Subdomain in godaddy

I am using Sharetribe Go & following the instructions but it is not working. I think there is something wrong/missing with the Sharetribe instructions below- how will the url be redirected to my site?

Instructions for other subdomains

If you want to set up your marketplace at a subdomain like (as opposed to, follow these instructions.

Open your GoDaddy DNS settings

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account and open the Account Manager. The address depends on your country.
  2. From the “My account” dropdown menu select “Manage My Domains”.
  3. Select your domain.
  4. Select the “DNS Zone file” tab (next to Settings).

Configure the DNS records for your subdomain

  1. Look over the existing “CNAME (Alias)” records.
  2. If a “CNAME (Alias)” record exists where “Name” is set to the desired subdomain, edit it and set “Value” to " ".
  3. If such a record doesn’t exist, click on “Add Record”. From the Record type list, select “CNAME (Alias)”. Fill in the following fields: “Name” to the desired subdomain (such as " subdomain "), “Value” to " ", “TTL” to " 1 hour " (other TTL values work as well).
  4. Click “Save”. It will prompt you to make sure you want to make this change. Hit “Save”/“Accept” to finalize the changes.
  5. Make sure that all changes have been saved.

Hey @Ayo_Dele!

This forum is for users of the Community Edition of Sharetribe Go (the source-available version that can be installed on your own servers).

As you’re using the hosted version, our team is fully available to help! Just go to your Admin panel and message us via the chat widget in the bottom right corner, we’ll be happy to help you set up your custom domain :slight_smile:

See you there!