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How to manage hosted and local configurations

The Sharetribe Web Template has both local and asset-based configurations available. Learn how to combine both types of configurations.

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The Sharetribe Web Template has a number of configurations that can be used to customise the template with low code effort. Starting in version v2.0.0, the template can also use asset-based configurations, if they are defined in Sharetribe Console.

Some configurations are mandatory to define in Sharetribe Console, such as logo, listing types, listing fields, and minimum transaction size. Those configurations are read from the hosted assets in the template by default. This means that if you want to, for instance, add a listing type with a custom transaction process, or add a custom listing field in the template code, you will need to modify how configurations get merged in the template.

How configurations are merged in the template

The template uses a function mergeConfig in src/util/configHelpers.js to handle the configurations.

└── src
    └── util
        └── configHelpers.js
export const mergeConfig = (configAsset = {}, defaultConfigs = {}) => {
  // defaultConfigs.listingMinimumPriceSubUnits is the backup for listing's minimum price
  const listingMinimumPriceSubUnits =
    getListingMinimumPrice(configAsset.transactionSize) ||

  return {
    // Use default configs as a starting point for app config.

    // Overwrite default configs if hosted config is available

    // Analytics might come from hosted assets at some point.
    analytics: mergeAnalyticsConfig(

    // Branding configuration comes entirely from hosted assets,
    // but defaults to values set in defaultConfigs.branding for
    // marketplace color, logo, brandImage and Facebook and Twitter images
    branding: mergeBranding(

    // Layout configuration comes entirely from hosted assets,
    // but defaultConfigs is used if type of the hosted configs is unknown
    layout: mergeLayouts(configAsset.layout, defaultConfigs.layout),

    // Listing configuration comes entirely from hosted assets
    listing: mergeListingConfig(configAsset, defaultConfigs),

    // Hosted search configuration does not yet contain sortConfig
    search: mergeSearchConfig(

    // Map provider info might come from hosted assets. Other map configs come from defaultConfigs.
    maps: mergeMapConfig(configAsset.maps, defaultConfigs.maps),

    // Include hosted footer config, if it exists
    // Note: if footer asset is not set, Footer is not rendered.
    footer: configAsset.footer,

    // Check if all the mandatory info have been retrieved from hosted assets
    hasMandatoryConfigurations: hasMandatoryConfigs(configAsset),

Within the mergeConfig function, each different configuration category has a separate merge function.

For example, let's take a look at how to modify the mergeListingConfig function to include listing types from both hosted asset based configurations and local configurations.

// Note: by default, listing types and fields are only merged if explicitly set for debugging
const mergeListingConfig = (hostedConfig, defaultConfigs) => {
  // Listing configuration is splitted to several assets in Console
  const hostedListingTypes = restructureListingTypes(
  const hostedListingFields = restructureListingFields(

  // The default values for local debugging
  const {
    listingTypes: defaultListingTypes,
    listingFields: defaultListingFields,
  } = defaultConfigs.listing || {};

  // When debugging, include default configs.
  // Otherwise, use listing types and fields from hosted assets.
  const shouldMerge = mergeDefaultTypesAndFieldsForDebugging(false);
  const listingTypes = shouldMerge
    ? union(hostedListingTypes, defaultListingTypes, 'listingType')
    : hostedListingTypes;
  const listingFields = shouldMerge
    ? union(hostedListingFields, defaultListingFields, 'key')
    : hostedListingFields;

  const listingTypesInUse = getListingTypeStringsInUse(listingTypes);

  return {
    listingFields: validListingFields(listingFields, listingTypesInUse),
    listingTypes: validListingTypes(listingTypes),

By default, this function first determines the hosted and local listing fields and listing types. Then, it checks whether to merge both, or to only use hosted configurations.

Example: use both hosted and local configs for listing types

Let's say you want to use multiple listing types in your marketplace – one for regular bookings, defined in Sharetribe Console, and one for negotiated bookings, defined in the template.

First, follow the directions in the process README.md to configure the template to use the new process. Then, make the following modifications to the mergeListingConfig function:

const mergeListingConfig = (hostedConfig, defaultConfigs) => {
  const shouldMerge = mergeDefaultTypesAndFieldsForDebugging(false);
- const listingTypes = shouldMerge
-   ? union(hostedListingTypes, defaultListingTypes, 'listingType')
-   : hostedListingTypes;
+ const listingTypes = union(hostedListingTypes, defaultListingTypes, 'listingType');
  const listingFields = shouldMerge
    ? union(hostedListingFields, defaultListingFields, 'key')
    : hostedListingFields;

With this change, you are still retrieving listing fields and other configurations primarily from hosted configurations, and using default configurations only as a fallback. However, listing types now combine both hosted asset and default config listing types.