Configure and remove all Sharetribe branding by [upgrading to the Pro plan or higher]

Hello everyone,

we are getting this notice when we try to configure footer from admin panel

Configure and remove all Sharetribe branding from the footer of your marketplace by [upgrading to the Pro plan or higher]

Does anyone knows how to get rid of this and enable the footer feature from admin panel?

I’ve already tried following rails commands with no success.

1. `FeatureFlagService::API::Api.features.enable(community_id: YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID, features: [:footer])`
2. `PlanService::Store::Plan::PlanModel.create(community_id: YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID, status: "active", features: {"whitelabel"=>true, "admin_email"=>true, "footer"=>true}, expires_at: Time.current + 20.years)`


These two commands should work smoothly to enable that feature. I’ve used that multiple times myself and others have also reported that it works (see

Was there any error output when you ran them?

Dear Thomas,
I still have this issue.

  • I have run the commands as well and there was no error message from the rails console.
  • I precompiled the system again, but no effect.
  • Also no effect after a reboot.
  • I checked the DB and the entries were made as well.

I use a custom landing page, but I assume the footer is supposed to be on all pages, right?
I run the latest ST7.6.0 version.

Do you have any ideas or hints how to dig deeper to understand the problem? What file should I have to look for or a status code?


Hmm that is very strange. Unfortunately I’m not able to reproduce that behavior, so it’s quite difficult to investigate.

The Custom Landing Page has its own footer (defined in the Custom Landing Page file) and the regular footer will appear on all other pages (listings, profiles, static content…).

The plan_footer_disabled function on line 10 from footer_service.rb was always returning true, so I ended up customizing this function to always return false,
doing this removed the “upgrade to pro banner” and let me configure footer properties from admin, but the footer was still not displaying so I had to customize following files as well


Can you share some of the modifications in the application.haml and _footer.haml?

In application.haml line 86 and 87

- else
  = content_for(:page_content)

-# if @custom_footer.try(:display?)
= render 'layouts/footer'

-# Most of the JavaScript should be for performance reasons at the end of the body

In _footer.haml added this new line at top (first line) and indent rest of the code

- unless request.url.include? "/admin"

I managed to enable admin, but even after making modifications to files footer still is not showing on my site.

from this:

  • if @custom_footer.try(:display?)
    -# if @custom_footer.try(:display?)

and in _footer.haml

very first line:

  • unless request.url.include? “/admin”

But what do you mean by … and indent rest of the code???

What else needs to be done? I spent few hours and still not accomplished this.

make sure you unindent two spaces from this line.

= render 'layouts/footer'

so, from

- if @custom_footer.try(:display?)
  = render 'layouts/footer'


-# if @custom_footer.try(:display?)
= render 'layouts/footer'

and _footer.haml

- if request.url.include? "/admin"
  - return
- if @custom_footer.theme_logo?
  = render 'layouts/footer/theme_logo'
- else

Two spaces…Two spaces… Two spaces… that was my problem :smile:

Thank you very much. Works perfect!!!

Hello tried to run the command, but getting error message always. any idea please?

@mhlassoued Have you been able to figure this out already (as I’ve noticed your other thread has been removed)?

It seems that you are running the command all at once, but you should first launch your Rails console (probably just by typing rails in your command line) and only then, once “in Rails”, run the feature flag enabling line.

Hopefully, this helps!