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  • List of error codes
  • List of error codes

    HTTP status code Error code Description
    400 unsupported-content-type The request has unsupported content type.
    400 bad-request The request is malformed.
    400 validation-disallowed-key A disallowed query or body parameter is present in the request. See error source.
    400 validation-invalid-value An invalid value is sent in the request. See error source.
    400 validation-invalid-params An invalid set of body or query parameters is sent in the request.
    400 validation-missing-key A required body or query parameter is missing in the request. See error source.
    401 auth-invalid-access-token The access token in the request is invalid or expired.
    401 auth-missing-access-token There is no access token in the request.
    403 forbidden The authenticated user does not have permission to access the given resource.
    404 not-found Returned by read endpoints when the requested resource is not found. Note that queries that return multiple resources DO NOT return a 404 error when no resource matches the query parameters. Instead, they return response with empty data array.
    409 conflict The command can not be completed. This is commonly caused by a missing resource, which is required by the command, a resource in an unexpected state, logic error in the request, etc.
    409 image-invalid The request specified an invalid image for the operation. For instance, image is missing or already in use.
    400 image-invalid-content The uploaded image is in an unsupported format.
    413 request-larger-than-content-length The request body is larger than specified in request's Content-length header.
    413 request-upload-over-limit The uploaded file is too large.
    409 email-taken The provided email address is already in use.
    409 email-already-verified The email address of the user is already verified.
    409 email-unverified The user's email has not been verified and the command requires a verified email address.
    409 email-not-found The specified email address could not be found in the database.
    409 listing-not-found The command could not be completed, because the specified listing could not be found.
    409 listing-invalid-state The command could not be completed, because the listing is not in one of the allowed states for the operation.
    409 stripe-account-not-found The provider has not set up a Stripe account and cannot accept payments.
    409 stripe-missing-api-key Stripe API key is not set but is needed to complete the operation.
    409 stripe-invalid-payment-intent-status Stripe PaymentIntent has an invalid status.
    409 stripe-customer-not-found No Stripe customer is found for the authenticated user.
    409 stripe-multiple-payment-methods-not-supported User's Stripe customer already has a payment method attached to it.
    409 stripe-payment-method-type-not-supported The provided payment method is not supported. Currently only card payment methods are allowed.
    409 user-missing-stripe-account The provider has not set up a Stripe account and cannot accept payments.
    409 user-is-banned The user provided as a parameter is banned and the command cannot be executed.
    409 user-not-found The user provided as a parameter is not found and the command cannot be executed.
    409 transaction-locked The transaction is currently locked by another operation. Try again, but consider that it's likely that the transaction has already transitioned to a different state.
    402 transaction-payment-failed Payment information was invalid or the payment was rejected by Stripe. Additional information can be found in the error meta.stripeMessage, meta.stripeCode and meta.stripeDeclineCode. See also Stripe errors documentation.
    409 transaction-not-found The command could not be completed, because the specified transaction could not be found.
    409 transaction-listing-not-found The command could not be completed, because the specified listing could not be found.
    400 transaction-booking-end-is-in-the-past The given booking end time is in the past.
    400 transaction-booking-start-before-end The booking start time must be before the booking end time.
    409 transaction-booking-state-not-pending The booking state is not pending (i.e. booking is created). Check your transaction process definition.
    409 transaction-booking-state-not-accepted The booking state is not accepted. Check your transaction process definition.
    409 transaction-invalid-transition The given transition is not defined in the process or it is not one of the possible next transitions.
    409 transaction-invalid-action-sequence The given transition cannot be executed because the action sequence is invalid and some action precondition is not met. The problem relates to the process description as a whole rather than just the transition in question.
    409 transaction-missing-listing-price The listing does not contain pricing information and cannot be user with this transaction process.
    409 transaction-missing-stripe-account The provider does not have Stripe account and cannot accept payments.
    409 transaction-same-author-and-customer The customer and listing author are the same user. You cannot book your own listings.
    409 transaction-stripe-account-disabled-charges The provider's Stripe account cannot accept payments at the moment.
    409 transaction-stripe-account-disabled-payouts The provider's Stripe account cannot accept payments at the moment.
    409 transaction-charge-zero-payin Cannot create change when the transaction payin total would be zero.
    409 transaction-charge-zero-payout Cannot create charge when the payout total would be zero.
    409 transaction-zero-payin Cannot create payment when transaction payin total would be zero.
    409 transaction-unknown-alias The given processAlias cannot be resolved to a process name and version
    409 transaction-provider-banned-or-deleted The provider in the transaction is banned or deleted and the transaction cannot be transitioned.
    409 transaction-customer-banned-or-deleted The customer in the transaction is banned or deleted and the transaction cannot be transitioned.
    429 too-many-requests Rate limit is reached. Try again after some time. Note that responses having HTTP 429 status code may have empty HTTP body.