BUG: Order type web url

Hi guys,

On the Sharetribe Go there is a small bug that could be confusing for final users.

If you create Listings > Order types > + Add an order type and then rename this Order type newly created, the web url will keep the old name in transaction_type=my-old-name instead of transaction_type=my-new-name


Hey there,

and thanks for reporting!

Indeed, this is not really a bug but more like something that could definitely be improved.

One challenge is that the name (my-old-name) is used in URLs. If the URL of the Order type would change too, then it would be far from ideal from an SEO perspective.

So, it’s not only about updating the URL but, for example, managing redirect (how many? for how long?) or having some unique ID in the URL and not only the vanity keywords. Both are solutions that can be considered, but require a bit more thinking and work.

If you implement something to improve this, let us know about the reasoning behind your technical choices!