Booking times that span into the morning hours of next day

I am using the self hosted custom app setup so looking to modify code there.

Is there an example or docs on how to allow a listing to set availability that ends next day morning hours? For example, a bar may open at 4pm but not close until 2am next day. Currently, the availability picker does not make this apparent as it is always setup in a way that the morning hours are of the same day, not next.

Also, when booking, if above were to work, are there examples or docs to make the booking date picker allow for spanning of next day hours too? Example, booking an event that may start at 10pm but end at 2am next day.

Hey @chris.sloan!

I believe that you are using the current version of Sharetribe (earlier named “Sharetribe Flex”), to which you can log in at Correct?

If yes, the best way to get help is:

This forum is dedicated to the Community Edition of Sharetribe Go, the old marketplace builder from Sharetribe, and you’re not likely to get more help about The New Sharetribe here.

Hopefully, this helps!