I am successfully added linkedin login in old and latest code

soon i will add instruction… :smile:


Sounds great, I’m sure lots of people will appreciate it if you can share the code!

Sure! I will add to help people.

But i want to contribute with one branch so that you can check and merge my code to master sharetribe code.

I really appreciate if you allow me to contribute.

I’d be interested in that as well.


Is your sharetribe code running live?
Which version of sharetribe you are using?
Where i need to share code?

I’m currently developing with a test site running. I’d be interested in whatever insrructions you could share on linkedin integration.

Hi, any updates on this? We’re looking into integrating linkedin login on our site as well.


Thanks for your interest.

I am already added features.
Let me know how I can help you?

Hi thanks for your response. Sounds great! Have you shared the code somewhere where I can have a look?


Were you able to get LinkedIn working, and is there a link to a git repo or some place where we can view the code? We are interested in doing this, too.



Sorry, Rob for the delay.

Finally, I am sharing live and running sharetribe with Linked In login:


I really appreciate if you will provide your feedback.


Thanks for this. I noticed a few things which you may be able to comment on:

  1. You are doing both LinkedIn and FB OAuth authentication simultaneously. Is that accurate?
  2. The login via LinkedIn worked with no problem for me. I did notice that you don’t bring over any of the profile information from LinkedIn (e.g. location, picture, etc.). Is this something you intend to do?
  3. Do you see the LinkedIn users in the “Manage Users” option of the Admin console like any other user? Can you assign permissions like any other user (e.g. can post, admin, etc.)?
  4. I am assuming one user account can only authenticate using one method (sharetribe, FB, or LinkedIn), is that accurate?
  5. Are you willing to share the code and a tutorial about how you did what you did? I have a developer I am getting ready to do the integration with already. It may be more involved than your needs dictate, but if you’re wiling to share your code, we might not need to do it.
  6. Are you the coder, or is someone you hired doing the work?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!



Interested in this as well! anyone was able to integrate login with Strava?