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How to set up Mapbox for FTW

By default, Flex Template for Web (FTW) uses Mapbox for showing interactive maps. This guide will help you in creating a Mapbox account and setting up an account token in the FTW environment configuration.

Table of Contents

1. Generate a Mapbox access token

Sign up to Mapbox and go to the account page. Then copy the Default public token.

If you wish to create a new one, click + Create a token, give it a name and make sure all Public scopes are selected. Create the token and copy its value.

You can make access tokens in your web applications more secure by adding URL restrictions. When you add a URL restriction to a token, that token will only work for requests that originate from the URLs you specify. See the Mapbox documentation for URL restrictions.

2. Setup the application to use the access token

The application uses the REACT_APP_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable for the token value. For local development, you can add the variable in the Gitignored .env file in the project root:


3. Setup common locations to reduce typing

The location autocomplete input in the landing page and the topbar can be configured to have specific locations shown by default when the user focuses on the input and hasn't yet typed in any searches. This reduces the typing required for common searches and also reduces the need to use Mapbox geolocation API that much.

This is enabled by default but it can be changed via the environment variable:


The default locations are described in src/default-location-searches.js.

The same environment variable also shows "current location" suggestion, which will make the browser to ask user's current location. This is a fast way to search listings nearby. You can specify whether to use the current location from src/config.js. Search for variables: suggestCurrentLocation and currentLocationBoundsDistance.

Optional: check rare default configurations

Mapbox geocoding API doesn't always return bounding boxes for locations. Without bounding box SearchMap component can't adjust zoom level right for that particular place. Therefore there are default bounding boxes defined to different place types in the Mapbox specific geocoder:


Optional: Restrict location autocomplete to specific country or countries

If your marketplace works only in a specific country or countries it might be a good idea to limit the location autocomplete to those countries. You can specify whether to use the limitation from src/config.js. Search for variable countryLimit and uncomment the line to make it active. Provide the country or countries in an array using ISO 3166 alpha 2 format (eg. GB, US, FI). If there are multiple values, separate them with commas.

Changing the map providers

It is possible to use Google Map instead of the default map provider. Read more in the How to use Google Maps in FTW guide.

How to use other map providers

The default map setup of FTW uses library called mapbox-gl-js. It supports quite many other map providers too. Thus, if you wish to use a map provider other than Google Maps or Mapbox, first check if the map provider you are considering is supporting this library. If they are, the change might be quite easy. Note: if you change the map tile provider you should also change geocoding API too (i.e. the API endpoint for LocationAutocompleteInput component).