Executing : bundle install

Continuing the discussion from Problems with installation? Read this!:

Hello I am a newbie in Ruby and Ruby on Rails,
I have problems when running the :

bundle install
Your Ruby version is 2.3.3, but your Gemfile specified 2.3.1

Notes : I am using windows 7 and install Ruby 2.3.3 for windows using the windows installer ( there are no 2.3.1 version of Ruby )

Any tips would be appreciated thanks

(I’m maybe a wrong person to answer, since I have very limited Windows experience, but anyway…)

For OSX/Linux there are version managers, that let’s you install and use and easily switch between any Ruby version. RVM is an example of such tool. I would assume that something like this also exists for Windows? Quick googling revealed a tool called pik, but unfortunately according to the README it’s no longer maintained.

Thank you Mikko for the reply.