Sphinx - Unknown MySQL error

I’m trying to run a Sharetribe project and everything looks work. When I access the index it works, but when I select some menu this error happen.

Someone have any idea what could be? Delayed jobs looks be running without problem.

The console error:

18:23:03 rails.1 | DEBUG Unknown MySQL error - SELECT * FROM listing_core, listing_delta WHERE community_id = 60095 AND category_id IN (302640) AND sphinx_deleted = 0 ORDER BY sort_date DESC LIMIT 0, 24 OPTION field_weights=(title=10, category=8, description=3), max_query_time=1000; SHOW META excluded from capture: Not configured to send/capture in environment ‘development’
18:23:03 rails.1 | FATAL
18:23:03 rails.1 | FATAL ThinkingSphinx::SphinxError (Unknown MySQL error - SELECT * FROM listing_core, listing_delta WHERE community_id = 60095 AND category_id IN (302640) AND sphinx_deleted = 0 ORDER BY sort_date DESC LIMIT 0, 24 OPTION field_weights=(title=10, category=8, description=3), max_query_time=1000; SHOW META):
18:23:03 rails.1 | FATAL
18:23:03 rails.1 | FATAL app/services/listing_index_service/search/sphinx_adapter.rb:96:in search_with_sphinx' 18:23:03 rails.1 | app/services/listing_index_service/search/sphinx_adapter.rb:29:insearch’
18:23:03 rails.1 | app/services/listing_index_service/api/listings.rb:19:in search' 18:23:03 rails.1 | app/controllers/homepage_controller.rb:188:infind_listings’
18:23:03 rails.1 | app/controllers/homepage_controller.rb:75:in index' 18:23:03 rails.1 | lib/jsroutes_middleware.rb:48:incall’
18:23:03 rails.1 | lib/rack_middleware/session_context_middleware.rb:15:in call' 18:23:03 rails.1 | lib/rack_middleware/marketplace_lookup.rb:33:incall’
18:23:03 rails.1 | lib/rack_middleware/custom_cookie_renamer.rb:11:in call' 18:23:03 rails.1 | lib/rack_middleware/enforce_ssl.rb:23:incall’
18:23:03 rails.1 | lib/rack_middleware/health_check.rb:12:in call' 18:23:03 rails.1 | DEBUG (0.8ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROMcommunities18:23:03 rails.1 | DEBUG Community Load (0.9ms) SELECTcommunities.* FROMcommunitiesORDER BYcommunities.idASC LIMIT 1 18:23:03 rails.1 | DEBUG CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROMcommunities18:23:03 rails.1 | DEBUG CACHE Community Load (0.0ms) SELECTcommunities.* FROMcommunitiesORDER BYcommunities.id` ASC LIMIT 1 [[“LIMIT”, 1]]

hi @Rafael_Besen ,
are you able encounter this bug ?


I had exactly the same problem and found the solution : I was under Mysql 8.0 and Sharetribe works with MySQL 5.7 . I had to delete all MySQL from my computer and reinstall from scratch.

I installed MySQL 5.7 but this problem still occurs

run the rake ts: rebuild command to create an index

Hello Everyone,

Any update on this topic?

Hello @Rafael_Besen, @mezbah, @marion, @arta, @Krishna, @Fruk
I’m also getting this error. I already tried all the things which were mentioned above reply.
If someone find any solution please help me.

can you please guide me here (sharetribe community).
It’ll be nice for all.

ok sure, tell me what is the exact error ?

skype - baaaby2007

Hello @vivekraj,
attached is the screenshot, if you can help with it, it would be appreciable. I’m not able to connect with you on Skype. Please please help.

hmm, did you installed sphinx ? n did u started ?

yes @vivekraj, Sphinx already installed in my system.
also I removed all installations of MySQL and Sphinx
brew uninstall mysql@5.7
brew uninstall sphinx

Reinstalled MySQL@5.7 and Sphinx
brew install mysql@5.7
brew install sphinx (installed sphinx-2.2.11_3) & i tried with brew install sphinx --with-mysql
which is not working in mac.

Then i run :- bundle exec rake ts:index
bundle exec rake ts:start
then run but when i typed any work in search box it’s gives me unknown Mysql error

I also run bundle exec rake ts:rebuild
but the issue was same

madam please ping me on skype, everything I cannot respond on community.

@Protovo_sonam & @vivekraj : I’m having the same issue. Could you please assist me to resolve this?