Automatically run Sharetribe after server reboot [Ubuntu 16.04]

how to do that?

I am using Ubuntu 16.04, so I probably should checkout systemd?
any example script?


btw: What operating system you guys use for
my guess is Ubuntu 14.04 (I know you guys are using Heroku, but Heroku probably would tell you that right?)

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Yes, you should use systemd or another process manager (e.g. supervisord). I don’t have readily a tested configuration unfortunately, but you can take a look for example at my earlier post with upstart example - - and then at this guide:

When you get your systemd configuration working, it would be awesome if you share it here!

Yes, we are using Heroku. Looks like the Heroku runtime is built on Ubuntu 14.04.


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Thanks for reply.
I would share the script after it work on my machine~

Cheng Zheng.

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