Sharetribe Go 9.1 - Landingpage editor

Hi All,

We are currently using Sharetribe Go and just updated for Sharetribe 9.1 - Really awesome job that the Sharetribe teams has done on this new update.

In the documentation of ST 9.1 I see possibility of getting the Landingpage Editor:

  1. Does this also go for Sharetribe Go?

  2. We succesfully updated to 9.1, but don’t see any changes giving possibility of accessing the landingpage editor. Do we need some additional setup?

Kind regards

So really no documentation availble on how to deploy this feature? @sharetribe

@mtumlino The Custom Landing Page editor should be enabled by default but maybe some of your prior customization changes things?

Anyway you can enable the feature via the plan_features. It can be edited via the Rails console or in the database at marketplace_plans.features (in the format {"deletable":false,"admin_email":true,"whitelabel":true,"footer":true,"landing_page":true}).

The landing_page feature is what you want to have enabled to use the Editor.

Hopefully this helps!

Thank you for the insight, Thomas. I’m afraid I haven’t figured this out yet.

I did not have a row in marketplace_plans, so I added one. I had to add a number of fields I was unfamiliar with, so perhaps you could look to see where I’m going wrong?

If you could share the correct command for Rails, that would be very helpful. Thanks.

Solved my problem with a hacky yet robust solution: