How do you activate Calendar Availability?

How do you activate the Calendar Availability function in the Open Source version? Or is this another piece of code that Sharetribe only? There seems to be a new API that is called but no details are given about where to get the key for the API.


@rap1ds it would be great to get some commentary or guidance here.


I’m stuck on the same issue. I’ve been looking forward to the availability calendar for a long time, any help on this would be hugely appreciated.

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Thanks for asking, Matthew and Andy. We also would like to activate the availability calendar but can’t see how to do it. Is there a step we’re missing, Sharetibe team?
Thanks so much!

Hi there, I’m also very interest in this feature and I turned on this feature on the code, allowing admins to set the managed availability, and record at the transaction and listing tables, at the :availability column the value as booking.

But, after that, at the transaction table, i’ve got the :current_state column recorded as initiated, and it’s looks like I should had this record as preauthorize state, so the payment flow keeps going on further.

To activate that, I did comment the statements - if feature_enabled?(:availability) AND - if display_knowledge_base_articles code at /app/views/admin/listing_shapes/_shape_form_content.haml

Anybody have tips on that? tks

@matthewvryan you’re right - it does require an API key.

See this post. They use a ‘Harmony’ API which I haven’t been able to find anything about yet.

+1 to hearing about instructions for how we can enable this!

As others have already answered, Harmony is needed to make availability calendar work.

The timeline for Open Sourcing Harmony is still under discussion in Sharetribe Team, but I’m glad to hear people are eagerly waiting for it!


Harmony has been now open sourced. Installation instructions are also added to the Sharetribe docs.


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Thanks so much, Mikko and team!

Hey @rap1ds thanks for adding this documentation! I’ve installed Harmony on my local environment, now i am seeing the “Edit Availability Calendar” option enabled, but when i click on it, nothing happens… Maybe is because i need the Harmony API KEY? How can i get it?


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There is a default API key “secret1” configured to Harmony and the main Sharetribe app. They are in these two files:

It’s important to change these keys to something a bit more secret before going to production, but in order to just install Harmony and get it up and running locally, you shouldn’t need to change these keys. So there’s probably something else going wrong.

Check the Harmony log output, Rails log output and also the browser Web console to see what’s going on and what’s the error.

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Thanks for the answer!
It’s very weird, nothing on Harmony or Rails logs, the same with the browser console :frowning: No error or message… seems that the React App is not receiving the initial action to show the calendar…

I will keep the investigation here. Please let me know if you have an idea.


Thank you, Mikko and team. I would also like to know if you or anyone else has ideas about the problem eltonokada is still having. Thanks so much!

Hi @matthewvryan did you able to configure harmony? Please let me know if yes then can you please tell me at production or staging ENV what other changes we need to made for harmony other than written in harmony documentation.