Interactive map

Hi, does anyone have experience with making the google maps part scalable as to prevent a large portion of white appearing when an user zooms in/out the page? See below.
Can I make the map always scale in a way as to fill the entire column meant for the map/items?

Hey @veekdeveek!

Can you tell us a bit more? Already, right now, when running a search, the map should adjust automatically to display all listings that are within the searched location.

But do you mean that you would like to prevent users from zooming out?

Let us know!

Hi, what I mean is that, once multiple selection criteria appear, there is a white area (marked in red) which could be used for additional map space. This would make the marketplace appear more functional.

Thanks for the clarification @veekdeveek!

Indeed, that would be a nice use of that empty space. I’m not sure where and how you should go about updating this in the code but hopefully, someone with more technical knowledge will be able to share how they’d approach it :slight_smile: