Image upload issue

Having issues changing my profile picture in Sharetribe on my server “Your profile picture is being prepared. Please, reload the page after a while.” but nothing happens. No image and placeholder no photo image also gone. I have the jobs worker running in the background on dev environment. Any ideas? This is a clean install and I am uploading profile picture for the first time. Thanks.


  • Uploading image to listing also fails

Is there any errors in firebug console?

What’s the version you are using? What’s your environment in which you are running Sharetribe (Mac/Linux, etc.)? Do you see any errors in Rails logs or firebug console? Are you using local filesystem or Amazon S3 to save the images? Answering to these questions will make it a easier to help you with the issue!

Issue has been resolved, thank you.

Great to hear that you got it resolved!

Would you like to share some information how you solved it? That would be beneficial in the future if people are facing the same issue and searching the solution from the forum.

We have same problem.
cover image, logo, and icone is upload. But we are not able to see it.
We are deploying sharetribe on VPS server with ubuntun 16.04

Please can you share with us how you solve the problem?

@rap1ds, @hkashy,

Please could you share your solution on this problem with us?
We have the same problem. when we upload cover-image, favicone and other image.
image is transfère to the server but display don’t change.

in JS console, we have the error bellow.
Please could you help us to solve this issue.
We are on VPS with ubuntu 16.04
Much thank.

any help please?
We are new in ruby and in sharetribe.
But we love sharetribe vision and function


@djendeu Can you tell us a bit more details about your issue? As I previously wrote in this thread, answering the these questions may help us to give you some instructions:

In addition, do you have background workers running?

1 Like

Hi @rap1ds ,
Much Thank for your repply.
We are running sharetribe 5.11 on a Virtual Private Server with ubuntu 16.04. We use apache + Passenger. To save the images, we use local file system. We have not set any Amazon S3 configuration.

in firebug console I don’t have any error. But in chrome console, I see the error “GET 404 (Not Found)”

See bellow my apache/error.log

see bellow my apache/error.log

App 13126 stderr: DEPRECATION WARNING: [paperclip] [deprecation] AWS SDK v1 has been deprecated in paperclip 5. Please consider upgrading to AWS 2 before upgrading paperclip. (called from class:ListingImage at /var/www/tmarket/app/models/listing_image.rb:34)
App 13126 stderr:
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mListingImage Load (0.8ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT listing_images.* FROM listing_images WHERE (error IS NULL) AND listing_images.listing_id IN (1)e[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35m (2.6ms)e[0m SELECT communities.google_maps_key FROM communities WHERE = 1
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCustomFieldName Load (1.0ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT custom_field_names.* FROM custom_field_names WHERE custom_field_names.custom_field_id = '2’e[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35m (0.4ms)e[0m SELECT COUNT() FROM custom_field_options WHERE custom_field_options.custom_field_id = 2
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCustomFieldOption Load (0.4ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT custom_field_options.
FROM custom_field_options WHERE custom_field_options.custom_field_id = 2e[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCustomFieldOptionTitle Load (1.1ms)e[0m SELECT custom_field_option_titles.* FROM custom_field_option_titles WHERE custom_field_option_titles.custom_field_option_id = 2
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCustomFieldOptionTitle Load (0.6ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT custom_field_option_titles.* FROM custom_field_option_titles WHERE custom_field_option_titles.custom_field_option_id = 3e[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCustomFieldOptionTitle Load (0.4ms)e[0m SELECT custom_field_option_titles.* FROM custom_field_option_titles WHERE custom_field_option_titles.custom_field_option_id = 4
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCustomFieldOptionTitle Load (0.5ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT custom_field_option_titles.* FROM custom_field_option_titles WHERE custom_field_option_titles.custom_field_option_id = 5e[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m SELECT community_customizations.* FROM community_customizations WHERE community_customizations.community_id = 1 AND community_customizations.locale = ‘fr’ ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1 [[“community_id”, 1], [“locale”, :fr]]
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT community_customizations.* FROM community_customizations WHERE community_customizations.community_id = 1 AND community_customizations.locale = ‘fr’ ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m [[“community_id”, 1], [“locale”, :fr]]
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m SELECT community_customizations.* FROM community_customizations WHERE community_customizations.community_id = 1 AND community_customizations.locale = ‘fr’ ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1 [[“community_id”, 1], [“locale”, :fr]]
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT community_customizations.* FROM community_customizations WHERE community_customizations.community_id = 1 AND community_customizations.locale = ‘fr’ ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m [[“community_id”, 1], [“locale”, :fr]]
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mMarketplaceSetupSteps Load (0.4ms)e[0m SELECT marketplace_setup_steps.* FROM marketplace_setup_steps WHERE marketplace_setup_steps.community_id = 1 LIMIT 1
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mMenuLink Load (0.7ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT menu_links.* FROM menu_links WHERE menu_links.community_id = 1 ORDER BY sort_prioritye[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m SELECT community_customizations.* FROM community_customizations WHERE community_customizations.community_id = 1 AND community_customizations.locale = ‘fr’ ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1 [[“community_id”, 1], [“locale”, :fr]]
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mMarketplaceConfigurations Load (1.2ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT marketplace_configurations.* FROM marketplace_configurations WHERE marketplace_configurations.community_id = 1 ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35m (0.4ms)e[0m SELECT participations.conversation_id FROM participations WHERE participations.person_id = ‘ZiAChzpYtApQxIekBBg8CQ’
App 13149 stdout: INFO [react_on_rails] RENDERED TopbarApp to dom node with id: topbar-container with railsContext:“,”{"href":"\“,\“location\”:\”/\“,\“scheme\”:\“http\”,\“host\”:\“\”,\“port\”:null,\“pathname\”:\”/\“,\“search\”:null,\“i18nLocale\”:\“fr\”,\“i18nDefaultLocale\”:\“en\”,\“httpAcceptLanguage\”:\“fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3\”,\“marketplaceId\”:1,\“loggedInUsername\”:\“teamt\”,\“marketplace_color1\”:\”#96000c\“,\“marketplace_color2\”:\”#000000\",\"serverSide\“:true}
App 13149 stdout: INFO {“method”:“GET”,“path”:”/“,“format”:“html”,“controller”:“homepage”,“action”:“index”,“status”:200,“duration”:6383.73,“view”:986.33,“db”:195.5,“params”:{},“host”:“”,“community_id”:1,“current_user_id”:“ZiAChzpYtApQxIekBBg8CQ”,“user_agent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0”,“referer”:““,“forwarded_for”:”",“request_uuid”:"f9cb3300-b3f8-4825-92f4-a41f8f0df14c”}
App 13252 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36m (5.3ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT COUNT() FROM communitiese[0m
App 13252 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCommunity Load (5.3ms)e[0m SELECT communities.
App 13173 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35m (2.8ms)e[0m SELECT COUNT() FROM communities
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35m (5.1ms)e[0m SELECT COUNT(
) FROM communities
App 13173 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCommunity Load (9.3ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT communities.* FROM communities ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m
App 13286 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36m (4.4ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT COUNT() FROM communitiese[0m
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCommunity Load (5.6ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT communities.
FROM communities ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m
App 13286 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCommunity Load (4.8ms)e[0m SELECT communities.* FROM communities ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36m (7.9ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT COUNT() FROM communitiese[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCommunity Load (13.5ms)e[0m SELECT communities.
App 12631 stdout: INFO Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1,
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35m (2.6ms)e[0m SELECT COUNT() FROM communities
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCommunity Load (3.1ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT communities.
FROM communities ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m SELECT COUNT() FROM communities
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT communities.
FROM communities ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1e[0m
App 12631 stdout: INFO {“method”:“GET”,“path”:”/wide_logos/header/missing.png",“format”:“png”,“controller”:“errors”,“action”:“not_found”,“status”:404,“duration”:9.36,“view”:0.88,“db”:0.04,“params”:{“path”:“wide_logos/header/missing”,“format”:“png”},“host”:null,“community_id”:null,“current_user_id”:null,“user_agent”:null,“referer”:null,“forwarded_for”:null,“request_uuid”:null}
App 13149 stdout: INFO Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1,
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36m (2.6ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT COUNT() FROM communitiese[0m
App 12631 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCommunity Load (4.8ms)e[0m SELECT communities.
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36m (5.3ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT COUNT() FROM communitiese[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCommunity Load (6.8ms)e[0m SELECT communities.
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[36mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m e[1mSELECT COUNT() FROM communitiese[0m
App 13149 stdout: DEBUG e[1me[35mCACHE (0.0ms)e[0m SELECT communities.
App 13149 stdout: INFO {“method”:“GET”,“path”:“/wide_logos/header/missing.png”,“format”:“png”,“controller”:“errors”,“action”:“not_found”,“status”:404,“duration”:19.42,“view”:10.43,“db”:0.04,“params”:{“path”:“wide_logos/header/missing”,“format”:“png”},“host”:null,“community_id”:null,“current_user_id”:null,“user_agent”:null,“referer”:null,“forwarded_for”:null,“request_uuid”:null}
[ 2016-09-20 14:41:00.0259 22642/7f29c484f700 age/Cor/App/Poo/AnalyticsCollection.cpp:102 ]: Process (pid=12631, group=/var/www/tmarket (development)) no longer exists! Detaching it from the pool.
[ 2016-09-20 14:41:00.0262 22642/7f29c484f700 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:819 ]: Checking whether to disconnect long-running connections for process 12631, application /var/www/tmarket (development)
[ 2016-09-20 14:45:52.8500 22642/7f29c480e700 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:819 ]: Checking whether to disconnect long-running connections for process 13173, application /var/www/tmarket (development)
[ 2016-09-20 14:45:52.8502 22642/7f29c480e700 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:819 ]: Checking whether to disconnect long-running connections for process 13252, application /var/www/tmarket (development)
[ 2016-09-20 14:45:52.8503 22642/7f29c480e700 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:819 ]: Checking whether to disconnect long-running connections for process 13286, application /var/www/tmarket (development)

Do you have the delayed job worker running? I mean this:

bundle exec rake jobs:work

Much thank @rap1ds for your reply.
About this command, when installing Sharetribe we run this command; she was well executed and had opened the Sharetribe configuration page in the browser.


Bonjour Mikko Koski,
After checking, I note that delayed job worker is not running.
I also note that our installation Sharetribe is currently in development mode.

How can we do to solve this image problem?
Thank you for your help.

Any Advise to solve my issue?

Thank in advance.

In your last message you said that you noted that the delayed job workers were not running. So did you start the workers? Add a new tab in terminal and type rake jobs:work


Thank you very much Mikko Koski for your assistance.
I performed the instructions and images are displayed.

I notice still a problem, delayed job is not in continuous operation. When I create an ad, the images are not displayed as long as I did not make a new execution of the console command.

Much Thank in advance.

1 Like

You need to keep the worker process running on the background all the time. That’s not a problem, that’s how the workers work and that’s by design.

Thank for your reply Mikko.
How to keep the worker process running on the background?

Muck Thank.

Have a look at this thread and the answer from @blade :

In your local development environment, you can just open a now terminal session and keep the background worker running there.