Need Help. Disk space is full

After some time I noticed that my site went down. I noticed that images no longer uploading and search is no longer working :frowning:

So I tried to run: bundle exec rake ts:start

But this gave me error notifying me that my disk is full.

I have 20GB VPS and only 192 items listed with images being stored locally. Is it possible that my disk filled so fast?

I am doing backup now and planing to upgrade my VPS plan…hmm but that does not seem right… any advice?

You need to create a swap area on your server. Assign 4GB storage to the swap area.
Please follow this link:


I am wondering if you installed this patch for location search ( ?

I am facing the same problem of disk space, and the patch is the last change I made to my code.

Here is the output when I do: df -h

Thank you very much !

What SWAP has to do with disk getting filled?

I only had about 200 items listed by users …and that took me 20GB… so I assume something is not right. I see you had 10G… so I wonder how much disk space we need id we have 20000 listings?

Did you check size and contents of application logs? App logs grow very fast.

Also, you can check what are your largest files:

sudo du -a / 2>/dev/null | sort -n -r | head -n 20


sudo find / -type f -printf "%s\t%p\n" | sort -n | tail -1

Thank you for your smart advice and help. I could not believe myself my sharetribe/log/production.searchd was 13.4G in size.
Issue is solved. Now if anyone has the same issue … the only thing they need to do is clear their log folder.

Again thank you for your time and advice that made me to take a second look and find issue that I missed first time.

sudo du -a / 2>/dev/null | sort -n -r | head -n 20

Will work check this one