Multi-currency marketplace solutions

Hi all,

Up to now our marketplace focused mainly on some country in the EU and thus we’re using € as the currency for the listing prices. Next step is going to be roll-out to the US, which means we need to add $ (or have to choose whether to use only 1 currency - which is not the best customer-experience imo).

Has anyone experience with implementing solutions to make your marketplace multi-currency-proof? Any suggestions or examples?

Hi Marco, we implemented multi-currency here at


Hi Matew,

I have questions about the multi-currency implementation.
Do you still use Strip for payment ? Do you display the listing original currency or the user default currency ?



Hi Fares,

Yes we still use Stripe for payment. We recently upgraded to 7.2 to take advantage of the Stripe support in 7.2 but modified to to use the simple stripe account model.

On multi-currency we have implemented three things.

  1. The user can set their default listing currency in their settings.
  2. The user when creating a listing can set the listing currency
  3. The listing is displayed in the current set of the user viewing the listing by setting the viewing currency in the footer. We convert the listing currency to the display currency on the fly based on a set of currency pairs we download and cache each day.

Hi Matew,

I would like to ask you, could you share more details on how you implemented multicurrency support in sharetribe? It’s really awful that it is not implemented by the default…


Hi there,
Apologies to bump an old thread, but has there been any updates on this?
Could anyone share details on how they added multicurrency selection? I’m guessing it’s only currently possible with Flex?
Is this a feature in the works for Sharetribe Go?


Indeed, right now it’s possible to build multicurrency support in Flex. This is not something being worked on for Go, though.

I think a few people have built such support in Go CE, hopefully, they’ll share their code and approach to it!

I see no worries. ShareTribe Go (Hosted Version) can’t be converted/imported to the community edition can it? As the community edition is fully self organised/hosted?

@TBD If you already have a Go marketplace on Sharetribe servers (hosted version), you can surely import it into your own Go CE setup!

You can simply contact Sharetribe’s team (via the chat widget in the Admin panel of your hosted marketplace) and request a full backup of your data. You’ll be able, with a few technical steps, to import it into your own installation.

Go hosted and Go CE is the same version, except for a few minor differences (see

Hopefully, this clarifies things!

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Hello All,

I hired a developer that assured me she could add multi-currency display feature to my sharetribe go community edition website but it didn’t work out. She’s stuck and she can’t figure out where the problem is.
Everytime we try to change the currency it may work once and then the next currency you chose it no longer applies to all the listings.
Sometimes I will see that the listings are set with two different set of currencies.
Sometimes the currency will not work in grid view but it will work in list view.
Someone pointed out to me that the problem may have to do with caching but that’s all I know. Has anybody been able to implement this feature successfully?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!