Question about self hosting Sharetriebe

Hi i’m willing to host my instance of sharetribe on my own server but i have question about sharetribe itself is the opensource version complete like the version that is Sharetribe providing as SaaS ? or its not full version and they are just marketing themselves as opensource i hope you help

Hey @Akami!

To be exact, Sharetribe Go is source-available and not open-source anymore. You can learn more about the reasoning and what that means at, although in practice for a small project this doesn’t change anything.

The exact same code is run as SaaS with three main exceptions:

  • the font and icons are not the same for licensing reasons
  • the code for PayPal payments is available but does not work for contract and agreement reasons (you would have to contract with PayPal, and they don’t really accept any new customer for that product anymore)
  • the location search isn’t included, as the component (Discovery) hasn’t been open-sourced

You can learn more details about this at

Hopefully, this clarifies things!

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