Custom Landing Page Categories Images Not Working v10.3

Everything on my site seems to be working fine. Images process and load correctly everyplace.

I then use the in app “Custom Landing Page editor” and all seems fine except for the “Categories” section.

I select the three categories I would like to feature and upload images for them. At that point, I see the images I just selected in the thumbnail to the left before I hit the “save changes” button. I have given the system plenty of time to process the images.

The save seems to work just fine. Then when I go to preview the landing pages, the categories are there but they do not have background images. So I go back into the editor and now the small thumbnail images show as broken.

I have tried different images, different image types, sizes, etc. with the same result. I see the image gets loaded into the special S3 bucket I have for CLP Images. There are no errors in the browser console.

This also seems true for loading background images in the CLP editor.

Any ideas or suggestions to chase this issue down would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Susan

I figured it out. Having never used CLP before I did not know to set:

clp_asset_url: “{sitename}/
clp_s3_bucket_name: “my-bucket-name-here”

Hope it helps someone.