Upcoming EU SCA regulation requires changes to Stripe

I got email 3rd July from Stripe about the payment system changes. How is this taken into consideration in Sharetribe’s Open Source and more importantly, what do I as a site owner need to do about it? Will there be a new ST update or do I need to get someone to patch up my site?

Here is the Email in that Stripe sent me and other Stripe users:

Title: “Action required to prepare for upcoming SCA regulation”

Content: "We’re writing to let you know about required changes to your Stripe integration to prepare for new European regulation. Starting 14 September, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation will require two-factor authentication on many payments in Europe. Payments without SCA may be declined. You’ll need to update your integration by 14 September in order to avoid an increase in declined charges.

If you charge your customers when they’re not actively using your application (i.e., off-session, as with a subscription, a crowdfunding campaign, or a card saved for a travel reservation) your customers may need to authenticate when saving the payment method. We’ve released updates to our APIs to support this use case.

With this update, all businesses will find the set of APIs they need to update their integration to be SCA ready. We recommend starting your update soon to ensure that you have ample time to test your updated integration before September."

Links in the email with more info about SCA & info to developers:

Video about SCA: https://stripe.com/en-fi/payments/strong-customer-authentication

Regulatory guide: https://stripe.com/en-fi/guides/strong-customer-authentication

Designing payment flows: https://stripe.com/en-fi/guides/sca-payment-flows

Stripe’s videochat with developers about SCA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd1HAa7hlN5SCQjgCcGnsxw

What are your thoughts on it and how will this be handled?

Hi there,

this is indeed key if your marketplace operates in the EU.

We are working on this and we’ll have developments in place before the legal deadline. We’ll also publish a release, most likely before September 14th, but it’s good for you to reserve time to update your setup after we have released updates.

Stay tuned!

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@mikaelbos we should wait.

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Thanks for the reply. I’ll sit tight and wait, let us know if non-coders can help with anything :grinning:

I noticed Sharetribe 8.0.0 was released a few weeks back, congratulations @thomasmalbaux

I didn’t see mention of this in it’s version information, do you guys have any kind of estimate when this Sharetribe’s Stripe connection is updated to meet the SCA?

I don’t have any timeline to share at this point.

That will be enabled on the hosted version way the legal deadline and I imagine we’ll be ready to make a release before that date too.

Stay tuned!

Hi guys,

What is the update here? Is Sharetribe supporting the SCA regulation from 14. september directly from the Stripe API on Sharetribe 7.5.0

Kind regard
Morten (Tumlino)

We are still working on this (that represents quite some work!) and we’ll eventually share the update too, via a Go release. This is not in Sharetribe Go 7.5.0 or 8.0.0 and will be available in a future release.

There are tons of unknowns still, though: how banks will manage once it’s live, will UK banks make it happen after all or will they use the delay their regulator has approved, will there be delays in other countries, will most banks comply with the 3DS2 iframe recommendation or will it be necessary to develop other methods (redirection approach if banks are not ready for iframe, if not enough banks are ready on time), …

We’ll know how all of this works only after September 14th and we’re getting ready to improve and fix things as we discover them once the whole thing is actually happening for real. I’m not sure exactly when we’ll make a release with the whole complete working and stable code, as we have no idea yet how things will happen exactly on the 14th and many things may be fixed and stabilize in the following days/weeks.

We’ll share in the usual section and here when a release containing SCA related code will be published.

Hi @thomasmalbaux & team. Is there any ETA on the SCA update? If not an exact date, do you think it’ll make it by 14th or be after that? We understand there’s plenty of work. I guess me, @mtumlino and some marketplace owners I’ve talked to are worried if the payments will stop into a wall 14th especially as it would take some time to update things at our ends also :slight_smile: I’ve kept my marketplace so far on the bay partially because of this, but excited and anxious to resolve this so it can be launched.

Hi Mikael,

the code is available on the master branch at https://github.com/sharetribe/sharetribe so you can update from that upstream (and not only from the latest release).

I don’t think we’ll make a release now, as there are still lots of unknowns with how that will exactly work starting from tomorrow, and I expect that we’ll have to fix and change things in the upcoming weeks, when we experience things for real. Once this will be settled and stable enough, we’ll make a release.

But again master branch can be used already, keeping in mind that things are in progress there and moving all the time, vs a release “snapshot”.

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