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Introduction to managing data in Console

Managing your data is a vital part of your marketplace’s day-to-day operations. This article introduces you to the data management tools at your disposal in the Manage section of Console

Table of Contents

The Manage section of Console is for the management of your marketplace’s day-to-day operations.

Management pages

The section consists of four pages:

On these pages, you can manage, add, and edit your user, listing, transaction, and review data. The information you can add and edit depends on the data type. For more detailed information on each section, check out the corresponding article.

The Manage pages contain information about the different types of data on your marketplace (users, listings, transactions, or reviews). Each separate user, listing, transaction, or review has a card you can expand to see more information by clicking on it. You can browse the data by scrolling through the cards (100 cards per page) or using the search function to find cards with specific data. Different filtering options are available depending on the page.

You can also perform marketplace admin actions on the Manage pages.

On each page, you can download the data in CSV format.

If you’d like to learn more about operating a marketplace in Console, we recommend this overview of Sharetribe Console.