Price filters on the GO version

Hello everyone!

Since the GO version is very limited in terms of customizing, I was wondering if it’s possible to create a link that filters the price from Low to High and vice versa. It would be great since we can create links on the menu bar. Any input or help would be appreciated.

Thanks guys!

Hi @Tdiallo!
Sorry to say that it does not look like this is possible without code changes - the system is hard coded to sort by the date of listing (or maybe the last time it was edited). I am looking at this too because it does seems like a really useful feature for customers. I hacked at it and managed to hard code it to sort by price instead of date so it looks possible. This is on Community edition so I can play with the code.

Are you also using Community? If so, you can follow the search from views/homepage/index.haml through homepage_controller.rb, eventually down to sphinx_adapter.rb and database_search_helper.rb. I changed 'sort_date DESC' to 'price_cents ASC' in those last two files which did sort the pages by price, so it looks like it could work. Would just need to change the controller to read the sort option from the url and pass it through the system which feels very possible.

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Hi, @Tdiallo I have already implemented a similar kind of filter customization in the Sharetribe Go self-hosted version, please let me know if I can help you in this implementation.

Email -


I am a Sharetribe Go customisation expert worked on 100+ Sharetribe projects on Upwork. I can implement this price filter for you.

Please feel free to connect for further discussion.

Mo Nadeem
Skype: mohammad.nadeem391

Hi @Tdiallo
Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 10.38.35 PM