Broken marketplace images

Unable to change profile images (broken image) – other images like cover photo are working fine and I was able to change them from admin panel.

I originally thought it was only profile images that were affected but small cover photo is also not loading correctly.

Upload profile image permission denied:

[ActiveJob] [DelayedPaperclip::ProcessJob] [893517bd-3b1e-49d4-9eff-099d3bb13dbe] [paperclip] Trying to link /tmp/ff2fc1625c27b7fb7907bf3d7df355e520190314-2452-196v9zs to /tmp/ceda043a9c00227bdf1c56b44e42d1cf20190314-2452-1gcg02

Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /home/ubuntu/marketplace/public/system/images/43OjybprRYactuD20tsLLw/original/photo.jpg - skipping file.

Upload small cover photo permission denied:

[ActiveJob] [DelayedPaperclip::ProcessJob] [9056c86e-ba10-450b-b5e5-d3868d924902] [paperclip] Trying to link /tmp/6a9a910f1c1fe79d549ea442585a5f3320190314-2452-1mpovas to /tmp/7c981e2c02994b847da71357dfd0140620190314-2452-g61n4o

Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /home/ubuntu/marketplace/public/system/small_cover_photos/1/original/interior-painting.jpg - skipping file.

[ActiveJob] [DelayedPaperclip::ProcessJob] [9056c86e-ba10-450b-b5e5-d3868d924902] Performed DelayedPaperclip::ProcessJob (Job ID: 9056c86e-ba10-450b-b5e5-d3868d924902) from DelayedJob(paperclip) in 4318.8ms

{“tag”:“delayed_job”,“free”:“Job success”,“type”:“success”,“structured”:{“payload”:"#\u003cActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper:0x005629147ca860 @job_data={“job_class”=\u003e"DelayedPaperclip::ProcessJob", “job_id”=\u003e"9056c86e-ba10-450b-b5e5-d3868d924902", “provider_job_id”=\u003enil, “queue_name”=\u003e"paperclip", “priority”=\u003enil, “arguments”=\u003e[“Community”, 1, “small_cover_photo”], “executions”=\u003e0, “locale”=\u003e"en"}\u003e"}}

[Worker(host:ip-172-31-13-197 pid:2452)] Job ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper (id=324) (queue=paperclip) COMPLETED after 4.3273

2019-03-14T09:44:12+0000: [Worker(host:ip-172-31-13-197 pid:2452)] Job ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper (id=324) (queue=paperclip) COMPLETED after 4.3273

[Worker(host:ip-172-31-13-197 pid:2452)] 1 jobs processed at 0.2305 j/s, 0 failed

2019-03-14T09:44:12+0000: [Worker(host:ip-172-31-13-197 pid:2452)] 1 jobs processed at 0.2305 j/s, 0 failed

Any ideas?

I know this is an old thread, but was OP or anyone else ever able to fix this issue? I’m having the same problem now.

Hi @yui

Did you try to restart the background jobs? or did you check the server memory? or maybe recently your server ruby path has been changed

Let me know if I can help you in any way.


I’ve been poking around, and it seems that every time I upload an image from the web interface, it changes the permissions on my ~/sharetribe/public/system/images folder to 755 with root:root as owner. As a result, the delayed jobs worker isn’t able to access the files. Any idea why this might be or how to fix it?

Hi @yui I will help you from this you, no need to pay anything.


In case this is helpful to someone in the future, I figured out the problem.

I had created a systemd service to control my http server (unicorn, in my case), but forgot to specify the user for the service. As a result, it was running as root and uploading images from the web interface as root. I was able to fix the issue by specifying that the service should run as the user that I used to set up Sharetribe.