Sharetribe version 7.5.0 is now available!

  1. All right then! I’m not so sure about how that works with Custom Landing Page so ping @luisrodgon (currently on holidays, so possibly a bit of delay before he answers) who knows more.

  2. Indeed you can find the values in that field from your database (table marketplace_plans, field features) or via your Rails console.

  1. maketplace_plans is empty in the DB; do you have a template how is should look like or a screenshot?
  1. I’m not exactly sure that this is what’s missing, but could you then try to add a new row in that table with:
  • community_id: your community_id
  • status:active`
  • features: {"deletable":false,"admin_email":true,"whitelabel":true,"footer":true}
  • member_limit: 100000 (or whatever)
  • expires_at: null
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  1. I added it, but with no effect;

Dear Thomas,

Indeed I made changes to the fr.yml file. I will have to check if it is the cause of the problem.
(I had no problem with this modified fr.yml with the sharetribe 7.4.0 version.)

But in the meantime, I am facing an other problem: my EC2 instance is full, so I cannot run the site. :thinking:

I don’t understand why it is using so much space…

One of the last change in the code was applying the patch for location search (
Could it be the cause for suddenly filling the disk ?

Hmm strange, that should do the work…

Just to be safe, can you run the following via Rails command (replace with your community_id of course):

  1. FeatureFlagService::API::Api.features.enable(community_id: YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID, features: [:footer])
  2. PlanService::Store::Plan::PlanModel.create(community_id: YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID, status: "active", features: {"whitelabel"=>true, "admin_email"=>true, "footer"=>true}, expires_at: Time.current + 20.years)

All right, keep us posted with the fr.yml correct updates!

Unfortunately I won’t be able to help much with the full disk thing but maybe answers at could help?

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Hi Thomas,
Sry I’m not an rails expert. I tried to run it like that, but hat does not work.

  • I went to the sharetribe directory with “cd sharetribe”
  • Then I tried: RAILS_ENV=production FeatureFlagService::API::Api.features.enable(community_id: 1, features: [:footer])

But here I got an error. I guess there is a different way to send these commands via the rails command line? Thank you for enlightening me:)

Thank you. One information can help me : according to you, what should be the size (approximatively) of a fresh installation of sharetribe + requirements on my instance ?

Dear Thomas,
for 2:

I found a way to send the commands via ruby command line:

  • For the first command I got the following error:
    -:1:in `’: uninitialized constant FeatureFlagService (NameError)

  • For the second one, this one:
    -:1:in `’: uninitialized constant PlanService (NameError)

Any ideas?

Guys, any ideas about the bug wrt to the footer problem?

Also facing same issue… activate footer is not select-able in admin. Is seems as a nice feature…but how to activate it?


I confirm that my problem was because of changes in the fr.yml file.
Fixed now. Thank you again for your help.

Dear Thomas,
Did you found some time to figure out the two bugs of 7.5.0?

  • admin area / social media / the social media image does not work for linkedin (still the old background image of the landing page is shown; while description and title change works well)

  • admin area / footer / the footer option is disabled/hidden and cannot enabled/activated

Exactly, my concerns are same. i’m glad Stefan, you have raised the issues.

@sst @Mohd_Sameer

  1. Unfortunately I’m not able to reproduce this, and LinkedIn social image works fine in multiple marketplaces I’ve tested (as long as it follows the 2:1 recommended ratio). Can you share an example? A link to a marketplace where it doesn’t work?
  2. After running the command described earlier, what has happened? Can you find "footer":true in marketplace_plans.features and/or the feature_flags tables for your community ID?

for 1. I get the following error in irb, when I run the ruby commands from the top
NameError: uninitialized constant FeatureFlagService
NameError: uninitialized constant PlanService


Hmm I have no idea what that mean. How are you running rails command usually? Are you correctly connected to your instance? Are you able to run a simple rails command to query your community details, just to be sure that it runs at the correct place?

Hopefully someone with more knowledge about your setup or rails commands in general will be able to help.

Hey @thomasmalbaux, why you guys are not updating the ruby and node versions, I know that Ruby 2.3.x will be reaching “end of life” at any moment now. Isn’t 2.3.1 full of security vulnerability? And why Node 7.x, the current version is +10.x? Am I missing something?

That’s a good point and good reminder.

We do update things regularly, and monitor security alerts. However any major update (like a Ruby version) means weeks of work for our team (and no focus on new or improved feature). It sounds simple on paper however in practice, that has tons of impacts! The codebase is quite big already and a version upgrade means refactoring lots of things. And that means that everything, all the features, big or small, have to be tested, as we can risk breaking things for the thousands of marketplaces we host.

But this is not a reason not to update things and we’ll definitely keep an eye on that and consider such task in our prioritization.

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Thanks, I understand it makes sense indeed. Keep up the good work!

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