Adding custom icons to CLP editor

Hey guys, after successfully setting up docker prod environment and local dev development, I’m struggling on enablement of custom icons (ornicons at all) within the custom landing page editor…in particular when adding multicolumn sections.

I tried now everything what came into my mind but the icon selector stays empty and doesn’t show any icon.

Version 10.x self hosted
Icon set: standard font-awesome set from git master

If anybody out there has some ideas what could be the potential cause…let me know! :wink:


Honestly questioning myself if there is any active community related to the GO community version? ˆˆ

I’m having the same problem and was wondering if OP or anyone else has found a solution? I’m assuming that this has something to do with the SS-Pika icons not being included with the Community Edition. I’m hoping to find a way to use the included FontAwesome icons instead.


unfortunately, i didn’t continue working on this until yet. Probably I will do soon.

First trying to get the Custom Landing Page - i18n working →

Later I’ll take another shot on the icons.

Just a short update that i finally found my way back to this issue. Unfortunately i’m still struggling to make it work.

Follwoing all the examples on allows me to do some customization. BUt all the icons are still not rendered.

From my gut feeling it could be jus a trivial thing i’m missing. ˆˆ

Have you made any progress? @yui