Author and listing shape search?

Hi there,

Does anyone know why a search with listing_shape_ids and author_id would need to use sphinx-search and db_query? As I see it author_id and listing_shape_ids are added to the where options on lines 11-17 (database_search_helper.rb)

def fetch_from_db(community_id:, search:, included_models:, includes:)
where_opts = HashUtils.compact(
community_id: community_id,
author_id: search[:author_id],
deleted: 0,
listing_shape_id: Maybe(search[:listing_shape_ids]).or_else(nil)

Still lines 48-49 define that the presence of listing_share_id(s) requires a sphinx-search:

def needs_search?(search)
].any? { |field| search[field].present? }

Any ideas?