NoMethodError: undefined method `dump' for

Hi Community Iam facing following error

bundle exec rake db:create db:structure:load
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `dump’ for #MessagePack::Factory:0x0000561f2c0e5bb8
Did you mean? dup


NoMethodError: undefined method `dump’ for #MessagePack::Factory:0x00007fa8630b4178
Did you mean? dup

Any resolution for this?

I posted a question on stackoverflow

Hi DO, please use master branch instead of latest branch


dumping this forum in favor of stackexchange. I can be messaged there. A forum that has too many rules where a simple reply to a post is off limits is BS. goodbye

Hey @anon96582447!

Can you tell me a bit more? As far as I can see in our admin area, your posts or accounts have never been blocked nor flagged, so I’m a bit surprised. What did you experience exactly?

Unfortunately we have to fight against spam, on this forum, many times a day. Some rules are indeed a bit strict (for example, posting seconds after creating an account, which would be the behavior of a bot), otherwise the whole forum would be impossible to use. But again that didn’t seem to apply to your activity, as far as I can see.

Let me know, here or in a private message. Thanks!