Facebook Like Buttons Stopped Working


“Like” buttons on our Sharetribe GO-based sites have stopped working and we have no idea why. Clicking them causes a window to open and a “1” to show up briefly, but then it closes and nothing else happens. This is true if logged into Facebook. If not logged in, it first asks the user to login, then the same things happens. Our Facebook apps all seem to be fine and in compliance on the Meta Developer platform.

A couple of pages where this happens:



Has anyone else experienced this? Any help would be appreciated!
Rick Reynolds

Hi, @rick I have just checked your two listing pages and clicked the Facebook like button as logged in and without logged in, both worked fine at my end.

Please let me know for any Sharetribe related help.

Email - mailtoamanam@gmail.com


Its not an issue Rick.

I think I am experiencing the same issue. Possibly because of this my Facebook app got disabled.


I am looking in to this, but not sure how to solve it.

Maybe someone has a solution already?