Best way to upgrade Sharetribe (with the latest release)

Hi Sharetribe community
What is the best way to upgrade Sharetribe, for example from version 5.7.1 to 5.9.0 please?
Thank you for your advice

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Hi. You can find instructions for upgrading between versions in The upgrade instructions detail any actions needed between two consecutive versions. In most cases you can skip a minor release in between. If you do so, read through the instructions for all upgrades and combine actions as needed. If you want to be extra safe you can go just one minor upgrade at a time.

Hi & thank you Olli
I already saw that but what is the basic instruction to install for example specific 5.8.0 version with git ?

So if you’re now in version 5.7.1, and you want to upgrade to 5.8.0 with git, you can do the following:

> git fetch
> git checkout v5.8.0

Those commands will update your local Sharetribe files to 5.8.0


Thank you @rap1ds ! :clap:
What will happen to customized files like config/config.yml config/database.yml if I follow your suggestion?
Is there a way to “put” the 5.8.0 release into a branch and review all potential conflicts before merging?

Kind regards

Late reply but the .gitignore hidden file in the Sharetribe root folder tells Git to ignore changes made to files in config/ so they won’t be overwritten when updating


Hi Jarvis,

Is that mean that, if I put the path of all of my changed/optimized files into the .gitnore, it will not override those and update the core (others files) of sharetribe?

Yes, but that isn’t a very good way to merge updates from the Sharetribe repo. You’ll likely break your installation when features that rely on the files you’ve updated are changed in the new version. Merging changes is a better option.

You should look at git merging - this Stackoverflow answer is pretty helpful.

The flow should be something like:

  • Work on your local version

  • Set gtihub/sharetribe/sharetribe.git as an ‘upstream’ branch

  • When sharetribe updates , you ‘fetch’ their branch and ‘merge’ with your master or current branch.

  • This fetch will show you conflicts between those files, which you manually fix, so that you can keep your changes, as well as integrate the changes Sharetribe may have added to those files.


Thanks Jarvis, now I got it. Gonna try. tks

Hi @thomasmalbaux
Happy New Year

It seems the last public release of Sharetribe Go on GitHub is 10.2.1

I also see a bunch of later updates in the commercial version of Sharetribe Go.

Is Sharetribe Go still OpenSource? Will you make your latest release public in the repo?


Hey @_strainly, and happy 2023 to you, too!

Indeed, we haven’t published a Go release in a while.

As you’ve noticed, there has been some development since that 10.2.1 and we are now working on a significant Rails update. It still needs some fine-tuning and I’m pretty sure we will create a new release soon after that update has been merged. I hope this will happen in the next 4-6 weeks.

In the meantime, if you want to put some new things into use already, you can always pull from master: this is what is running on the hosted version, and it has been stable.

Sharetribe Go is still source-available, yes. However, our focus is strongly on Sharetribe Flex and its future (stay tuned for some exciting news this year!). For Go, this means a stronger focus on updates, maintenance, bug fixes and smaller feature additions. Still, we plan to make these publicly available, as always, as soon as they are taken into use in the hosted version.

Does it clarify things? Let me know!

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Thanks a lot for your clear and thorough answer. Makes 100%!


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Hey @_strainly!

Just letting you know that we’ve now published v10.3.0:

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll publish another release containing some important upgrades (Rails v6.1, …). Stay tuned for that!

Hey @thomasmalbaux

Just noticed release v10.3.0 and could not find
“- Users with a disabled account will no longer receive email notifications”

Was this merged?


@_strainly Yes, you can find the related changes at

Thanks Jarvis! Do you think this is still the best approach to merging Sharetribe updates with modifications we have made on our end? - Susan