All listings of a certain category are no longer editable / bookable

Hi guys,

We just set up open-source for about 2 weeks. Everything was alright at the start. But now we made some changes to the listing category.

Before we had 2 main categories: buyers and sellers. Under each, we had sub-categories such as cars, clothes, etc. We then removed all of the sub-categories, leaving only the parent “buyers” and “seller” categories…

Now after restarting server and refreshing all commands, our buyers categories have no issues with editing. However, all of the sellers listings now can no longer be edited. Clicking on “edit” and “book” gives the “Marketplace temporarily unavailable” status. Calendar display and saving new calendar entries still work fine for all listings, though.

I suspect it has something to do with the order types. Essentially the order types for sellers such as renting out and selling can no longer be used on “Post a new listing”. In the photo below, I created a new test category and a new test order type, but the screen just gets stuck below

If I use this new test category with a non-seller order type, it works fine like below.

I am not sure if it is because of the sub-category change or not, but it is very likely because everything worked fine before.

Separate from this, we encountered a search issue (not sure if it is related)

  1. In the general view, all listings are displayed with no problem
  2. When using search to choose one category, only about 1/3 of the listings display (Sharetribe-automatically-generated long URL)
  3. When we reduce the URL to just (removed the &view=grid&price_min=0&price_max=100… part) then we see about 80% of the listings

Is it because we created new filters a few weeks ago, and old listings not having these filters filled out are not being searched properly?

Thanks for any help you could give, guys.


Anybody with ideas on what the problem might be? @thomasmalbaux or other Sharetribe members?
Sorry for the tag…but if you could point me in the right directio it would be great!


No idea here, there can be tons of different reasons (indexing not active, database update failed, listings were closed, custom script is acting weird, …).

You’ll have to investigate this a bit more and, as a start, you should look into your logs to see if some errors/warnings are raised when you create/edit a listing with the “incorrect” order type, that should help a lot to understand what’s going on. You can also browse data directly in the database and database logs to make sure that everything was updated correctly.

Thanks @thomasmalbaux, any pointers on how to generate / look at logs? Some documentations online perhaps?
We are running via SSH command into Ubuntu server on Amazon EC2 instance.


Well it really depends of your own setup and how your store logs in your Rails application.

I noticed that you’ve asked this question in another thread, possibly other people will share their own setup to give you some inspiration, or you’ll learn from your team how this has been configured during the general setup.

Hi @thomasmalbaux, I have narrowed the problem down.

If the listing type has a price, it can no longer be edited / created / booked.

The moment we uncheck the “allow the listing to have a price” box, we can post a new listing with that type again.

We have not tried to change this option for existing listing types because we don’t know what will happen to live listing of real users. But when testing with a new dummy listing type, this is what we can confirm so far.

Any pointers to the the part of the code that controls the pricing?



Well pricing is at the core of the code, so it’s in many locations and it’s quite hard to advise something now…

Sounds quite weird behavior indeed. Did you learn more from your logs and error messages? Surely there is something prompted when you try to edit a listing and it fails. You can probably learn from those errors what parts are not working as expected, and continue from there.

Unfortunately the description of what’s happening doesn’t ring any bell here, so digging into logs, errors etc would still be the best way to learn what’s going on.

Hopefully you’ll be able to investigate, keep us posted.

Hi guys just to update, the issue is resolved.

Basically I change the parameter: number of days after which a transaction will be marked automatically as completed.

After this change, the Stripe API credentials are deleted from the system (or at least it is not in the admin panel).

I had to go back into the Stripe payment section and re-inputted the credentials.

This problem may have occurred cuz our dev built a customized Stripe solution connecting to Stripe standard and not Stripe connect.


Good to hear that you found the reason!
Thanks also for sharing it here, it might help others in potential similar situations.

Keep up the good work.