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Show extended data on listing page

Learn how to show extended data on the listing page using the public data key.

Table of Contents

Show public data on ListingPage

In the previous article, we added "view" publicData key to the listing entity. In this article, we add that info to the listing page.

To add a view info to the ListingPage component we need to modify ListingPage.js and we also add a new subcomponent to that directory: SectionViewMaybe.js.

└── src
    └── containers
        └── ListingPage
            ├── ListingPage.js
            └── SectionViewMaybe.js

Add new subcomponent

SectionViewMaybe.js contains the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from '../../util/reactIntl';

// Import css from existing CSS Modules file:
import css from './ListingPage.module.css';

// Create new React component
const SectionViewMaybe = props => {
  // Component's props should include all the possible options (from config)
  // and listing's publicData
  const { options, publicData } = props;
  const selectedOption =
    publicData && publicData.view ? publicData.view : null;

  // Don't return anything if public data doesn't contain view field
  // That's why we named this component as SectionViewMaybe
  if (!publicData || !selectedOption) {
    return null;

  // Find selected options label
  const optionConfig = options.find(o => o.key === selectedOption);
  const optionLabel = optionConfig ? optionConfig.label : null;
  return (
    <div className={css.sectionFeatures}>
          values={{ view: optionLabel.toLowerCase() }}

export default SectionViewMaybe;

Modify ListingPage.js

We also need to modify ListingPage.js to take the new subcomponent into use.

Step 1: Import the component
import SectionViewMaybe from './SectionViewMaybe';
Step 2: Get view options from filter config

This can be done similarly as amenity options

const viewOptions = findOptionsForSelectFilter('view', filterConfig);
const amenityOptions = findOptionsForSelectFilter(
Step 3: Add new component to the returned JSX
<SectionViewMaybe options={viewOptions} publicData={publicData} />

Note: publicData is already spread out of currentListing.attributes on ListingPage.

Add microcopy

In addition, we need to add the new microcopy key ("ListingPage.viewType") to microcopy:

└── src
    └── translations
        └── en.json

The microcopy message we use contains a variable "view".

  "ListingPage.viewType": "Cottage with {view}",

After that you should have this new component visible on listings that have "view" key set: Screenshot from listing page

In the next article, we'll use this "view" public data field on listing page.
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