HELP! Background Image - Sharetribe Go

Hi Team -
I upgraded my ST Go subscription today from trial to pro and also subscribed to the landing page.
I can’t seem to be able to upload a background image. I have an option to browse but not to select or upload a file.
Am I missing something here? I’m using Firefox but have also tried in Chrome with same issue…
Heeeeeelp! Screen shot attached!

Many Thanks,

Hey Adam!

And thanks for reporting. This shouldn’t happen indeed.

This forum is all about the Community Edition of Sharetribe Go. For any situation that happens with the hosted version (that you are now paying for), contacting Sharetribe’s support team via the chat widget in your Admin panel is the best way to go.

I noticed you’ve done that already, and we’ll get back to you there, soon. We answer all questions within 24 hours, 7 days a week, often way way faster.

Stay tuned, we’ll reply to you in the official support channel soon!