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Introducing the Sharetribe + Zapier integration
Introducing the Sharetribe + Zapier integration

Learn the basics of Zapier and how you can use it to automate your marketplace workflows.

Vesa Vahermaa avatar
Written by Vesa Vahermaa
Updated over a week ago

The Zapier integration is available in the "Pro", "Launch" (legacy) and "Extend" plans. See details on Sharetribe's pricing.

Welcome to the world of automation! If you're operating a Sharetribe marketplace, understanding and utilizing Zapier can be a game-changer. Let's explore what Zapier is, why it could be beneficial for your marketplace, and provide some real-world use cases.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect and automate tasks between different web apps. Essentially, it enables different online tools to communicate and work together. In our case, those tools will be your Sharetribe marketplace and any other web apps you use to manage and optimize your operations.

If you’ve never heard of Zapier, it might be a good idea to watch this 1-minute video introduction from Zapier. It explains the basics of Zapier and what it does.

How you can use Zapier with Sharetribe

Integrating Zapier with Sharetribe opens up many possibilities for automating your workflows and expanding your marketplace functionality. The possibilities for workflows are numerous, as Zapier can integrate your marketplace into many different applications like CRMs, marketing tools, notification systems, databases, and more!

Here are a few things you can do with Zapier:

1. Send SMS notifications with Twilio: For instance, every time a booking is made of a listing, the provider could receive a text message containing information about who booked it and when. Here's a Zap template that you can use and adjust.

2. Manage your email marketing with Mailchimp: Each time a new user joins your marketplace, they could be automatically added to a Mailchimp audience for future email campaigns. Check out this Zap template.

3. Streamline your data management with Google Sheets or CRM: You could have important data like new users, new listings, and new bookings automatically sent to a Google Sheet or a CRM like HubSpot.

4. Automate your email notifications: You can expand on the existing email notifications by building your own email automation for certain actions. This could be operator notifications when a new user joins, or when a new listing is ready to be reviewed.

5. Improve your social media management: You could have all new listings on your marketplace automatically posted to your social media channels.

Remember, these are just a few examples. The beauty of Zapier is that it's versatile and customizable. You can mix and match apps, events, and actions to create the perfect workflow for your use case. Happy automating!

How to get started

Step 1: Set Up Your Zapier Account

To begin with, you will need a Zapier account. Zapier offers different plans, including a free one that may be sufficient for your needs. You can visit Zapier's website and click on the "Sign Up" button to get started.

Once your account is set up, you'll find yourself in the Zapier dashboard. This is your control center where you'll create and manage your Zaps.

Step 2: Connect Zapier to Your Sharetribe Account

The next step is to connect your Sharetribe account to Zapier.

  1. In your Zapier dashboard, click on "My Apps" from the left side menu.

  2. Click on “+ Add connection” and in the window that appears, search for "Sharetribe".

  3. Click on "Sharetribe" in the search results.

A new window will open asking you to connect your Sharetribe account by entering your Client ID and Client Secret. After entering these, your Sharetribe account is connected to Zapier.

  1. Click on "Authorize" to grant Zapier the necessary permissions.

    1. Zapier only accesses the data needed to perform the tasks you set up, and you can revoke these permissions at any time.

Once the authorization process is complete, your Sharetribe account will be connected to Zapier, and you can start creating Zaps to automate your tasks.

Congratulations! You've taken the first steps towards automating your Sharetribe marketplace with Zapier.

Next steps

Now we are ready to learn more about how Zapier and Sharetribe work together. In the next article, you can learn more about the nitty-gritty of how Sharetribe and Zapier work. We will cover what kind of events in your marketplace work in Zapier and how they can trigger actions in different applications.

If you want to get practical, you can also jump to this article, where we integrate Mailchimp and Sharetribe using Zapier.

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