HTTP 500 - couldn't find file 'vendor-bundle'

After creating a dev instance of sharetribe, i got the following http error when hitting local host on port 3000 after “setup your market place”. Any tips on this error would be appreciated.

INFO {“method”:“GET”,“path”:"/",“format”:“html”,“controller”:“HomepageController”,“action”:“index”,“status”:500,“duration”:496.91,“view”:0.0,“db”:45.37,“params”:{},“host”:“”,“community_id”:1,“current_user_id”:"",“user_agent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0”,“referer”:"",“forwarded_for”:"",“request_uuid”:“522df877-291c-41b3-b286-53ca311e9dd8”}
ActionView::Template::Error - couldn’t find file ‘vendor-bundle’ with type 'application/javascript’
Checked in these paths:


I too get same error in ShareTribe application. My node version is 7.8.0. I followed all the steps from GitHub for development setup.

Please share your solution here how did you fix this. Thanks in advance.

Hi guys,

I’m trying to fix the same issue. Please share your fix.

I also got this problem. I tried running this command and it worked for me.
bundle exec rake ASSET_HOST=${ASSET_HOST} NODE_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=production assets:precompile --trace

I too get same error. I fixed it: client && npm install … && bundle install
3.foreman start -f Procfile.static

foreman is not installed when i follow the install guide.
should i add it to the Gemfile?