly revoke the refresh token. You can do so using the .revoke() method of the SDK.

    Rate limits

    The following table lists the Integration API request rate and concurrency limits.

    Note that some of the limits apply to specific marketplace environments.

    Marketplace environment(s) Endpoint(s) Limit Scope
    dev and test (*) All query endpoints (GET) (**) Rate limit at 1 request per second (60 requests per minute) on average Per client IP address
    dev and test (*) All command endpoints (POST) (**) Rate limit at 1 request per 2 seconds (30 requests per minute) on average Per client IP address
    All /listings/create Rate limit at 100 requests per minute on average, in addition to other applicable limits. Total in the marketplace environment
    All All (**) Concurrent requests limited to 10 Per client IP address

    (*) For marketplace environments created before 2023-01-31, these rate limits will come into effect on 2023-02-15 at 10:00:00 UTC.

    (**) The limit applies globally across all API endpoints, so that all requests in total across all endpoints are subject to the limit.

    The rate limiters use a token bucket algorithm and allow for a burst of requests. The rate limiters begin to enforce the stated average rate if the burst capacity is exhausted. The burst capacity accumulates back when the request rate remains below the limit.

    The concurrency limiter may allow higher number of concurrent requests at times. However, API clients should limit concurrent requests to 10 or fewer in order to avoid triggering the concurrency limiter.

    API requests that are rejected due to a request rate or concurrency limit receive a response with HTTP status code 429. Requests that are rejected due to the concurrency limit will have empty response body. Client implementations must use the HTTP status code to distinguish these responses.

    See this article for advice on how to handle these limits gracefully.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "16c6a4b8-88ee-429b-835a-6725206cd08c",
        "type": "marketplace",
        "attributes": {
          "name": "My Marketplace",
          "description": "My marketplace"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "16c6a4b8-88ee-429b-835a-6725206cd08c"},
        type: "marketplace",
        attributes: {
          name: "My Marketplace",
          description: "My marketplace"

    The marketplace API resource represents the public data about the marketplace.

    marketplace resource format

    Attribute Description
    name (string) The marketplace name.
    description (string) DEPRECATED: Not in use anymore. New marketplaces will always have null value. The marketplace description.

    Show marketplace

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/marketplace/show

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "16c6a4b8-88ee-429b-835a-6725206cd08c",
        "type": "marketplace",
        "attributes": {
          "name": "My Marketplace",
          "description": "My marketplace"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "16c6a4b8-88ee-429b-835a-6725206cd08c"},
        type: "marketplace",
        attributes: {
          name: "My Marketplace",
          description: "My marketplace"

    Get the marketplace details.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c",
        "type": "user",
        "attributes": {
          "banned": false,
          "deleted": false,
          "state": "active",
          "createdAt": "2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z",
          "email": "",
          "emailVerified": true,
          "pendingEmail": null,
          "stripeConnected": false,
          "identityProviders": [
              "idpId": "facebook",
              "userId": "11223344"
          "profile": {
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Dunphy",
            "displayName": "Joe D",
            "abbreviatedName": "JD",
            "bio": "Hello, I'm Joe.",
            "publicData": {
              "age": 27
            "protectedData": {
              "phoneNumber": "+1-202-555-0177"
            "privateData": {
              "newsletter": true
          "permissions": {
            "postListings": "permission/allow"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c"},
        type: "user",
        attributes: {
          banned: false,
          deleted: false,
          state: "active",
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z"),
          email: "",
          emailVerified: true,
          pendingEmail: null,
          stripeConnected: false,
          identityProviders: [
              idpId: "facebook",
              userId: "11223344"
          profile: {
            firstName: "Joe",
            lastName: "Dunphy",
            displayName: "Joe D",
            abbreviatedName: "JD",
            bio: "Hello, I'm Joe.",
            publicData: {
              age: 27
            protectedData: {
              phoneNumber: "+1-202-555-0177"
            privateData: {
              newsletter: true
          permissions: {
            postListings: "permission/allow"

    The user API resource represents public data about marketplace users.

    user resource format

    Attribute Description
    banned (boolean) DEPRECATED: Flag indicating whether the user is banned.
    deleted (boolean) Flag indicating whether the user is deleted. Deleted users have all other attributes set to null or false.
    state (string) User's state. See user states.
    createdAt (string, timestamp) The date and time the user signed up in ISO 8601 format.
    email (string, case insensitive) The user's email address. The email address acts as username.
    emailVerified (boolean) Flag indicating if the user's email address had been verified.
    pendingEmail (string, nullable) If present, the user is in the process of changing their email and have not yet verified the new (pending) address.
    stripeConnected (boolean) Flag indicating if the user has completed creating a Stripe account.
    identityProviders (array) Identity provider accounts the user is associated with. No sort order is guaranteed. See user identity provider.
    profile.firstName (string) User's first name.
    profile.lastName (string) User's last name.
    profile.displayName (string) User's chosen display name. Defaults to first name plus initial of last name.
    profile.abbreviatedName (string) Initials of user's first and last names. (string, nullable) User's bio.
    profile.publicData (object) User's public data. See Extended data for details.
    profile.protectedData (object) User's protected data. See Extended data for details.
    profile.privateData (object) User's private data. See Extended data for details.
    permissions (object) User's permissions. See permissionSet for details. This attribute reflects the user's provisional permissions, which may be modified by other factors such as global settings. The user's effective permissions can be fetched via the effectivePermissionSet relationship.

    user identity provider

    Describes an identity provider user account that is associated with given user.

    Attribute Description
    idpId (string) IdP ID of the identity provider.
    userId (string) User's account ID in the identity provider.

    user states

    A user resource type may be in one of the following states:

    State Description
    active The user is active. The user can perform any action that is not restricted because of permissions or by other mechanism.
    pendingApproval The user is pending operator approval. The user won't be able to publish listings or initiate transactions until they're approved by an operator.
    banned The user is banned from the marketplace. The user doesn't have authenticated access to any of the marketplace API endpoints.

    user permissionSet

    Object containing the permissions for the user. For each permission the possible values are "permission/allow" and "permission/deny".

    The permission set can have different values when fetched via the permissions attribute and the effectivePermissionSet relationship. The permissions attribute reflects the user's provisional permissions, which may be modified by other factors such as global settings. The user's final permissions, determined after considering all factors, can be obtained via the effectivePermissionSet relationship.

    Attribute Description
    postListings User's permission to post listings. If the permission is denied for the user, the endpoints POST /own_listings/create_draft, POST /own_listings/publish_draft, POST /own_listings/create and POST /own_listings/open of the Marketplace API respond with 403.

    user relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    marketplace marketplace one The marketplace of the user.
    profileImage image one (optional) User's profile image, if any.
    stripeAccount stripeAccount one (optional) User's Stripe Account, if any.
    effectivePermissionSet permissionSet one User's final permissions, determined after considering all factors, including global settings and defaults.

    Show user

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/users/show

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
    var userId = new UUID("3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c");{id: userId}).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c",
        "type": "user",
        "attributes": {
          "banned": false,
          "deleted": false,
          "state": "active",
          "createdAt": "2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z",
          "email": "",
          "emailVerified": true,
          "pendingEmail": null,
          "stripeConnected": false,
          "profile": {
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Dunphy",
            "displayName": "Joe D",
            "abbreviatedName": "JD",
            "bio": "Hello, I'm Joe.",
            "publicData": {
              "age": 27
            "protectedData": {
              "phoneNumber": "+1-202-555-0177"
            "privateData": {
              "newsletter": true
          "permissions": {
            "postListings": "permission/allow"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c"},
        type: "user",
        attributes: {
          banned: false,
          deleted: false,
          state: "active",
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z"),
          email: "",
          emailVerified: true,
          pendingEmail: null,
          stripeConnected: false,
          profile: {
            firstName: "Joe",
            lastName: "Dunphy",
            displayName: "Joe D",
            abbreviatedName: "JD",
            bio: "Hello, I'm Joe.",
            publicData: {
              age: 27
            protectedData: {
              phoneNumber: "+1-202-555-0177"
            privateData: {
              newsletter: true
          permissions: {
            postListings: "permission/allow"

    Get the public details of a single user. You can look up the user by ID or by email address.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (optional, uuid) The id of the user.
    email (optional, string, case insensitive) The email address of the user.

    Query users

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/users/query

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
    var userId = new UUID("3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c");
    integrationSdk.users.query().then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": [
          "id": "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c",
          "type": "user",
          "attributes": {
            "banned": false,
            "deleted": false,
            "state": "active",
            "createdAt": "2018-04-17T06:54:38.498Z",
            "email": "",
            "emailVerified": true,
            "pendingEmail": null,
            "stripeConnected": false,
            "profile": {
              "firstName": "Joe",
              "lastName": "Dunphy",
              "displayName": "Joe D",
              "abbreviatedName": "JD",
              "bio": "Hello, I'm Joe. Some people call me Joe \"Modern\" D.\n\nAnd just so that you wouldn't think that's too short of an introduction, here a bit more about me:\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
              "publicData": {
                "hobbies": [
              "protectedData": {
                "phoneNumber": "+1-202-555-0177"
              "privateData": {
                "keyCode": "1234",
                "moarStuff": {
                  "stuff": {
                    "first": 1,
                    "second": 2
      "meta": {
        "totalItems": 3,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 100
      data: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c"},
          type: "user",
          attributes: {
            banned: false,
            deleted: false,
            state: "active",
            createdAt: new Date("2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z"),
            email: "",
            emailVerified: true,
            pendingEmail: null,
            stripeConnected: false,
            profile: {
              firstName: "Joe",
              lastName: "Dunphy",
              displayName: "Joe D",
              abbreviatedName: "JD",
              bio: "Hello, I'm Joe.",
              publicData: {
                age: 27
              protectedData: {
                phoneNumber: "+1-202-555-0177"
              privateData: {
                newsletter: true
      meta: {
        totalItems: 3,
        totalPages: 1,
        page: 1,
        perPage: 100

    Query all users of a marketplace. Results are sorted by users' createdAt time in descending order (i.e. most recent users are returned first).

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    createdAtStart (timestamp, optiona) Filter users by createdAt time. Only users created on or after the given time are returned. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format.
    createdAtEnd (timestamp, optiona) Filter users by createdAt time. Only users created before the given time are returned. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format.
    meta_* Query users by metadata attribute(s). See Extended data filtering below.
    priv_* Query users by privateData attribute(s). See Extended data filtering below.
    prot_* Query users by protectedData attribute(s). See Extended data filtering below.
    pub_* Query users by publicData attribute(s). See Extended data filtering below.
    sort (string) Specify sort criteria. Default is createdAt See Controlling sorting of users below.

    Extended data filtering

    Queries for metadata, privateData, protectedData and publicData attributes can be done only when extended data schema is defined for the attribute. Only top-level extended data attributes may have schema and are queriable, even though the extended data can be deeply nested. The supported schema types and query semantics are given below (use meta_, priv_, prot_ instead of pub_ for queries depending on the type of extended data):

    Schema type Schema cardinality Query syntax Description
    enum one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE1,[VALUE2[,...]] Match users that have any of the given values as the exact value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY (i.e. OR semantics).
    enum many pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=has_all:VALUE1[,VALUE2[,...]] Match users that have all given values for the given multi-enum ATTRIBUTE_KEY (i.e. AND semantics).
    enum many pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE1[,VALUE2[,...]] Same as has_all:, we use AND semantics by default.
    enum many pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=has_any:VALUE1[,VALUE2[,...]] Match users that have any of the given values for the multi-enum ATTRIBUTE_KEY (i.e. OR semantics).
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE Match users that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is exactly equal to VALUE.
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=START,END Match users that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is greater than or equal to START and less than END.
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=START, Match users that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is greater than or equal to START.
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=,END Match users that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is less than END.
    boolean one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE Match users that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is equal to VALUE.

    Controlling sorting of users

    The users returned by this endpoint are ordered according to the specification given with sort query parameter. The default value is createdAt, i.e. users are ordered by createdAt time in descending order.

    The sort query parameter takes the form of comma-separated list of up to 3 attributes. Results are ordered first by the first one, then by the second and third, if given. Sorting can be done by the following attributes:

    Attribute Description
    createdAt Sort by user creation time.
    pub_* Sort by a numeric publicData top-level attribute. The attribute must have corresponding data schema defined of type long. Users that do not have the given attribute defined are returned last, unless the schema defines a default value, in which case that value is used when sorting.
    priv_* Sort by a numeric privateData top-level attribute. The attribute must have corresponding data schema defined of type long. Users that do not have the given attribute defined are returned last, unless the schema defines a default value, in which case that value is used when sorting.
    prot_* Sort by a numeric protectedData top-level attribute. The attribute must have corresponding data schema defined of type long. Users that do not have the given attribute defined are returned last, unless the schema defines a default value, in which case that value is used when sorting.
    meta_* Sort by a numeric metadata top-level attribute. The attribute must have corresponding data schema defined of type long. Users that do not have the given attribute defined are returned last, unless the schema defines a default value, in which case that value is used when sorting.

    The order is descending for each attribute, but can be reversed by prefixing the attribute with a - sign.


    Pagination limits

    When extended data filters or non-default sorting is used, this endpoint has a limit on the maximum number of pages that can be accessed when the total number of users that match the query criteria exceeds 10,000. This is indicated in the API response by the presence of paginationLimit key with an integer value in the API response's meta. Use an additional filter to partition the result set and avoid the limitation. For example, a filter in createdAt time, using the createdAtStart and createdAtEnd query parameters, is well suited for this, as the createdAt value for users is immutable. See Pagination for details.

    Update user profile

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/users/update_profile

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST ',include=profileImage' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "id": "61c9dfef-20d8-4a59-aa39-b2de75b4b8f2",
      "firstName": "Alex",
      "profileImageId": "c5b75c21-5b30-40bf-a114-4688c07128ef",
      "protectedData": {
        "phoneNumber": "+1-202-555-4444"
      "privateData": {
        "discoveredServiceVia": "Twitter"
      "metadata": {
        "identityVerified": true
      id: new UUID("61c9dfef-20d8-4a59-aa39-b2de75b4b8f2"),
      firstName: "Alex",
      profileImageId: new UUID("c5b75c21-5b30-40bf-a114-4688c07128ef"),
      protectedData: {
        phoneNumber: "+1-202-555-4444"
      privateData: {
        discoveredServiceVia: "Twitter"
      metadata: {
        identityVerified: true
    }, {
      expand: true,
      include: ["profileImage"]
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c",
        "type": "user",
        "attributes": {
          "banned": false,
          "deleted": false,
          "state": "active",
          "createdAt": "2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z",
          "email": "",
          "emailVerified": false,
          "pendingEmail": null,
          "stripeConnected": false,
          "stripePayoutsEnabled": false,
          "stripeChargesEnabled": false,
          "profile": {
            "firstName": "Alex",
            "lastName": "Dunphy",
            "displayName": "Alex D",
            "abbreviatedName": "AD",
            "bio": "Hello, I'm Joe.",
            "publicData": {
              "age": 27
            "protectedData": {
              "phoneNumber": "+1-202-555-4444"
            "privateData": {
              "discoveredServiceVia": "Twitter"
            "metadata": {
              "identityVerified": true
          "relationships": {
            "profileImage": {
              "data": {
                "id": "c5b75c21-5b30-40bf-a114-4688c07128ef",
                "type": "image"
      "included": [{
        "id": "c5b75c21-5b30-40bf-a114-4688c07128ef",
        "type": "image",
        "attributes": {
          "variants": {
            "default": {
              "width": 750,
              "height": 750,
              "url": ""
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "3c073fae-6172-4e75-8b92-f560d58cd47c"},
        type: "user",
        attributes: {
          banned: false,
          deleted: false,
          state: "active",
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z"),
          email: "",
          emailVerified: false,
          pendingEmail: null,
          stripeConnected: false,
          stripePayoutsEnabled: false,
          stripeChargesEnabled: false,
          profile: {
            firstName: "Alex",
            lastName: "Dunphy",
            displayName: "Alex D",
            abbreviatedName: "AD",
            bio: "Hello, I'm Joe.",
            publicData: {
              age: 27
            protectedData: {
              phoneNumber: "+1-202-555-4444"
            privateData: {
              discoveredServiceVia: "Twitter"
            metadata: {
              identityVerified: true
          relationships: {
            profileImage: {
              data: {
                id: UUID {uuid: "c5b75c21-5b30-40bf-a114-4688c07128ef"},
                type: "image"
      included: [{
        id: UUID {uuid: "c5b75c21-5b30-40bf-a114-4688c07128ef"},
        type: "image",
        attributes: {
          variants: {
            default: {
              width: 750,
              height: 750,
              url: "",

    Command that updates the given user's profile information.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The ID of the user that is being updated.
    firstName (string, optional) User's first name. Can not be empty string.
    lastName (string, optional) User's last name. Can not be empty string.
    displayName (string, optional) User's chosen display name. Passing null or "" here will reset the display name to the default formed by user's first name plus initial of last name.
    bio (string, optional) User's bio. Passing null here will remove bio. Can be up to 5000 characters.
    publicData (object, optional) User's public data. See Extended data. The total size of the public data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given publicData object is merged with the existing user publicData on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the users's publicData.
    protectedData (object, optional) User's protected data. See Extended data. The total size of the protected data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given protectedData object is merged with the existing user protectedData on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the users's protectedData.
    privateData (object, optional) User's private data. See Extended data. The total size of the private data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given privateData object is merged with the existing user privateData on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the users's privateData.
    metadata (object, optional) User's public metadata. See Extended data. The total size of the metadata object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given metadata object is merged with the existing user metadata on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the users's metadata.
    profileImageId (uuid, optional) Set the user's profile image. The ID must be of an image previously uploaded via the /images/upload API endpoint. Earlier profile image is deleted. If the value is set to null, the current profile image (if any) will be removed.

    Common errors

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    409 image-invalid Given image is not found or is already in use. Upload a new image.

    Stripe Account

    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "cb5e8305-67f0-4d04-a081-954411eaf6b9",
        "type": "stripeAccount",
        "attributes": {
          "stripeAccountId": "acct_1EHoPgDktN4RYwdG"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "cb5e8305-67f0-4d04-a081-954411eaf6b9"},
        type: "stripeAccount",
        attributes: {
          stripeAccountId: "acct_1EHoPgDktN4RYwdG"

    The stripeAccount resource type represents details about the Stripe account of a user.

    Stripe Accounts are currently accessible only via the stripeAccount relationship of user resources.

    stripeAccount resource format

    Attribute Description
    stripeAccountId (string) Stripe's own ID for the Stripe Account.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "published",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": {
            "type": "availability-plan/day",
            "entries": [
                "dayOfWeek": "mon",
                "seats": 1
                "dayOfWeek": "tue",
                "seats": 0
                "dayOfWeek": "fri",
                "seats": 4
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "city": "New York",
              "country": "USA",
              "state": "NY",
              "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
            "category": "road",
            "gears": 22,
            "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": true
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "7-speed Hybrid",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "published",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: {
            type: "availability-plan/day",
            entries: [
                dayOfWeek: "mon",
                seats: 1
                dayOfWeek: "tue",
                seats: 0
                dayOfWeek: "fri",
                seats: 7
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              city: "New York",
              country: "USA",
              state: "NY",
              street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
            category: "road",
            gears: 22,
            rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          metadata: {
            promoted: true
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}

    The listing API resource type represents public information about listings in the marketplace.

    listing resource format

    Attribute Description
    title (string) Listing's title.
    description (string) Listing's description.
    geolocation (object, location) Latitude (lat) and longitude (lng) of the listing's location.
    createdAt (string, timestamp) The date and time when the listing was created in ISO 8601 format.
    price (object, money) Listing's unit price. currency is the currency code and amount is integer representing amount in the currency's minor unit (e.g. cents for USD).
    availabilityPlan (object) Listing's availability plan. See listing availability plan.
    publicData (object) Listing's public data. See Extended data.
    privateData (object) Listing's private data. See Extended data.
    metadata (object) Listing's public metadata. See Extended data.
    state (string) The listing's current state. See Listing states.
    deleted (boolean) Flag indicating whether the listing has been deleted. If true, all other attributes of the listing will be returned as default values (false for booleans and null for all else).

    listing states

    A listing resource type may be in one of the following states:

    State Description
    draft Listing is in draft state and has not been published yet. Listings that are in draft state are never returned by the public /listings queries in the Marketplace API.
    pendingApproval Listing is pending operator approval. Newly created listings have this state, when the marketplace has the listing approval feature enabled. Listings that are pending approval are never returned by the public /listings queries in the Marketplace API.
    published Listing is published and discoverable via the /listings/query endpoint of the Marketplace API.
    closed A published listing can be closed by its author or a marketplace operator. Closed listings are not returned in search results or public listing queries in the Marketplace API and new transactions can not be initiated with them, but they can still be accessed as own listings or via the listing ID, or when related to another known resource (such as transaction). The intention of closing a listing is not to delete it, but to stop advertising it. A closed listing can be reopened, which sets it in published state again.

    listing availability plan

    The listing resource's availabilityPlan attribute contains the type and, in case of time-based availability plans, the timezone of the listing's availability plan.

    Attribute Description
    type (string) Availability plan type. Possible types are availability-plan/day for day-based availability and availability-plan/time for time-based availability.
    timezone (string) Only for the availability-plan/time type. Time zone in which the plan is set. Supports time zone names from the TZ time zone database, for example "Europe/Berlin". See
    entries (array) List of zero or more availability entries for the plan.
    entries.*.dayOfWeek (string) An abbreviated day of week: mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat or sun.
    entries.*.seats (number) An integer number of available seats for the given day of week. The number of seats indicate how many times a given date can be booked. Setting seats to 0 means that the entry is unavailable for bookings.
    entries.*.startTime (string) Only for the availability-plan/time type. Start time for the availability slot in hh:mm format so that the number of minutes is a multiple of 5.
    entries.*.endTime (string) Only for the availability-plan/time type. End time for the availability slot in hh:mm format so that the number of minutes is a multiple of 5. 00:00 can be used to express midnight.

    Listings without an availability plan are interpreted to have a day-based plan with 1 seat available for each day of the week.

    Passing null as an availability plan will make the listing default to daily availability plan with 1 seat. To make the listing unavailable, pass availability plan with 0 seats.

    listing relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    marketplace marketplace one The marketplace of the user.
    author user one The marketplace user, to whom the listing belongs. Supported nested relationships: author.profileImage.
    images image many (optional) The ordered list of listing images, if any.
    currentStock stock one (optional) The listing's currently available stock, if set.

    Show listing

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/listings/show

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
    var listingId = new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f");{id: listingId}).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "published",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": {
            "type": "availability-plan/day",
            "entries": [
                "dayOfWeek": "mon",
                "seats": 3
                "dayOfWeek": "fri",
                "seats": 1
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "city": "New York",
              "country": "USA",
              "state": "NY",
              "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
            "category": "road",
            "gears": 22,
            "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": true
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "7-speed Hybrid",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "published",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: {
            type: "availability-plan/day",
            entries: [
                dayOfWeek: "mon",
                seats: 3
                dayOfWeek: "fri",
                seats: 1
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              city: "New York",
              country: "USA",
              state: "NY",
              street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
            category: "road",
            gears: 22,
            rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          metadata: {
            promoted: true
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}

    Query the details of a given listing.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the listing.

    Query listings

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/listings/query

    Example request

    # Search all listings, ordered by distance from given location,
    # matching only listings with `publicData.gears` less than 23
    # and price amount between 14.00 and 16.00.
    $ curl ',-74.00&price=1400,1600&pub_gears=,23' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
    // Search all listings, ordered by distance from given location,
    // matching only listings with `publicData.gears` less than 23
    // and price amount between 14.00 and 16.00.
    var origin = new LatLng(40.0, -74.0);
      origin: origin,
      price: "1400,1600",
      pub_gears: ",23"
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": [
          "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
          "type": "listing",
          "attributes": {
            "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
            "deleted": false,
            "geolocation": {
              "lat": 40.64542,
              "lng": -74.08508
            "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
            "state": "published",
            "title": "Peugeot eT101",
            "availabilityPlan": {
              "type": "availability-plan/day",
              "entries": [
                  "dayOfWeek": "mon",
                  "seats": 3
                  "dayOfWeek": "fri",
                  "seats": 1
            "privateData": {
              "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
            "publicData": {
              "address": {
                "city": "New York",
                "country": "USA",
                "state": "NY",
                "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
              "category": "road",
              "gears": 22,
              "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
            "metadata": {
              "promoted": true
            "price": {
              "amount": 1590,
              "currency": "USD"
      "meta": {
        "totalItems": 1014,
        "totalPages": 11,
        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 100
      data: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
          type: "listing",
          attributes: {
            description: "7-speed Hybrid",
            deleted: false,
            geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
            createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
            state: "published",
            title: "Peugeot eT101",
            availabilityPlan: {
              type: "availability-plan/day",
              entries: [
                  dayOfWeek: "mon",
                  seats: 3
                  dayOfWeek: "fri",
                  seats: 1
            privateData: {
              externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
            publicData: {
              address: {
                city: "New York",
                country: "USA",
                state: "NY",
                street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
              category: "road",
              gears: 22,
              rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
            metadata: {
              promoted: true
            price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}
      meta: {
        totalItems: 1014,
        totalPages: 11,
        page: 1,
        perPage: 100

    Query all marketplace listings. Returns 0 or more results.

    This query returns listings in all possible states by default. Use the states query parameter to narrow down the query, where necessary.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    authorId (uuid, optional) Match only listings belonging to given user ID.
    ids (comma separated list of uuids, optional) List of uuids. Match only listings with an ID contained in the given list. A maximum of 100 IDs can be given.
    states (comma separated list of strings, optional) List of one or more states to filter the results by. Only listings in one of the given states are returned.
    createdAtStart (timestamp, optiona) Filter listings by createdAt time. Only listings created on or after the given time are returned. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format.
    createdAtEnd (timestamp, optiona) Filter listings by createdAt time. Only listings created before the given time are returned. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format.
    keywords (string, optional) Narrow down and sort search results based on given keywords. The keywords are matched against listing title, description and optionally also specific publidData fields with type text defined in the listing public data schema of a marketplace. Can not be combined with the origin parameter.
    origin (coordinates, optional) Search listings, based on given location. The location is given as comma-separated tuple of latitude and longitude values (e.g. 40.12,-70.3345). The listings in the query result are sorted by distance from the given origin. Can not be combined with the keywords parameter.
    bounds (bounding box coordinates, optional) Match only listings within a bounding box. The bounding box is given as comma-separated list of four coordinate values: NE lat, NE, lng, SW lat and SW lng. E.g. 43.0,-73.0,40.0,-77.0.
    price (integer or integer range) Match only listings with price amount within given range. The amounts must be given as integers in the currency's minor unit (e.g. cents for USD). The currency of the listing price has no effect on the query. See Price filtering below for range syntax.
    start (timestamp) Start time of the availability interval to match listings against in ISO 8601 format. The start time must be between one day in the past and 365 days in the future. If omitted, the listings' availability data is ignored in the query. See Availability filtering below.
    end (timestamp) End time of the availability interval to match listings against (exclusive) in ISO 8601 format. The end time must be after the start time and must be at most 365 days in the future or at most 90 days from the start time (whichever comes sooner). See Availability filtering below.
    seats (integer) The number of seats a listing must have available at minimum on the given interval to to match the search criteria. See Availability filtering below. Default value is 1.
    availability (string) The type of availability search. Accepts values: day-full, day-partial, time-full or time-partial. Default value is: day-full. DEPRECATED values full and partial are equivalent to day-full and day-partial, respectively. See Availability filtering below.
    minDuration (integer) Match only listings with an availability interval of at least this duration within the query range specified by start and end. Only supported when availability is set to either day-partial and time-partial. For day-partial queries, the value of minDuration is in days. For time-partial queries, the value of minDuration is in minutes. Default value is 0, i.e. any duration of availability matches.
    stockMode (string) The type of stock query. Control whether listing queries using minStock match listings without any defined stock. The value must be one of strict (the default) or match-undefined. If strict, only listings that have explicitly defined stock quantity will match. If match-undefined, the query will also match listings without any set stock.
    minStock (integer) Match only listings that have current stock quantity equal to or greater than the given integer number. If stockMode is set to match-undefined, the query will also match any listings without a defined stock quantity.
    pub_* Query listings by publicData attribute(s). See Extended data filtering below.
    meta_* Query listings by metadata attribute(s). See Extended data filtering below.
    sort (string) Specify sort criteria. Can not be used in combination with the origin query parameter. Default is createdAt See Controlling sorting of listings below.

    Price filtering

    price range can be specified as:

    Query syntax Description
    price=VALUE Match listings that have price amount exactly equal to VALUE.
    price=START,END Match listings that have price amount greater than or equal to START and less than END.
    price=START, Match listings that have price amount greater than or equal to START.
    price=,END Match listings that have price amount less than END.

    Extended data filtering

    Queries for publicData and metadata attributes can be done only when extended data schema is defined for the attribute. Only top-level extended data attributes may have schema and are queriable, even though the extended data can be deeply nested. The supported schema types and query semantics are given below (use meta_ instead of pub_ for queries based on metadata):

    Schema type Schema cardinality Query syntax Description
    enum one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE1,[VALUE2[,...]] Match listings that have any of the given values as the exact value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY (i.e. OR semantics).
    enum many pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=has_all:VALUE1[,VALUE2[,...]] Match listings that have all given values for the given multi-enum ATTRIBUTE_KEY (i.e. AND semantics).
    enum many pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE1[,VALUE2[,...]] Same as has_all:, we use AND semantics by default.
    enum many pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=has_any:VALUE1[,VALUE2[,...]] Match listings that have any of the given values for the multi-enum ATTRIBUTE_KEY (i.e. OR semantics).
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE Match listings that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is exactly equal to VALUE.
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=START,END Match listings that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is greater than or equal to START and less than END.
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=START, Match listings that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is greater than or equal to START.
    long one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=,END Match listings that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is less than END.
    boolean one pub_ATTRIBUTE_KEY=VALUE Match listings that have a value of ATTRIBUTE_KEY that is equal to VALUE.
    text one keywords=KEYWORDS Match and sort listings that have a string from KEYWORDS in listing title, description or extended data attributes with type text.

    Availability filtering

    The availability filtering is controlled by the following query parameters: start, end, availability, seats and minDuration. The following rules apply:

    Pagination is not supported in the following cases:

    In those cases, the query returns up to 100 results (subject to the perPage query parameter), and use of page for accessing further results is not supported. In order to make sure you get the most relevant query results, adjust you query criteria and use sorting.

    Controlling sorting of listings

    The query results are ordered subject to the following rules:

    The sort query parameter takes the form of comma-separated list of up to 3 attributes. Results are ordered first by the first one, then by the second and third, if given. Sorting can be done by the following attributes:

    Attribute Description
    createdAt Sort by listing creation time.
    price Sort by listing's price amount (only considers the numeric value of the price, ignoring currency, i.e. no currency conversion is performed).
    pub_* Sort by a numeric publicData top-level attribute. The attribute must have corresponding data schema defined of type long. Listings that do not have the given attribute defined are returned last, unless the schema defines a default value, in which case that value is used when sorting.
    meta_* Sort by a numeric metadata top-level attribute. The attribute must have corresponding data schema defined of type long. Listings that do not have the given attribute defined are returned last, unless the schema defines a default value, in which case that value is used when sorting.

    The order is descending for each attribute, but can be reversed by prefixing the attribute with a - sign.


    Pagination limits

    When pagination is supported, this endpoint has a limit on the maximum number of pages that can be accessed when the total number of listings that match the query criteria exceeds 10,000. This is indicated in the API response by the presence of paginationLimit key with an integer value in the API response's meta. Use an additional filter to partition the result set and avoid the limitation. For example, a filter in createdAt time, using the createdAtStart and createdAtEnd query parameters, is well suited for this, as the createdAt value for listings is immutable. See Pagination for details.

    Create listing

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/listings/create

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST ',include=images' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "title": "Very good item",
      "authorId": "7966463a-1b15-4931-b056-27a546dd12bb",
      "state": "published",
      "description": "Brand new track bike.",
      "geolocation": {
        "lat": 40.64542,
        "lng": -74.08508
      "privateData": {
        "externalServiceId": "new-service-id-4324"
      "publicData": {
        "address": {"country": "USA"}
        "category": "track",
        "gears": 22
      "metadata": {
        "verified": true,
        "promoted": false,
        "rating": 4
      "images": [
      title: "Very good item",
      authorId: new UUID("7966463a-1b15-4931-b056-27a546dd12bb"),
      state: "published",
      description: "Brand new track bike.",
      geolocation: new LatLng(40.64542, -74.08508),
      privateData: {
        externalServiceId: "new-service-id-4324"
      publicData: {
        address: {
          country: "USA"
        category: "track",
        gears: 22
      metadata: {
        verified: true,
        promoted: false,
        rating: 4
      images: [
        new UUID("f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d")
    }, {
      expand: true,
      include: ["images"]
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "Brand new track bike.",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "published",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": null,
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "new-service-id-4324"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "country": "USA"
            "category": "track",
            "gears": 22
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": false,
            "verified": true,
            "rating": 4
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
        "relationships": {
          "images": {
            "data": [
              {"id": "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d", "type": "image"}
      "included": [
          "id": "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d",
          "type": "image",
          "attributes": {
            "variants": {
              "default": {
                "width": 720,
                "height": 540,
                "url": ""
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "Brand new track bike.",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "published",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: null,
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "new-service-id-4324"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              country: "USA"
            category: "track",
            gears: 22
          metadata: {
            promoted: false,
            verified: true,
            rating: 4
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}
        relationships: {
          images: {
            data: [
              {id: UUID {uuid: "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d"}, type: "image"}
      included: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d"},
          type: "image",
          attributes: {
            variants: {
              default: {
                width: 720,
                height: 540,
                url: ""

    Command for creating a listing.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    title (string) Listing's title. Must be between 1 and 1000 characters.
    authorId (uuid) The ID of the marketplace user to whom the listing belongs.
    state (string) The state of the listing that is being created. Allowed values are one of 'published' or 'pendingApproval'.
    description (string, optional) Listing's description. Must be between 1 and 5000 characters.
    geolocation (object, optional) Latitude (lat) and longitude (lng) of the listing's location.
    price (object, optional) Listing's price. currency is the currency code and amount is integer representing amount in the currency's minor unit (e.g. cents for USD).
    availabilityPlan (object, optional) Listing's availability plan. See listing availability plan for the object format.
    publicData (object, optional) Listing's public data. See Extended data. The total size of the public data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB.
    privateData (object, optional) Listing's private data. See Extended data. The total size of the private data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB.
    metadata (object, optional) Listing's public metadata. See Extended data. The total size of the metadata object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB.
    images (array, optional) List of image IDs for the listing. The listing's images will be set to the exact given list. See also /images/upload.

    Common errors

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    403 forbidden Trusted token is not provided.
    409 user-is-banned The user whose ID matches with authorId is banned
    409 user-pending-approval The user whose ID matches with authorId is pending approval
    409 user-not-found authorId did not match with any user
    429 too-many-requests Rate limit is reached. Try again after some time.

    Update listing

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/listings/update

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST ',include=images' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
      "description": "Brand new track bike.",
      "privateData": {
        "externalServiceId": "new-service-id-4324"
      "publicData": {
        "address": {"country": "USA"}
        "category": "track",
        "rules": null
      "metadata": {
        "verified": true,
        "promoted": false,
        "rating": 4
      "images": [
      id: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"),
      description: "Brand new track bike.",
      privateData: {
        externalServiceId: "new-service-id-4324"
      publicData: {
        address: {
          country: "USA"
        category: "track",
        rules: null
      metadata: {
        verified: true,
        promoted: false,
        rating: 4
      images: [
        new UUID("f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d")
    }, {
      expand: true,
      include: ["images"]
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "Brand new track bike.",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "published",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": null,
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "new-service-id-4324"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "country": "USA"
            "category": "track",
            "gears": 22
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": false,
            "verified": true,
            "rating": 4
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
        "relationships": {
          "images": {
            "data": [
              {"id": "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d", "type": "image"}
      "included": [
          "id": "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d",
          "type": "image",
          "attributes": {
            "variants": {
              "default": {
                "width": 720,
                "height": 540,
                "url": ""
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "Brand new track bike.",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "published",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: null,
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "new-service-id-4324"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              country: "USA"
            category: "track",
            gears: 22
          metadata: {
            promoted: false,
            verified: true,
            rating: 4
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}
        relationships: {
          images: {
            data: [
              {id: UUID {uuid: "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d"}, type: "image"}
      included: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "f8afadaa-dd4f-4536-b9a7-b405834dc25d"},
          type: "image",
          attributes: {
            variants: {
              default: {
                width: 720,
                height: 540,
                url: ""

    Command for updating listing details. Cannot be used to change listing state.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The ID of the listing that is being updated.
    title (string, optional) Listing's title. Must be between 1 and 1000 characters.
    description (string, optional) Listing's description. Must be between 1 and 5000 characters.
    geolocation (object, optional) Latitude (lat) and longitude (lng) of the listing's location. Pass null to remove the location data from the listing.
    price (object, optional) Listing's price. currency is the currency code and amount is integer representing amount in the currency's minor unit (e.g. cents for USD). Pass null to remove the price from the listing.
    availabilityPlan (object, optional) Listing's availability plan. See listing availability plan for the object format. The availability plan must be specified in full, partial updates are not supported. Passing null as an availability plan will make the listing default to daily availability plan with 1 seat. To make the listing unavailable, pass availability plan with 0 seats.
    publicData (object, optional) Listing's public data. See Extended data. The total size of the public data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given publicData object is merged with the existing listing publicData on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the listing's publicData.
    privateData (object, optional) Listing's private data. See Extended data. The total size of the private data object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given privateData object is merged with the existing listing privateData on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the listing's privateData.
    metadata (object, optional) Listing's public metadata. See Extended data. The total size of the metadata object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given metadata object is merged with the existing listing metadata on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the listing's metadata.
    images (array, optional) List of image IDs for the listing. The listing's images will be set to the exact given list, i.e. new images are added to the listing, listing images that are not given are deleted and order is set as given. See also /images/upload.

    Close listing

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/listings/close

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{"id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"}'
      id: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f")
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "closed",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": null,
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "city": "New York",
              "country": "USA",
              "state": "NY",
              "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
            "category": "road",
            "gears": 22,
            "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": true
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "7-speed Hybrid",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "closed",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: null,
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              city: "New York",
              country: "USA",
              state: "NY",
              street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
            category: "road",
            gears: 22,
            rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          metadata: {
            promoted: true
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}

    Command for closing a listing. The listing's state is set to closed. When a listing is closed, it is not anymore discoverable via the public Marketplace API /listings/query endpoint, but can be found by ID or through other related resources (e.g. transaction). See Concepts for details.

    Note that the Integration API's /listings/query returns all listings by default, including closed ones.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The listing ID.

    Open listing

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/listings/open

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{"id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"}'{
      id: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f")
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "published",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": null,
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "city": "New York",
              "country": "USA",
              "state": "NY",
              "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
            "category": "road",
            "gears": 22,
            "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": true
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "7-speed Hybrid",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "published",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: null,
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              city: "New York",
              country: "USA",
              state: "NY",
              street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
            category: "road",
            gears: 22,
            rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          metadata: {
            promoted: true
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}

    Command for opening a closed listing. The listing's state is set to published.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The listing ID.

    Approve listing

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/listings/approve

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{"id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"}'
      id: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f")
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {
          "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
          "deleted": false,
          "geolocation": {
            "lat": 40.64542,
            "lng": -74.08508
          "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
          "state": "published",
          "title": "Peugeot eT101",
          "availabilityPlan": null,
          "privateData": {
            "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
          "publicData": {
            "address": {
              "city": "New York",
              "country": "USA",
              "state": "NY",
              "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
            "category": "road",
            "gears": 22,
            "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          "metadata": {
            "promoted": true
          "price": {
            "amount": 1590,
            "currency": "USD"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {
          description: "7-speed Hybrid",
          deleted: false,
          geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
          state: "published",
          title: "Peugeot eT101",
          availabilityPlan: null,
          privateData: {
            externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
          publicData: {
            address: {
              city: "New York",
              country: "USA",
              state: "NY",
              street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
            category: "road",
            gears: 22,
            rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
          metadata: {
            promoted: true
          price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}

    Command for approving a listing that is currently in pendingApproval state. The listing's state is set to published.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The listing ID.

    Availability exceptions

    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e",
        "type": "availabilityException",
        "attributes": {
          "seats": 1,
          "start": "2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z",
          "end": "2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e"},
        type: "availabilityException",
        attributes: {
          seats: 1,
          start: new Date("2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z"),
          end: new Date("2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z")

    The availabilityException API resource type represents information about a single availability exception. Availability exceptions are always linked to a particular listing and serve to override the listing's availability plan for a given time range. See also Listing availability management.

    availabilityException resource format

    Attribute Description
    seats (number) An integer number of available seats for the exception. Setting seats to 0 means that the listing is unavailable.
    start (string, timestamp) The date and time when the availability exception starts. Specified in ISO 8601 format.
    end (string, timestamp) The date and time (exclusive) when the availability exception ends. Specified in ISO 8601 format.

    availabilityException relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    listing listing one The listing to which the availability exception applies.

    Query availability exceptions

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/availability_exceptions/query

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
      listingId: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"),
      start: new Date("2018-11-27T00:00:00.000Z"),
      end: new Date("2018-12-30T00:00:00.000Z")
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": [
          "id": "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e",
          "type": "availabilityException",
          "attributes": {
            "seats": 1,
            "start": "2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z",
            "end": "2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z"
      "meta": {
        "totalItems": 5,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 100
      data: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e"},
          type: "availabilityException",
          attributes: {
            seats: 1,
            start: new Date("2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z"),
            end: new Date("2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z")
      meta: {
        totalItems: 5,
        totalPages: 1,
        page: 1,
        perPage: 100

    Query that returns all the availability exceptions for a given listing and time range.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    listingId (uuid) The ID of the listing.
    start (timestamp) The start date and time for the query range in ISO 8601 format. The start time must be between 366 days in the past and 366 days in the future.
    end (timestamp) The end date and time for the query range in ISO 8601 format. The end time must be after the start time and must be at most 366 days in the future and at most 90 days after the start time.

    Create availability exceptions

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/availability_exceptions/create

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "listingId": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
      "start": "2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z",
      "end": "2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z",
      "seats": 1
      listingId: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"),
      start: new Date("2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z"),
      end: new Date("2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z"),
      seats: 3
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {

    Example response shell { "data": { "id": "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e", "type": "availabilityException", "attributes": { "seats": 3, "start": "2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z", "end": "2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z" } } }

      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e"},
        type: "availabilityException",
        attributes: {
          seats: 3,
          start: new Date("2018-11-26T00:00:00.000Z"),
          end: new Date("2018-11-28T00:00:00.000Z")

    Create a new availability exception for a given listing. You can not create availability exceptions with overlapping time ranges.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    seats (number) Integer number of available seats.
    start (string, timestamp) The date and time when the availability exception starts. Specified in ISO 8601 format. The availability exception start time must be at most 365 days in the future.
    end (string, timestamp) The date and time (exclusive) when the availability exception ends. Specified in ISO 8601 format. The availability exception end time must be at most 365 days in the future.

    Both start and end time minutes must be multiple of 5 and seconds and milliseconds must be 0. For example:

    Delete availability exceptions

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/availability_exceptions/delete

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "id": "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e"
      id: new UUID("34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e")
    }, {
      expand: false
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e",
        "type": "availabilityException"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "34cf5423-04ee-42c7-8786-2e206ef34a9e"},
        type: "availabilityException"

    Command for deleting an availability exception with a given ID.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The availability exception ID.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "5a8f34f6-202c-4916-af7a-53d56004e872",
        "type": "image",
        "attributes": {
          "variants": {
            "default": {
              "name": "default",
              "width": 720,
              "height": 540,
              "url": ""
            "landscape-crop": {
              "name": "landscape-crop",
              "width": 800,
              "height": 600,
              "url": ""
            "landscape-crop2x": {
              "name": "landscape-crop2x",
              "width": 1600,
              "height": 1200,
              "url": ""
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "5a8f34f6-202c-4916-af7a-53d56004e872"},
        type: "image",
        attributes: {
          variants: {
            default: {
              name: "default",
              width: 720,
              height: 540,
              url: ""
            "landscape-crop": {
              name: "landscape-crop",
              width: 800,
              height: 600,
              url: ""
            "landscape-crop2x": {
              name: "landscape-crop2x",
              width: 1600,
              height: 1200,
              url: ""

    The image resource represents user profile and listing images. Images can only be uploaded as JPG, PNG, or non-animated GIF.

    image resource format

    Attribute Description
    variants (object) Object containing image variant information. Keys are variant names and values are objects representing the variant.
    variants.*.width (number) The actual width of the image in pixels after the transformation corresponding to the variant.
    variants.*.height (number) The actual height of the image in pixels after the transformation corresponding to the variant.
    variants.*.url (string) The public URL for the image variant. Always use the returned URL exactly as returned by the API. Do not attempt to manually construct an image URL.
    variants.*.name (string) The variant name. Same as the key.

    Image variants

    An example request that fetches a listing with two image variants: a predefined one and a custom one that is defined in the request.

    $ curl ',;h:640;fit:scale' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
    const sdkUtil = sharetribeIntegrationSdk.util;
    var listingId = new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f");{
      id: listingId,
      include: ["images"],
      "fields.image": ["variants.square-small", ""],
      // SDK provides a util function to construct image variant URL param strings
      "": sdkUtil.objectQueryString({
        w: 320,
        h: 640,
        fit: 'scale'
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
        "type": "listing",
        "attributes": {...},
        "relationships": {
          "images": {
            "data": [
                "id": "4617c584-edfd-49e9-be43-2f1d50fb6e35",
                "type": "image"
      "included": [
          "id": "4617c584-edfd-49e9-be43-2f1d50fb6e35",
          "type": "image",
          "attributes": {
            "variants": {
              "my-variant": {
                "height": 640,
                "width": 320,
                "url": "",
                "name": "my-variant"
              "square-small": {
                "height": 240,
                "width": 240,
                "url": "",
                "name": "square-small"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
        type: "listing",
        attributes: {...},
        relationships: {
          images: {
            data: [
                id: UUID {uuid: "4617c584-edfd-49e9-be43-2f1d50fb6e35"},
                type: "image"
      included: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "4617c584-edfd-49e9-be43-2f1d50fb6e35"},
          type: "image",
          attributes: {
            variants: {
              "my-variant": {
                height: 640,
                width: 320,
                url: "",
                name: "my-variant"
              "square-small": {
                height: 240,
                width: 240,
                url: "",
                name: "square-small"

    Predefined image variants

    The following image variants are available for profile and listing images:

    Variant Fit mode Width Height
    default scale 750px 750px
    landscape-crop crop 400px 267px
    landscape-crop2x crop 800px 533px
    landscape-crop4x crop 1600px 1066px
    landscape-crop6x crop 2400px 1602px
    scaled-small scale 320px 320px
    scaled-medium scale 750px 750px
    scaled-large scale 1024px 1024px
    scaled-xlarge scale 2400px 2400px
    square-small crop 240px 240px
    square-small2x crop 480px 480px
    facebook crop 1200px 630px
    twitter crop 600px 314px

    Custom image variants

    To request a custom image variant, a sparse attribute definition needs to be accompanied with a corresponding image variant definition. The definition is passed in a imageVariant.[VARIANT NAME] query parameter: ?;h:640;fit:scale.

    The imageVariant.* parameter contains semicolon-separated key:value pairs describing the image variant. The following keys and values are supported:

    Parameter Description
    w (integer) Image width. Value must be between 8 and 3072. w or h can be omitted when fit is scale.
    h (integer) Image height. Value must be between 8 and 3072. w or h can be omitted when fit is scale.
    fit (string) Fit mode for resizing the original image. Accepts values scale and crop. See descriptions of different fit modes below.

    The amount of custom variants that can be requested with a single request is limited to 10.

    Variant fit modes

    Fit mode Description
    scale Resizes the image to fit within the width and height dimensions preserving the image aspect ratio without cropping. The actual image smaller side will vary depending on the image aspect ratio. If image width or height is omitted image will be scaled using the provided dimension while maintaining aspect ratio.
    crop Resizes the image to fit both dimensions and crops away the excess. Uses edge detection algorithm for determining which portion of the image to center the crop on.

    Upload image

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/images/upload

    Example request

    # Upload portrait.jpg local file
    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -F "image=@portrait.jpg"
    // Upload portrait.jpg local file
    // You can pass path to file on the filesystem as a string
      image: "portrait.jpg"
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "5a8f34f6-202c-4916-af7a-53d56004e872",
        "type": "image",
        "attributes": {
          "variants": {
            "default": {
              "width": 720,
              "height": 540,
              "url": ""
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "5a8f34f6-202c-4916-af7a-53d56004e872"},
        type: "image",
        attributes: {
          variants: {
            default: {
              width: 720,
              height: 540,
              url: ""

    Command for uploading a new image. The returned image can subsequently be used as a user profile image or a listing image.

    The maximum allowed file size is 20MB.

    Multipart body parameters

    Parameter Description
    image The image content.

    Common errors

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    400 image-invalid-content The uploaded image is in an unsupported format.
    413 request-upload-over-limit The uploaded file is too large.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
        "type": "transaction",
        "attributes": {
          "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z",
          "processName": "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          "processVersion": 3,
          "lastTransition": "transition/request",
          "lastTransitionedAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
          "payinTotal": {
            "amount": 6360,
            "currency": "USD"
          "payoutTotal": {
            "amount": 5724,
            "currency": "USD"
          "lineItems": [
              "code": "line-item/day",
              "quantity": 4,
              "units": 2,
              "seats": 2,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 1590,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
              "code": "line-item/provider-commission",
              "percentage": -10.0,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": -636,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
          "protectedData": {
            "phoneNumber": "+1-202-555-5555"
          "metadata": {
            "refId": 1234
          "transitions": [
              "transition": "transition/request",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
              "by": "customer"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
        type: "transaction",
        attributes: {
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
          processName: "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          processVersion: 3,
          lastTransition: "transition/request",
          lastTransitionedAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
          payinTotal: {
            amount: 6360,
            currency: "USD"
          payoutTotal: {
            amount: 5724,
            currency: "USD"
          lineItems: [
              code: "line-item/day",
              quantity: 4,
              units: 2,
              seats: 2,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 1590,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
              code: "line-item/provider-commission",
              percentage: -10.0,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: -636,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
          protectedData: {
            phoneNumber: "+1-202-555-5555"
          metadata: {
            refId: 1234
          transitions: [
              transition: "transition/request",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
              by: "customer"

    The transaction API resource type represents information about transactions.

    transaction resource format

    Attribute Description
    createdAt (string) The date and time when the transaction was initiated in ISO 8601 format.
    processName (string) The (unique) name for the process this transaction uses
    processVersion (number) The version of the transaction process
    lastTransition (string, timestamp) The name of the last transition that happened in the transaction. See Transaction process.
    lastTransitionedAt (string, timestamp) The date and time when the last transition in the transaction occurred, in ISO 8601 format.
    lineItems (array) Array of line item objects, that represent the pricing breakdown of the transaction.
    lineItems.*.code (string) The line item code. See the table below for list of possible codes.
    lineItems.*.unitPrice (object, money) Unit price.
    lineItems.*.quantity (number, optional) When applicable, the complete number of booked units that the line item represents. When units and seats are provided quantity always equals to units x seats. Can be non-integer or negative number.
    lineItems.*.units (number, optional) When applicable, the number of units that the line item represents. Multiplying units with seats equals quantity. Can be non-integer or negative number.
    lineItems.*.seats (number, optional) When applicable, the number of seats that the line item represents. Multiplying seats with units equals quantity. Must be a positive integer.
    lineItems.*.percentage (number, optional) When applicable, the percentage value that the line item represents. Can be negative. E.g. 5.0 (5%).
    lineItems.*.lineTotal (object, money) The line item total value. amount can be negative. The line total is always equal to either quantity x unitPrice or percentage x unitPrice / 100.
    lineItems.*.reversal (boolean) Flag indicating whether the line item is a reversal of another line item. Reversal are added when there has been a reversal (typically a refund).
    lineItems.*.includedFor (array) Array of strings, indicating whether the line item applies to customer, provider or both. For instance, a commission that the provider pays does not affect the total from the point of view of the customer.
    payinTotal (object, money) The total monetary amount of the payin (i.e. the amount paid by the customer). This amount is the sum total of all line items that apply to the customer (i.e. have customer in their includedFor lists).
    payoutTotal (object, money) The total monetary amount of the payout (i.e. the amoun paid to the provider). This amount is the sum total of all line items that apply to the provider (i.e. have provider in their includedFor lists).
    protectedData (object) Transaction's protected data. See Extended data for details.
    metadata (object) Transaction's metadata. See Extended data for details.
    transitions (array) The transaction's transition history - list of transition objects, in chronological order.
    transitions.*.transition (string) The name of the transition. See Transaction process.
    transitions.*.createdAt (string, timestamp) The date and time when the transition occurred in ISO 8601 format.
    transitions.*.by (string) The actor that performed the transition. One of customer, provider, operator or system.

    The following table lists all currently available codes. Depending on your transaction process, the codes that your marketplace uses is a subset of the ones listed below.

    Line item code Description
    line-item/day Line item representing the price of daily booking for given number of days.
    line-item/night Line item representing the price of nightly booking for given number of nights.
    line-item/units Line item representing the price of units for given quantity.
    line-item/units1 Line item representing the price of units type "1" for given quantity in a two unit transaction.
    line-item/units2 Line item representing the price of units type "2" for given quantity in a two unit transaction.
    line-item/negotiation Line item representing negotiated change to the total price.
    line-item/provider-commission Line item representing commission that is paid by the provider.
    line-item/customer-commission Line item representing commission that is paid by the customer.
    line-item/provider-fixed-commission Line item representing a fixed commission that is paid by the provider.
    line-item/customer-fixed-commission Line item representing a fixed commission that is paid by the customer.
    line-item/<custom code> With custom pricing the line item code can be any string with line-item/ prefix and a maximum length of 64 characters.

    transaction relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    marketplace marketplace one The marketplace of the transaction.
    listing listing one The listing that the transaction is about. Supported nested relationships: listing.images, listing.currentStock.
    provider user one The user who is author of the listing that the transaction is about. Supported nested relationships: provider.profileImage.
    customer user one The customer who initiated the transaction. Supported nested relationships: customer.profileImage.
    booking booking one (optional) The booking created by the transaction, if any.
    stockReservation stockReservation one (optional) The stock reservation created by the transaction, if any. Supported nested relationships: stockReservation.stockAdjustments.
    reviews review many (optional) The reviews of the parties in the transaction, if any. Supported nested relationships:,, reviews.subject, reviews.subject.profileImage.
    messages message many (optional) The messages that the parties have sent to one another as part of the transaction, if any. Note that there may be large number of messages. It is therefore recommended to use limits when including this relationship. Supported nested relationships: messages.sender, messages.sender.profileImage.

    Show transaction

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/transactions/show

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'{
      id: new UUID("ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075")
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
        "type": "transaction",
        "attributes": {
          "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z",
          "processName": "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          "processVersion": 3,
          "lastTransition": "transition/request",
          "lastTransitionedAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
          "payinTotal": {
            "amount": 6360,
            "currency": "USD"
          "payoutTotal": {
            "amount": 5724,
            "currency": "USD"
          "lineItems": [
              "code": "line-item/day",
              "quantity": 4,
              "units": 2,
              "seats": 2,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 1590,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
              "code": "line-item/provider-commission",
              "percentage": -10.0,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": -636,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
          "protectedData": {},
          "transitions": [
              "transition": "transition/request",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
              "by": "customer"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
        type: "transaction",
        attributes: {
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
          processName: "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          processVersion: 3,
          lastTransition: "transition/request",
          lastTransitionedAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
          payinTotal: {
            amount: 6360,
            currency: "USD"
          payoutTotal: {
            amount: 5724,
            currency: "USD"
          lineItems: [
              code: "line-item/day",
              quantity: 4,
              unit: 2,
              seats: 2,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 1590,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
              code: "line-item/provider-commission",
              percentage: -10.0,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: -636,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
          protectedData: {},
          transitions: [
              transition: "transition/request",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
              by: "customer"

    Query returning data about given transaction.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the transaction.

    Query transactions

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/transactions/query

    Example request

    # Query transactions where the user is provider and the last transition is 'transition/request'
    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
    // Query transactions where the user is provider and the last transition is 'transition/request'
    integrationSdk.transactions.query().then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": [
          "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
          "type": "transaction",
          "attributes": {
            "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z",
            "processName": "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
            "processVersion": 3,
            "lastTransition": "transition/request",
            "lastTransitionedAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
            "payinTotal": {
              "amount": 6360,
              "currency": "USD"
            "payoutTotal": {
              "amount": 5724,
              "currency": "USD"
            "lineItems": [
                "code": "line-item/day",
                "quantity": 4,
                "units": 2,
                "seats": 2,
                "reversal": false,
                "unitPrice": {
                  "amount": 1590,
                  "currency": "USD"
                "lineTotal": {
                  "amount": 6360,
                  "currency": "USD"
                "includeFor": [
                "code": "line-item/provider-commission",
                "percentage": -10.0,
                "reversal": false,
                "unitPrice": {
                  "amount": 6360,
                  "currency": "USD"
                "lineTotal": {
                  "amount": -636,
                  "currency": "USD"
                "includeFor": [
            "protectedData": {},
            "transitions": [
                "transition": "transition/request",
                "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
                "by": "customer"
      "meta": {
        "totalItems": 3,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 100
      data: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
          type: "transaction",
          attributes: {
            createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
            processName: "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
            processVersion: 3,
            lastTransition: "transition/request",
            lastTransitionedAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
            payinTotal: {
              amount: 6360,
              currency: "USD"
            payoutTotal: {
              amount: 5724,
              currency: "USD"
            lineItems: [
                code: "line-item/day",
                quantity: 4,
                units: 2,
                seats: 2,
                reversal: false,
                unitPrice: {
                  amount: 1590,
                  currency: "USD"
                lineTotal: {
                  amount: 6360,
                  currency: "USD"
                includeFor: [
                code: "line-item/provider-commission",
                percentage: -10.0,
                reversal: false,
                unitPrice: {
                  amount: 6360,
                  currency: "USD"
                lineTotal: {
                  amount: -636,
                  currency: "USD"
                includeFor: [
            protectedData: {},
            transitions: [
                transition: "transition/request",
                createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
                by: "customer"
      meta: {
        totalItems: 3,
        totalPages: 1,
        page: 1,
        perPage: 100

    Query all transactions of a marketplace. Results are sorted by transaction's createdAt time in descending order (i.e. most recent transactions are returned first).

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    createdAtStart (timestamp, optional) Filter transactions by createdAt time. Only transactions created on or after the given time are returned. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format.
    createdAtEnd (timestamp, optional) Filter transactions by createdAt time. Only transactions created before the given time are returned. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format.
    userId (uuid, optional) Return only transactions where the user with the given ID is either a customer or provider.
    customerId (uuid, optional) Return only transactions in which the user with the given ID is a customer.
    providerId (uuid, optional) Return only transactions in which the user with the given ID is a provider.
    listingId (uuid, optional) Return only transactions for the given listing.

    Transition transaction

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/transactions/transition

    Example request

    # Example transition assiming a process where the operator accepts transactions
    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"
      "transition": "transition/accept",
      "params": {}
    // Example transition assiming a process where the operator accepts transactions
      id: new UUID("ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"),
      transition: "transition/accept",
      params: {}
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
        "type": "transaction",
        "attributes": {
          "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z",
          "processName": "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          "processVersion": 3,
          "lastTransition": "transition/accept",
          "lastTransitionedAt": "2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z",
          "payinTotal": {
            "amount": 6360,
            "currency": "USD"
          "payoutTotal": {
            "amount": 5724,
            "currency": "USD"
          "lineItems": [
              "code": "line-item/day",
              "quantity": 4,
              "units": 2,
              "seats": 2,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 1590,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
              "code": "line-item/provider-commission",
              "percentage": -10.0,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": -636,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
          "protectedData": {},
          "transitions": [
              "transition": "transition/request",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
              "by": "customer"
              "transition": "transition/accept",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z",
              "by": "operator"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
        type: "transaction",
        attributes: {
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
          processName: "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          processVersion: 3,
          lastTransition: "transition/accept",
          lastTransitionedAt: new Date("2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z"),
          payinTotal: {
            amount: 6360,
            currency: "USD"
          payoutTotal: {
            amount: 5724,
            currency: "USD"
          lineItems: [
              code: "line-item/day",
              quantity: 4,
              units: 2,
              seats: 2,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 1590,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
              code: "line-item/provider-commission",
              percentage: -10.0,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: -636,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
          protectedData: {},
          transitions: [
              transition: "transition/request",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
              by: "customer"
              transition: "transition/accept",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z"),
              by: "operator"

    Command that transitions an existing transaction to a new state via a given transition.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The ID of the transaction.
    transition (string) The name of one of your transaction process' possible next transitions for the current transaction state.
    params (object) The parameters for the transition, according to your transaction process definition.

    Common errors

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    402 transaction-payment-failed Payment information was invalid or the payment was rejected by Stripe. Additional information can be found in the error meta.stripeMessage, meta.stripeCode and meta.stripeDeclineCode. See also Stripe errors documentation.
    403 forbidden The API client is not authorized to perform the given transition.
    409 transaction-invalid-transition The given transition is not defined in the process or it is not one of the possible next transitions for the current transaction state.
    409 transaction-invalid-action-sequence The given transition cannot be executed because the action sequence is invalid and some action precondition is not met. The problem relates to the process description as a whole rather than just the transition in question.
    409 transaction-locked The transaction is currently locked by another operation. Try again, but consider that it's likely that the transaction has already transitioned to a different state.
    409 transaction-provider-banned-or-deleted The provider in the transaction is banned or deleted and the transaction cannot be transitioned.
    409 transaction-customer-banned-or-deleted The customer in the transaction is banned or deleted and the transaction cannot be transitioned.

    Speculatively transition transaction

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/transactions/transition_speculative

    Example request

    # Example transition assiming a process where the operator accepts transactions
    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"
      "transition": "transition/accept",
      "params": {}
    // Example transition assiming a process where the operator accepts transactions
      id: new UUID("ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"),
      transition: "transition/accept",
      params: {}
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
        "type": "transaction",
        "attributes": {
          "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z",
          "processName": "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          "processVersion": 3,
          "lastTransition": "transition/accept",
          "lastTransitionedAt": "2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z",
          "payinTotal": {
            "amount": 6360,
            "currency": "USD"
          "payoutTotal": {
            "amount": 5724,
            "currency": "USD"
          "lineItems": [
              "code": "line-item/day",
              "quantity": 4,
              "units": 2,
              "seats": 2,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 1590,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
              "code": "line-item/provider-commission",
              "percentage": -10.0,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": -636,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
          "protectedData": {},
          "transitions": [
              "transition": "transition/request",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
              "by": "customer"
              "transition": "transition/accept",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z",
              "by": "operator"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
        type: "transaction",
        attributes: {
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
          processName: "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          processVersion: 3,
          lastTransition: "transition/accept",
          lastTransitionedAt: new Date("2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z"),
          payinTotal: {
            amount: 6360,
            currency: "USD"
          payoutTotal: {
            amount: 5724,
            currency: "USD"
          lineItems: [
              code: "line-item/day",
              quantity: 4,
              units: 2,
              seats: 2,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 1590,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
              code: "line-item/provider-commission",
              percentage: -10.0,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: -636,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
          protectedData: {},
          transitions: [
              transition: "transition/request",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
              by: "customer"
              transition: "transition/accept",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z"),
              by: "operator"

    Command that simulates transitioning an existing transaction to a new state. The transition is not actually performed and the transaction state is not changed. This command can be used to validate the parameters or to get updated transaction price breakdown (via lineItems), as if a real transition were performed.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The ID of the transaction.
    transition (string) The name of one of your transaction process' possible next transitions for the current transaction state.
    params (object) The parameters for the transition, according to your transaction process definition.

    Common errors

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    403 forbidden The API client is not authorized to perform the given transition.
    409 transaction-invalid-transition The given transition is not defined in the process or it is not one of the possible next transitions for the current transaction state.
    409 transaction-invalid-action-sequence The given transition cannot be executed because the action sequence is invalid and some action precondition is not met. The problem relates to the process description as a whole rather than just the transition in question.
    409 transaction-locked The transaction is currently locked by another operation. Try again, but consider that it's likely that the transaction has already transitioned to a different state.
    409 transaction-provider-banned-or-deleted The provider in the transaction is banned or deleted and the transaction cannot be transitioned.
    409 transaction-customer-banned-or-deleted The customer in the transaction is banned or deleted and the transaction cannot be transitioned.

    Update transaction metadata

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/transactions/update_metadata

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST ' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"
      "metadata": {
        "extId": 1234,
        "promotionDiscount": 20
      id: new UUID("ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"),
      metadata: {
        extId: 1234,
        promotionDiscount: 20
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
        "type": "transaction",
        "attributes": {
          "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z",
          "processName": "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          "processVersion": 3,
          "lastTransition": "transition/accept",
          "lastTransitionedAt": "2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z",
          "payinTotal": {
            "amount": 6360,
            "currency": "USD"
          "payoutTotal": {
            "amount": 5724,
            "currency": "USD"
          "lineItems": [
              "code": "line-item/day",
              "quantity": 4,
              "units": 2,
              "seats": 2,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 1590,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
              "code": "line-item/provider-commission",
              "percentage": -10.0,
              "reversal": false,
              "unitPrice": {
                "amount": 6360,
                "currency": "USD"
              "lineTotal": {
                "amount": -636,
                "currency": "USD"
              "includeFor": [
          "protectedData": {},
          "metadata": {
            "source": "CAMPAIGN-A",
            "extId": 1234,
            "promotionDiscount": 20
          "transitions": [
              "transition": "transition/request",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z",
              "by": "customer"
              "transition": "transition/accept",
              "createdAt": "2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z",
              "by": "operator"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
        type: "transaction",
        attributes: {
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
          processName: "preauth-with-nightly-booking",
          processVersion: 3,
          lastTransition: "transition/accept",
          lastTransitionedAt: new Date("2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z"),
          payinTotal: {
            amount: 6360,
            currency: "USD"
          payoutTotal: {
            amount: 5724,
            currency: "USD"
          lineItems: [
              code: "line-item/day",
              quantity: 4,
              units: 2,
              seats: 2,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 1590,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
              code: "line-item/provider-commission",
              percentage: -10.0,
              reversal: false,
              unitPrice: {
                amount: 6360,
                currency: "USD"
              lineTotal: {
                amount: -636,
                currency: "USD"
              includeFor: [
          protectedData: {},
          metadata: {
            source: "CAMPAIGN-A",
            extId: 1234,
            promotionDiscount: 20
          transitions: [
              transition: "transition/request",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T12:30:03.100Z"),
              by: "customer"
              transition: "transition/accept",
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-27T13:35:03.100Z"),
              by: "operator"

    Command that updates the transaction's metadata.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The ID of the transaction.
    metadata (object, optional) Transaction's public metadata. See Extended data. The total size of the metadata object as JSON string must not exceed 50KB. The given metadata object is merged with the existing metadata on the top level (i.e. non-deep merge). Nested values are set as given. Top-level keys that have value null are removed from the transaction's metadata.

    Common errors

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    409 transaction-locked The transaction is currently locked by another operation. Try again, but consider that it's likely that the transaction has already transitioned to a different state.


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "5a3e765a-06ea-4ca6-ba7f-f394ad2888a1",
        "type": "booking",
        "attributes": {
          "seats": 3,
          "start": "2018-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
          "end": "2018-04-22T00:00:00.000Z",
          "displayStart": "2018-04-20T18:00:00.000Z",
          "displayEnd": "2018-04-22T10:00:00.000Z",
          "state": "accepted"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "5a3e765a-06ea-4ca6-ba7f-f394ad2888a1"},
        type: "booking",
        attributes: {
          seats: 3,
          start: new Date("2018-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"),
          end: new Date("2018-04-22T00:00:00.000Z"),
          displayStart: new Date("2018-04-20T18:00:00.000Z"),
          displayEnd: new Date("2018-04-22T10:00:00.000Z"),
          state: "accepted"

    The booking resource type represents information about a booking.

    Bookins are currently accessible only via the booking relationship of transaction resources.

    booking resource format

    Attribute Description
    seats (number) Integer number of booked seats.
    start (string, timestamp) The date and time the booking starts. This time is used to determine what interval is matched against the listing's availability and is reserved with the booking.
    end (string, timestamp) The date and time the booking ends. The range is exclusive on the end side, i.e. the end is not reserved. This time is used to determine what interval is matched against the listing's availability and is reserved with the booking.
    displayStart (string, timestamp) The booking start display time. The display time is an arbitrary timestamp and can be different from the start time.
    displayEnd (string, timestamp) The booking end display time. The display time is an arbitrary timestamp and can be different from the end time.
    state (string) The state of the booking. See booking states.

    Note that if your transaction process uses daily or nightly bookings, only the date component of the timestamp is relevant. In that case the time component of start and end timestamps is normalized to 00:00:00.000Z time but you have to interpret the timestamp in UTC time zone in order to get the correct date.

    The booking displayStart and displayEnd times can optionally be set when a booking is created via a transaction. If omitted, the displayStart and displayEnd will have the same values as start and end respectively. If set, displayStart and displayEnd are stored and returned unmodified by the API (i.e. no normalization is performed for them for day- and night-based bookings, unlike the start and end times).

    booking states

    State Reserves time slot Description
    pending yes A new booking that has been requested.
    proposed no A new booking that has been proposed.
    accepted yes A booking that has been accepted.
    declined no A booking that has been declined before it was accepted.
    cancelled no A booking that has been cancelled after it was accepted.

    For more information about bookings, booking states and availability management, see Listing availability management.

    booking relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    transaction transaction one The transaction corresponding to a given booking.
    listing listing one The listing corresponding to a given booking.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58",
        "type": "stock",
        "attributes": {
          "quantity": 10
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58"},
        type: "stock",
        attributes: {
          quantity: 10

    The stock API resource type represents information about the available stock of a listing. stock resources are currently only available via the currentStock relationship of listing resources.

    stock resource format

    Attribute Description
    quantity (integer) The quantity of available stock. Under normal operation this number is non-negative. See Negative stock quantity for more details.

    Compare and set total stock

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/stock/compare_and_set

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "listingId": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
      "oldTotal": 8,
      "newTotal": 10
      listingId: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"),
      oldTotal: 8,
      newTotal: 10
    }, {
      expand: true
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58",
        "type": "stock",
        "attributes": {
          "quantity": 10
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58"},
        type: "stock",
        attributes: {
          quantity: 10

    Command that sets the total available stock for a listing. Internally, the command creates a new stock adjustment, such that the listing's total available stock becomes the given newTotal quantity.

    This command guarantees that the stock adjustment will be created if and only if the listing's available stock quantity prior to the command matches the given oldTotal quantity.

    If oldTotal and newTotal are equal, a new stock adjustment is not created and the command is a no-op.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    listingId (uuid) The ID of the listing.
    oldTotal (integer) The quantity of listing stock that the listing must have prior to the command execution in order for the new total to be set. Must be set to null if the listing does not have stock defined at all.
    newTotal (integer) The total quantity of stock that the listing will have after the command is successfully executed. Must be a non-negative number.

    Stock adjustments

    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "daec15c8-506f-40c3-828f-a1f064c06592",
        "type": "stockAdjustment",
        "attributes": {
          "at": "2021-09-07T10:00:00.000Z",
          "quantity": 2
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "daec15c8-506f-40c3-828f-a1f064c06592"},
        type: "stockAdjustment",
        attributes: {
          at: new Date("2021-09-07T10:00:00.000Z"),
          quantity: 2

    The stockAdjustment API resource type represents information about a change in the quantity of available stock of a listing. The total available stock is the sum of all adjustments.

    Stock adjustments are immutable and will never change.

    stockAdjustment resource format

    Attribute Description
    at (string, timestamp) The date and time when the stock adjustment takes effect in ISO 8601 format.
    quantity (integer) The quantity of the adjustment. A positive number indicates increase in available stock, while a negative number indicates a reduction. A quantity of 0 is only possible for an initial stock adjustment that sets the listing's available stock to 0.

    stockAdjustment relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    listing listing one The listing to which the stock adjustment applies. Supported nested relationships: listing.currentStock,
    stockReservation stockReservation one (optional) The stock reservation, as a result of which the stock adjustment was created, if any. Supported nested relationships: stockReservation.transaction, stockReservation.transaction.customer, stockReservation.transaction.provider.

    Query stock adjustments

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/stock_adjustments/query

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
      listingId: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"),
      start: new Date("2021-09-07T00:00:00.000Z"),
      end: new Date("2021-09-10T00:00:00.000Z")
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": [
          "id": "daec15c8-506f-40c3-828f-a1f064c06592",
          "type": "stockAdjustment",
          "attributes": {
            "at": "2021-09-07T10:00:00.000Z",
            "quantity": 2
      "meta": {
        "totalItems": 5,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 100
      data: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "daec15c8-506f-40c3-828f-a1f064c06592"},
          type: "stockAdjustment",
          attributes: {
            at: new Date("2021-09-07T10:00:00.000Z"),
            quantity: 2
      meta: {
        totalItems: 5,
        totalPages: 1,
        page: 1,
        perPage: 100

    Query that returns all the stock adjustments of a given listing for a given time range (i.e. have at timestamp within the given range). The results are ordered by the stock adjustment's at timestamp in increasing order (i.e. oldest stock adjustments are returned first).

    Include the ownListing.currentStock nested relationship in order to obtain the current total listing stock at the time of query. Since past stock adjustments are immutable, this allows to compute the available stock at any past point in time by summing up the applicable adjustments starting from the current total available stock.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    listingId (uuid) The ID of the listing.
    start (timestamp) Filter stock adjustments by at time. Only stock adjustments with at time greater than or equal to the given timestamp are returned. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format. The start time must be between 366 days in the past and 1 day in the future.
    end (timestamp) Filter stock adjustments by at time. Only stock adjustments with at time less than the given timestamp are returned. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format. The end time must be after the start time and at most 1 day in the future and at most 366 days from the start time.

    Create stock adjustment

    HTTP request

    POST /v1/integration_api/stock_adjustments/create

    Example request

    $ curl -X POST ',include=ownListing.currentStock' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
        -d '{
      "listingId": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
      "quantity": 2
      listingId: new UUID("c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"),
      quantity: 2
    }, {
      expand: true,
      include: ["ownListing.currentStock"]
    }).then(res => {

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "daec15c8-506f-40c3-828f-a1f064c06592",
        "type": "stockAdjustment",
        "attributes": {
          "at": "2021-09-07T10:00:00.000Z",
          "quantity": 2
        "relationships": {
          "ownListing": {
              "data": {"id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f", "type": "ownListing"}
      "included": [
          "id": "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f",
          "type": "ownListing",
          "attributes": {...}
          "relationships": {
            "currentStock": {
              "data": {"id": "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58", "type": "stock"}
          "id": "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58",
          "type": "stock",
          "attributes": {
            "quantity": 10
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "daec15c8-506f-40c3-828f-a1f064c06592"},
        type: "stockAdjustment",
        attributes: {
          at: new Date("2021-09-07T10:00:00.000Z"),
          quantity: 2
        relationships: {
          ownListing: {
            data: {id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"}, type: "ownListing"}
      included: [
          id: UUID {uuid: "c6ff7190-bdf7-47a0-8a2b-e3136e74334f"},
          type: "ownListing",
          attributes: {...},
          relationships: {
            currentStock: {
              data: {id: UUID {uuid: "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58"}, type: "stock"}
          id: UUID {uuid: "22e9df61-a655-4491-bdfc-494e95072f58"},
          type: "stock",
          attributes: {
            quantity: 10

    Command that creates a new stock adjustment for a given listing. The new adjustment takes effect immediately.

    Include the ownListing.currentStock nested relationship in order to obtain the current total listing stock with the new adjustment taken into account.

    Body parameters

    Parameter Description
    listingId (uuid) The ID of the listing.
    quantity (integer) The quantity of the adjustment. A positive number indicates increase in available stock, while a negative number indicates a reduction. It is not possible to create stock adjustments with 0 quantity.

    Stock reservations

    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "2b78155f-fba6-491e-b842-d83d23ea657e",
        "type": "stockReservation",
        "attributes": {
          "quantity": 2,
          "state": "pending"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "2b78155f-fba6-491e-b842-d83d23ea657e"},
        type: "stockReservation",
        attributes: {
          quantity: 2,
          state: "pending"

    The stockReservation API resource type represents information about a stock reservation.

    stockReservation resource format

    Attribute Description
    quantity (integer) The quantity of reserved stock.
    state (string) The state of the stock reservation. See stock reservation states.

    Stock reservation states

    State Reserves stock Description
    pending yes A new stock reservation that has been requested.
    proposed no A new stock reservation that has been proposed.
    accepted yes A stock reservation that has been accepted.
    declined no A stock reservation that has been declined before it was accepted.
    cancelled no A stock reservation that has been cancelled after it was accepted.

    For more information, see also stock reservation states section in the documentation the transaction process actions related to stock reservations.

    stockReservation relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    listing listing one The listing to which the stock reservation applies. Supported nested relationships:, listing.currentStock.
    transaction transaction one The transaction corresponding to the stock reservation. Supported nested relationships: transaction.customer, transaction.provider.
    stockAdjustments stockAdjustment many The set of stock adjustments that were created as a result of the stock reservation.

    Show stock reservation

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/stock_reservations/show

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'{
      id: new UUID("2b78155f-fba6-491e-b842-d83d23ea657e"),
    }).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": {
        "id": "2b78155f-fba6-491e-b842-d83d23ea657e",
        "type": "stockReservation",
        "attributes": {
          "quantity": 2,
          "state": "pending"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "2b78155f-fba6-491e-b842-d83d23ea657e"},
        type: "stockReservation",
        attributes: {
          quantity: 2,
          state: "pending"

    Query returning data about given stock reservation.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    id (uuid) The ID of the stock reservation.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "81a0170a-ecc2-4fe1-9aae-e86226023717",
        "type": "review",
        "attributes": {
          "type": "ofProvider",
          "state": "public",
          "rating": 5,
          "content": "The bike was awesome and everything went smoothly.\n\nThanks!",
          "createdAt": "2018-04-25T11:10:14.123Z",
          "deleted": false
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "81a0170a-ecc2-4fe1-9aae-e86226023717"},
        type: "review",
        attributes: {
          "type": "ofProvider",
          "state": "public",
          "rating": 5,
          "content": "The bike was awesome and everything went smoothly.\n\nThanks!",
          "createdAt": new Date("2018-04-25T11:10:14.123Z"),
          "deleted": false

    The review resource format represent reviews posted by transaction parties about one another. Reviews are only posted during a transaction through the transaction process.

    Reviews are currently accessible only via the reviews relationship of transaction resources.

    review resource format

    Attribute Description
    type (string) The review type - one of ofProvider or ofCustomer. ofProvider reviews are written by customers in a transaction and are considered as reviews about both the provider and the listing in that transaction. ofCustomer reviews are written by providers and are about the customer in the transaction.
    state (string) The review state - one of public or pending.
    rating (number, integer) The rating given with the review. An integer from 1 to 5, inclusive.
    content (string) The content of the view.
    createdAt (string, timestamp) The date and time the review was written, in ISO 8601 format.
    deleted (boolean) Flag indicating whether the review has been deleted. If true, all other attributes of the review will be returned as default values (false for booleans and null for all else). Used when relationship requires a deleted review.

    review relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    author user one The user that wrote the review.
    listing listing one The listing that the review is about. The relationship is available only for reviews of type ofProvider.
    subject user one The user that the review is about.
    transaction transaction one The transaction corresponding to a given review.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "efe37293-5e58-4f8d-8507-64616e34d22e",
        "type": "message",
        "attributes": {
          "content": "Hello,\n\nDoes the bike have winter tyres? Snow is back.",
          "createdAt": "2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "efe37293-5e58-4f8d-8507-64616e34d22e"},
        type: "message",
        attributes: {
          content: "Hello,\n\nDoes the bike have winter tyres? Snow is back.",
          createdAt: new Date("2018-03-28T09:12:58.866Z")

    The message resource type represents transaction messages that are sent between users as part of a conversation about transaction. Messages are always linked to a transaction.

    Messages are currently accessible only via the messages relationship of transaction resources.

    message resource format

    Attribute Description
    content (string) The message content.
    createdAt (string, timestamp) The date and time the message was sent in ISO 8601 format.

    message relationships

    Relationship Resource type Cardinality Description
    sender user one The user that sent the message. Supported nested relationships: sender.profileImage.
    transaction transaction one The transaction that the message refers to.


    API prefix


    Example resource

      "data": {
        "id": "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075",
        "type": "event",
        "attributes": {
          "eventType": "listing/updated",
          "sequenceId": 12345678,
          "createdAt": "2020-11-27T12:30:02.000Z",
          "marketplaceId": "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327",
          "source": "source/marketplace-api",
          "resourceId": "5bbb2f6f-568f-470a-9949-a655e3f6ac46",
          "resourceType": "listing",
          "resource": {
            "id": "5bbb2f6f-568f-470a-9949-a655e3f6ac46",
            "type": "listing",
            "attributes": {
              "title": "Peugeot eT101",
              "description": "7-speed Hybrid",
              "deleted": false,
              "geolocation": {
                "lat": 40.64542,
                "lng": -74.08508
              "createdAt": "2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z",
              "state": "published",
              "availabilityPlan": null,
              "privateData": {
                "externalServiceId": "abcd-service-id-1234"
              "publicData": {
                "address": {
                  "city": "New York",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "state": "NY",
                  "street": "230 Hamilton Ave"
                "category": "road",
                "gears": 22
                "rules": "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
              "metadata": {
                "promoted": true
              "price": {
                "amount": 1590,
                "currency": "USD"
            "relationships": {
              "author": {"data": {"id": "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a", "type": "user"}},
              "marketplace": {"data": {"id": "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327", "type": "marketplace"}},
              "images": {
                "data": [
                  {"id": "209a25aa-e7cf-4967-89c3-0f09b2d482ff", "type": "image"},
                  {"id": "98e11f3b-ea22-4b1b-8549-e543ae241133", "type": "image"},
                  {"id": "ee1a647a-a751-43c7-90a4-48e94654f016", "type": "image"}
          "previousValues": {
            "attributes": {
              "title": "old title",
              "publicData": {
                "address": {
                  "city": "New York",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "state": "NY",
                  "street": "222 Hamilton Ave"
                "rules": null
            "relationships": {
              "images": {
                "data": [
                  {"id": "98e11f3b-ea22-4b1b-8549-e543ae241133", "type": "image"},
                  {"id": "d12b8ebc-4df8-4bd0-9231-2f05691831a4", "type": "image"}
          "auditData": {
            "userId": "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a",
            "adminId": null,
            "clientId": "69ea8198-201c-48c4-a3bb-78b38e4059b0",
            "requestId": "4b66e510-22cb-47ca-953f-8a8377af2ed0"
      data: {
        id: UUID {uuid: "ef98e897-5b81-49a5-aca6-01d9759df075"},
        type: "event",
        attributes: {
          eventType: "listing/updated",
          sequenceId: 12345678,
          createdAt: new Date("2020-11-27T12:30:02.000Z"),
          marketplaceId: UUID {uuid: "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327"},
          source: "source/marketplace-api",
          resourceId: UUID {uuid: "5bbb2f6f-568f-470a-9949-a655e3f6ac46"},
          resourceType: "listing",
          resource: {
            id: UUID {uuid: "5bbb2f6f-568f-470a-9949-a655e3f6ac46"},
            type: "listing",
            attributes: {
              title: "Peugeot eT101",
              description: "7-speed Hybrid",
              deleted: false,
              geolocation: LatLng {lat: 40.64542, lng: -74.08508},
              createdAt: new Date("2018-03-23T08:40:24.443Z"),
              state: "published",
              availabilityPlan: null,
              privateData: {
                externalServiceId: "abcd-service-id-1234"
              publicData: {
                address: {
                  city: "New York",
                  country: "USA",
                  state: "NY",
                  street: "230 Hamilton Ave"
                category: "road",
                gears: 22,
                rules: "This is a nice, bike! Please, be careful with it."
              metadata: {
                promoted: true
              price: Money {amount: 1590, currency: "USD"}
            relationships: {
              author: {data: {id: UUID {uuid: "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a"}, type: "user"}},
              marketplace: {data: {id: UUID {uuid: "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327"}, type: "marketplace"}},
              images: {
                data: [
                  {id: UUID {uuid: "209a25aa-e7cf-4967-89c3-0f09b2d482ff"}, type: "image"},
                  {id: UUID {uuid: "98e11f3b-ea22-4b1b-8549-e543ae241133"}, type: "image"},
                  {id: UUID {uuid: "ee1a647a-a751-43c7-90a4-48e94654f016"}, type: "image"}
          previousValues: {
            attributes: {
              title: "old title",
              publicData: {
                address: {
                  city: "New York",
                  country: "USA",
                  state: "NY",
                  street: "222 Hamilton Ave"
                rules: null
            relationships: {
              images: {
                data: [
                  {id: UUID {uuid: "98e11f3b-ea22-4b1b-8549-e543ae241133"}, type: "image"},
                  {id: UUID {uuid: "d12b8ebc-4df8-4bd0-9231-2f05691831a4"}, type: "image"}
          auditData: {
            userId: UUID {uuid: "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a"},
            adminId: null,
            clientId: UUID {uuid: "69ea8198-201c-48c4-a3bb-78b38e4059b0"},
            requestId: UUID {uuid: "4b66e510-22cb-47ca-953f-8a8377af2ed0"}

    The event API resource type represents information about an event.

    event resource format

    Attribute Description
    createdAt (timestamp) The date and time when the event occurred in ISO 8601 format.
    sequenceId (integer) A numeric ID for the event that provides a strict total ordering of events, i.e. later events are guaranteed to have a sequence ID that is strictly larger than earlier events.
    marketplaceId (uuid) The ID of the marketplace in which the event happened.
    eventType (string) The type of the event. See supported event types. The event type has the form RESOURCE_TYPE/EVENT_SUBTYPE. E.g. listing/created.
    source (string) The service from which the event originated. See event sources.
    resourceId (uuid) The ID of the API resource that the event is about, e.g. a user or a listing ID.
    resourceType (string) The type of the API resource that the event is about. This is one of the API resource types supported in the Integration API (e.g. user, listing, etc).
    resource (object) The value of the resource, for which the event is about, after the event occurred. For all event types except */deleted events, the resource attribute is populated. For */deleted events, resource is null. The resource data is the same as if the resource is retrieved through the Integration API. For details see the reference for event data and previous values.
    previousValues (object) An object describing the previous values for the event's charnged resource attributes and relationships, if any. Note that for */deleted events, some of the attributes may be null, due to stricter data deletion requirements. For details see the reference for event data and previous values.
    auditData (object) Data about the actor that caused the event.
    auditData.userId (uuid) The ID of the Sharetribe marketplace user that caused the event, if any. This attribute is set for most events that occurr in the Marketplace API and is null otherwise.
    auditData.adminId (uuid) The ID of the Sharetribe Console admin user that caused the event. Typically set for events that occur in Console, but can be set in combination with userId when an admin has used the "login as" Console feature and acted on behalf of a marketplace user though the Marketplace API.
    auditData.requestId (uuid) The ID of the API request that caused the event. Can be null. Currently this information is meaningless but might have future uses.
    auditData.clientId (uuid) The client ID of the Sharetribe Application that caused the event. This attribute is set if the event was caused by an API call from a Sharetribe Marketplace API or Integration API application and is null otherwise.

    event relationships

    The event resource does not currently have any relationships to other resources.

    Query events

    HTTP request

    GET /v1/integration_api/events/query

    Example request

    $ curl '' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'{startAfterSequenceId: 1234}).then(res => {
      // contains the response data

    Example response

      "data": [
          "id": "8c48efe1-2b36-4799-acca-e419898b3cdd",
          "type": "event",
          "attributes": {
            "eventType": "message/created",
            "sequenceId": 1235,
            "createdAt": "2020-10-20T12:30:02.000Z",
            "marketplaceId": "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327",
            "source": "source/marketplace-api",
            "resourceId": "cd29c0db-a74d-4357-b778-9854611bb42a",
            "resourceType": "message",
            "resource": {
              "id": "cd29c0db-a74d-4357-b778-9854611bb42a",
              "type": "message",
              "attributes": {
                "content": "Hello!",
                "createdAt": "2020-10-20T12:30:01.950Z"
              "relationships": {
                "sender": {"data": {"id": "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a", "type": "user"}},
                "transaction": {"data": {"id": "33f2675c-7ff2-402e-9cce-1c78e04851d1", "type": "transaction"}}
            "previousValues": {},
            "auditData": {
              "userId": "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a",
              "adminId": null,
              "clientId": "69ea8198-201c-48c4-a3bb-78b38e4059b0",
              "requestId": "e2e7366c-b37d-4e07-ad17-f7c4ab111c33"
          "id": "7515883e-0cee-422f-bf84-31c7e329b9a8",
          "type": "event",
          "attributes": {
            "eventType": "availabilityException/deleted",
            "sequenceId": 1237,
            "createdAt": "2020-10-20T12:30:11.000Z",
            "marketplaceId": "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327",
            "source": "source/marketplace-api",
            "resourceId": "174f00f5-dc7c-4078-8937-26de60ff5418",
            "resourceType": "availabilityException",
            "resource": null,
            "previousValues": {
              "attributes": {
                "seats": 0,
                "start": "2020-12-03T00:00:00.000Z",
                "end": "2020-12-04T00:00:00.000Z"
              "relationships": {
                "listing": {"data": {"id": "6b19f8a8-d87a-47ae-9f59-658befb07613", "type": "listing"}}
            "auditData": {
              "userId": "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a",
              "adminId": null,
              "clientId": "69ea8198-201c-48c4-a3bb-78b38e4059b0",
              "requestId": "636427e1-edde-46f3-a541-928e14279f61"
      "meta": {
        "totalItems": null,
        "totalPages": null,
        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 100,
        "paginationUnsupported": true
      "data": [
          id: UUID {uuid: "8c48efe1-2b36-4799-acca-e419898b3cdd"},
          type: "event",
          attributes: {
            eventType: "message/created",
            sequenceId: 1235,
            createdAt: new Date("2020-10-20T12:30:02.000Z"),
            marketplaceId: UUID {uuid: "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327"},
            source: "source/marketplace-api",
            resourceId: UUID {uuid: "cd29c0db-a74d-4357-b778-9854611bb42a"},
            resourceType: "message",
            resource: {
              id: UUID {uuid: "cd29c0db-a74d-4357-b778-9854611bb42a"},
              type: "message",
              attributes: {
                content: "Hello!",
                createdAt: new Date("2020-10-20T12:30:01.950Z")
              relationships: {
                sender: {data: {id: UUID {uuid: "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a"}, type: "user"}},
                transaction: {data: {id: UUID {uuid: "33f2675c-7ff2-402e-9cce-1c78e04851d1"}, type: "transaction"}}
            previousValues: {},
            auditData: {
              userId: UUID {uuid: "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a"},
              adminId: null,
              clientId: UUID {uuid: "69ea8198-201c-48c4-a3bb-78b38e4059b0"},
              requestId: UUID {uuid: "e2e7366c-b37d-4e07-ad17-f7c4ab111c33"}
          id: UUID {uuid: "7515883e-0cee-422f-bf84-31c7e329b9a8"},
          type: "event",
          attributes: {
            eventType: "availabilityException/deleted",
            sequenceId: 1237,
            createdAt: new Date("2020-10-20T12:30:11.000Z"),
            marketplaceId: UUID {uuid: "9deec37c-b59c-4884-8f60-e4944335c327"},
            source: "source/marketplace-api",
            resourceId: UUID {uuid: "174f00f5-dc7c-4078-8937-26de60ff5418"},
            resourceType: "availabilityException",
            resource: null,
            previousValues: {
              attributes: {
                seats: 0,
                start: new Date("2020-12-03T00:00:00.000Z"),
                end: new Date("2020-12-04T00:00:00.000Z")
              relationships: {
                listing: {data: {id: UUID {uuid: "6b19f8a8-d87a-47ae-9f59-658befb07613"}, type: "listing"}}
            auditData: {
              userId: UUID {uuid: "5cf4c0eb-513f-419b-a8be-bdb6c14be10a"},
              adminId: null,
              clientId: UUID {uuid: "69ea8198-201c-48c4-a3bb-78b38e4059b0"},
              requestId: UUID {uuid: "636427e1-edde-46f3-a541-928e14279f61"}
      meta: {
        totalItems: null,
        totalPages: null,
        page: 1,
        perPage: 100,
        paginationUnsupported: true

    Query all events. Returns 0 or more events.

    By default this query returns events starting from the earliest available one in the marketplace. Optionally, query events starting from given sequence ID or timestamp and/or filter by different criteria.

    Events are always returned in ascending order of their sequence ID. This means that the sequence ID of the last received event can be used to query subsequent events using the startAfterSequenceId query parameter.

    Note that there can be delay between an action taking place on the marketplace and the corresponding event becoming available in queries.

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    startAfterSequenceId (integer, optional) Return events with sequence ID strictly larger than the given sequence ID. At most one of startAfterSequenceId and createdAtStart can be given.
    createdAtStart (timestamp, optional) Return only events with createdAt timestamp greater than or equal to the given timestamp (in ISO 8601 format). The timestamp can be at most 90 days in the past (for live marketplaces) or at most 7 days in the past (for dev and test marketplaces). At most one of startAfterSequenceId and createdAtStart can be given.
    resourceId (UUID, optional) Return only events for resource with the given ID. At most one of resourceId and relatedResourceId can be given.
    relatedResourceId (UUID, optional) Return only events for resources that are related to the resource with the given ID. At most one of resourceId and relatedResourceId can be given. See Querying events for related resources for details.
    eventTypes (comma separated list of strings, optional) List of event types to filter the results by. Only events with one of the given event types are returned. In addition to the individual event types, it is possible to give the corresponding resource type name, which has the effect of matching all events for that resource type (e.g. listing matches any of listing/created, listing/updated or listing/deleted, etc).

    The relatedResourceId query parameter allows filtering events that are about a resource that is related to a given resource. For this query, an event is considered to be about a related resource if any of these is true:

    See the documentation of each Integration API resource type for a list of the supported relationships.

    For example, if relatedResourceId is set to some listing ID, the returned events may include, among others, events for transactions for that listing, because of the listing relationship of transaction resources. Likewise, if relatedResourceId is set to some user ID, the returned events may include events for transactions where the given user is either provider or a customer, because of the provider and customer relationships of transaction resources.

    Note that the marketplace relationship that some resources have is ignored when querying with relatedResourceId.