Minimun CPU to run opensource version?

I am plan to deploy open source version to ramnode 512MB CPU, its enaugh? Thanks

I don’t think so.

I run the open source version on heroku and consistently run over the 512 mb ram limit for the hobby/1x dynos. I haven’t put my sharetribe instance through heavy load, but it seems to run about 550-600mb.

Putting it on a dyno with 1024mb of ram has resulted in zero memory issues.

i got error “Mysql2::Error: Access denied for user ‘sharetribe’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)”

How to solve? Im stuck here…

Make sure you have set the user for the database correctly. Have you reviewed the install instructions? Here they are:

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Im stuck in here
Setting up the development environment step 8…
All i do is installing apache,mysql, node etc and follow the tutorial…
Note : im totally noob

Can you connect to the MySQL instance with your regular username and password and the MySQL client?

mysql -uuser -pmypass sharetribe_development


I set up my dev envt with the 5.5 instructions, which didn’t have the nodejs component, so I’m not sure if things have changed.

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Okey i have solved this error but when i check my browser with rails s running its say “server not found”…
Whats wrong…?

Not sure, but what url are you going to?

If not localhost, see

It still on development ,
Send you detail my vps, if you have time you can check it…

Yes, if it is on an external vps, you definitely need to start it up with bundle exec rails server -b as outlined in the SO post.

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Yeaahh its work… thanks you very much… :smiley:

Sorry another question :

  1. Can i set up my marketplace on main domain? Not on sub domain… have tutorial about this config?

  2. When you see , what is that type of marketplace? Product, Rental, or Service?
    Im wondering can i pick all that type marketplace when im on fresh install…

Once again, thanks for your help…

Sorry, not sure. You should ask this question as a top level question rather than deep in this thread, though.