Paypal open source integration

I already read a lot of stuff.

  1. Posts in this Community,

  2. Github Issue (like this one:

  3. Support: knowledge base

All these just about How hard to integration Paypal into open source version,
No technical detail, so. my question is:


  • What kind of aggrement I have to negotiate with Paypal? Any link please?
    I already apply for API, is this info below work? did you guys get similar thing from Paypal?
API username:
API password  53XEBTDJJMJxxxxx
signature:  AIANU9DPYS.K4.jkECAsabVRc1PCAXxB.k08Rs1hXSZAUSM.xxxxxxxx

(removed some info here)

  • After negotiate, What would I get? an API key and an API secret?
  • What config should I do? fill API key & API secret into config/config.yml?
  • is there any code required to write in order to make Paypal work?


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IIRC what you need is an API key that can do Reference Transactions. I wasn’t actively part of the process, so I need to ask a teammate for more information.

Yep, you need an API key, signature, button source, etc. You can find these from config.yml

That’s all what you need to do.


So all in all, the integration is there, all the code is there, you just need to get the API key from PayPal. I remember that for us it was quite a heavy process. We needed to set up an example marketplace for them and then they tested the implementation etc. And some paperwork was also needed. I’m not sure if they give these permissions to individuals. You may need to have a company in order to get the permissions for Reference transactions.

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Thank you very much!
IIRC mean “If I Remember Correctly”??
(I have to Google what that mean. I though that was some organization name or company name)

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Yes, IIRC means “If I remember correctly”.

Cheng, did you ever get this working? It kind of make sense that PayPal would want to perform extended verification I guess, at least for the ShareTribe hosted version. But now that ShareTribe is an established open source project, you’d hope they would ease up on this.

My team is evaluating ShareTribe at the moment and I don’t know how much we’re going to be able to use it if PayPal have made this process particularly difficult.

Has anyone else managed to get PayPal working with the self-hosted code base?


Hi Daniel

No, I didn’t get Paypal working, I didn’t start integrating Paypal into my self-hosted version Sharetribe.
Because the payment is not most important for me right now.
Customize Sharetribe to implement feature we want is the important thing right now.
We will integrate Paypal later, not now.

Anyway, once we finish integrate with Paypal, I would update this post and @ you.
let you know how to do this.
I probably would write a blog about this, with step by step detail. try to help as many people as I can.

Have a nice day

Cheng Zheng - GuangZhou,China


Hi mikko
would you mind ask your teammate more about how to make Paypal work?

I been watching code recently,

I successfully enable “Payment System” on Admin panel,
by running this in rails console:

community_id: 1,
active: true,
confirmation_after_days: 0,
payment_gateway: "paypal",
minimum_transaction_fee_cents: 0,
payment_process: "preauthorize"

but can’t get the “Connect to your Paypal account” work,
always 500 error,
by click “Connect to your Paypal account” it send a AJAX to

NoMethodError at /en/admin/paypal_preferences/account_create

> undefined method `data' for #<Hash:0x007fc8d3970c90>

app/controllers/admin/paypal_preferences_controller.rb, line 123

``` ruby
  118         {
  119           community_id:,
  120           callback_url: admin_paypal_preferences_permissions_verified_url,
  121           country: community_country_code
  122         }))
> 123       permissions_url =[:redirect_url]
  125       if permissions_url.blank?
  126         flash[:error] = t("")
  127         return redirect_to action: :index
  128       else

really hopeing you guys can write a offcial detail guide about how to make Paypal work.

how do I solve this problem?
Thank you
Are you guys using this to set up commission?
That’s why it’s hard to get Paypal work on Open Source Version?

mans, the same here. Did you had success whit this?

not yet
If I success I would update this post.

Any success on this?
I am getting this same error on AWS

I’m also wondering about this too…if anyone has had any luck

Wondering on this too, if any success?