Seller did not receive payment

Hi everyone

We tried to migrate our sharetribe marketplace from hosted to the open source version.
Everything seems to work fine, except the stripe payment.

I enabled stripe using the following instructions:

Now we tried to buy an item from a seller. We paid using a credit card and waited for 10 days.

Unfortunately the seller did not receive any money. But on the stripe account of our marketplace, there is 3% of the paid money, as it should be.

In the admin dashboard the payment status is “Paid”.

Does anyone here know, what the problem could be?

Many thanks and cheers

Hey there Tobias!

With the default Stripe integration, money is hold until the transaction is marked as completed. It’s only when the status is “Completed” that the money will be transferred to the provider.

You can learn more at

Hopefully this clarifies things!


Hey thomas

Thank you for the fast reply.

You are right, the customer did not mark his order as “completed” yet.


Hey Thomas

8 days ago the customer marked his order as “completed” but he did not get the money on his bank account yet.

He did not enter a wrong bank account number.

Do you know what the problem is?

Thanks for your help.


Hi Tobias,

hum there could be lots of reasons.

It’s good to remember that Stripe takes ~7-10 workdays to transfer money, so it might be that it just needs a few more days.

It could be that for some reason the info that the money should be transferred didn’t leave your marketplace, you might want to check your logs and delayed_jobs to make sure that all steps when moving to the Completed stage have been processed.

It could be that their account is “blocked” for whatever reason, and you can check their account status yourself in your Stripe dashboard.

From the Stripe dashboard, you can also find details about their account, transaction and payout (via the “View dashboard as…” feature). You might want to check there if everything looks correct.

Hopefully this helps!

Hi Thomas

I just found out that the money is on “his stripe account” and is ready for payout.

But I thought that this will be paid out automattically to his bank account.
Do I have to enable this feature anywhere?

payout schedule is default to “manual”. I would like to have “automatically every day” as default for every account.

Many thanks and cheers

I was just going over this documentation:

There is written:
In Stripe, you can notice in the Connect accounts sections that payout for your provider’s accounts is set to “Manual”: this is because your marketplace is the source that will trigger the fund release.

The question now is: When does the Payout get triggered by the marketplace?

Indeed, you’ve found lots of explanations already. Payout should be triggered automatically when the transaction is marked as completed.

We’ve heard reports of similar issues from others and are investigating. It might be that there is a bug somewhere, we’ll keep you posted as soon as we know more!

Stay tuned.

Hi Thomas! Is there any news on this? Transactions have been marked as “complete” in sharetribe, but sellers have not yet received their payments.The ones that used Paypal have though.

This is urgent since I believe after 90 days, the payment would go back to the buyer?


@Fatima_Rizwan @tobiasetter

Thanks for the followup! Actually after 90 days payment is released to the seller automatically, money doesn’t go back to the buyer (90 days is the longest Stripe can hold the money).

And indeed we’ve found some bug in our code and that was fixed few days ago (you can find the PR at

It seems to be OK now with that fix but we are still waiting for a few live tests to pass. We’ll update this thread as soon as it’s confirmed!

Stay tuned.

@Fatima_Rizwan @tobiasetter

Just a quick follow-up to Thomas’s comment. We have now finish testing this and it has been confirmed that the feature is now working as intended. The money is now being released to the seller when the buyer marks the order as completed. If the buyer marks the order as completed too soon, before the payment is processed by Stripe, then the money is released at a later date, when it has been processed.

Thank you again for your reports and for your patience.